Shots of the panorama, filmed from the winding railroad tracks that stretch along the coast, from Beaulieu to Monaco, including tunnel passages.

WrestleMania XXIV was the twenty-fourth annual WrestleMania PPV. The event took place on March 30, 2008, at the Citrus Bowl in Orlando. The first main event was a Singles match from the SmackDown brand that featured The Undertaker challenging World Heavyweight Champion Edge for the title. The second was a Triple Threat match from the Raw brand, in which WWE Champion Randy Orton defended against challengers Triple H and John Cena. The third was a singles match featuring ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero defending against Kane. Other matches include a No DQ match with Floyd Mayweather Jr. fighting The Big Show, a Money in the Bank ladder match with Carlito, Shelton Benjamin, MVP, CM Punk, Mr. Kennedy, Jericho, and John Morrison, and a retirement match between Shawn Michaels & Ric Flair.

In a time when the main source of energy was still coal, there was a man who saw the future in oil. Young Tetsuzo Kunioka who hails from Moji, Kitakyushu, rides out into the oil business, but is faced with numerous challenges and competitors who stand in his way, including domestic suppliers and major western oil companies, or the "oil majors". But Tetsuzo never gave up, however despairing the situation was. He always found a way and paved a new road with his unconventional ideas, eccentric actions, and most of all, his caring heart toward his own men. That style of Tetsuzo's was not something that would ever change, even when the tides were against him in a war-lost Japan.

There are eight episodes in stories full of adventure and play in the neighborhood of Limoeiro, with a new car ride, lost treasure, art exhibition in the square, puppet theater, an unexpected escape from Cascão (again?), Characters Saltimbancos and a lot more.

This Is Where I Came In is the Bee Gees' 22nd and final studio album (twentieth worldwide), released in 2001. It is the only album of all-new material released by them on the Universal Music label (which had acquired the rights to the group's releases on Polydor Records when they bought that label's parent PolyGram). The album peaked at #6 in the UK, while the single, "This Is Where I Came In", reached #18. In the US, the album peaked at #16. The group appeared on the A&E concert series Live by Request in April, 2001 to promote the new album.

Are You Being Served? is one of the most popular and most outrageous British sitcoms of all time. For more than a decade, millions of viewers tuned in for its smutty innuendo and the electric chemistry between the cast. But behind the laughter were plenty of secrets and scandals.

Besides being an excellent showcase of Chiaki Mayumura's talents, this film is a brilliant melding of documentary and fiction.

Frank Wagner goes deeper undercover to infiltrate Europe's most dangerous Mafia, the Russian-est, consisting of ex - KGB officers.

Инопланетная сущность сеет хаос в американской глуши. Фантастический хоррор о тайнах параллельных измерений

Сюжета в интернете не нашёл, но судя по трейлеру расклад такой - прилетела женщина в фольге на Землю и попала в якутскую деревню, и вместе с ней какая-то инопланетная зараза, вселяющаяся в деревенских гопарей, из-за чего они кидаются душить бабушек. Да.

Set in rural Arkansas in 1973, Come Morning is the tragic story of Frank and his 10-year-old grandson and the hunting accident that forever changes their lives.

В основе сюжета фильма — реальные события, происходившие в восемнадцатом веке среди гор Тянь-Шаня. Люди в этих местах тогда жили согласно непоколебимым законам жизни, установленным предками в стародавние времена. Бай Базарбай выдает старшую дочь замуж за богатого жениха. У Базарбая есть и младшая дочь, Бегимай, которая дружит с Эсеном, младшим сыном вдовы Дарийки. Но после того, как Базарбай приказывает срубить священное дерево, наступает период раздоров и хаоса. После убийства старшего сына Дарийки, Асана, Эсен вынужден покинуть родину. Случайная встреча с одиноким охотником становится для него поворотной.

The story of the rock and metal music scene in the '80s and '90s in Ankara, the capital of Turkey -- the city which is deemed to be 'gray', considered as 'lifeless', 'soulless' and 'dull', and labeled as a 'city of politics' -- and a band's attempts to get out of it despite their love of their hometown.

1214 год. Англией правит кровавый тиран — король Джон Первый, брат Ричарда Первого. Король постоянно развлекает себя просмотрами рыцарских турниров и на этот раз должна состояться дуэль между Болдриком — чемпионом Фландрии и графом Хантингтона — Робином, сыном знаменитого Робин Гуда Шервудского леса. Король жаждет смерти Робина за то, что его отец получил в свое время освобождение от государственных налогов. Он подговаривает Болдрика убить Робина во время поединка. Храбрый юноша оказывается проворнее чемпиона и его копье пронзает заговорщика насквозь. Раздосадованный неудачным исходом его замыслов, король посылает войска в Хангтингтон с документом, отменяющим неуплату налогов и требованием заплатить все налоги за прошлые годы. Робин и все жители графства встают на защиту своих прав...

Behind-the-scenes stories from the long-running sci-fi drama. There are tales of stunts that went dangerously wrong and secrets of how the crew brought monsters to life, as well as revelations about how some storylines proved to be so scary the BBC were forced to re-edit episodes.

Amateur astronomer Len is over the moon when he discovers a new comet. But, a disdainful colleage is not so sure this heavenly body is all it appears to be...