In her early twenties, Hiam Abbass left her native Palestinian village to follow her dream of becoming an actress in Europe, leaving behind her mother, grandmother, and seven sisters. Thirty years later, her filmmaker daughter Lina returns with her to the village and questions for the first time her mother’s bold choices, her chosen exile and the way the women in their family influenced both their lives.

A tüdőtuberkulózisban szenvedő Lisának élete szerelméhez, a koncertzongorista Stefanhoz írt búcsúlevelével kezdődik. Visszaidézve elénk tárul Lisa életútja: Stefan iránti szerelme korán kezdődik, és hamarosan tébolyult vonásokkal párosul. A lány a lemondo szerelmes szerepében tetszeleg, s minden bátorítástól elzárkózik. Amikor sok év múlva rövid viszonya lesz Stefannal, terhessége ellenére elköltözik a zongoristától, nehogy karrierjét akadályozza. Egy másik férfihoz megy feleségül, belül azonban hű marad Stefanhoz. Amikor később véletlenül viszontlátja a férfit, aki már alig emlékszik rá, súlyosan megbetegedik, és fiával együtt megy a halálba.

This is the second silent (save for a song) slapstick comedy short about adventures of Worldly, Coward, and Fool. In a small hunting lodge three friends are making illegal moonshine. Bottled "product" fills shelves quickly. Life is good. But their dog Barbos doesn't understand that bringing a moonshine condenser coil to a police station is a bad idea...

A detective accidentally kills a man and disposes of the body to protect his career. The next day he sees that someone has hanged the corpse from a crane for all to see. He takes charge of the murder investigation to protect himself and find out who did it.

In the slum of Cité Soleil, President Aristide's most loyal supporters were ruling as kings. The five major gang leaders were controlling heavily armed young men; the Chiméres. The Secret army of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. "Ghosts of Cité Soleil" is a film about Billy and Haitian 2pac. Two brothers. Gang Leaders of the Chiméres.

A woman is desperate to find the cure to her daughter's illness. She takes a job at a call center, only to be haunted by the ghost in it.

A menyasszony Julie Kohler tragikus körülmények között veszítette el a vőlegényét. Szerelme halála után öngyilkos akart lenni, de az anyja megakadályozta ebben. A lány hamarosan új célt talál magának. Elhagyja szülővárosát, és férfiakra kezd vadászni. Halálos biztonsággal választja ki a számára ismeretlen embereket, behálózza őket, majd végez velük. Négy áldozata már halott, amikor kiderül, hogy valamennyinek köze volt Julie vőlegényének halálához. Már csak az utolsó, az ötödik van hátra, amikor Julie-t letartóztatják. Ám a bosszúja így sem marad el.

Ahn Jung-geun, a commander in the Korean Independence Army, leaves behind his country, his family and his mother Cho Maria. Ahn Jung-geun and his comrades cut off the last segment of their ring fingers as a symbol of their dedication to liberate their nation, and as a solemn oath to kill Ito Hirobumi, a man at the center of Japan’s occupation of Korea, within three years. To keep his oath, Ahn Jung-geun arrives in Vladivostok. Meanwhile, Seol-hee, the independence fighters’ informant, disguises herself to get close to Ito Hirobumi. She finds out that Ito Hirobumi will be heading to Harbin to meet with a Russian delegation, and urgently informs the independence fighters. The fateful day of October 26, 1909 arrives. Ahn Jung-geun, who has been yearning for this day does not hesitate to fire his gun at Ito Hirobumi at Harbin Station. Arrested on site, he is charged with murder and tried not in a court of Joseon but in that of Japan…

Mi lett volna, ha…? Ezzel a felütéssel tekint életére Julia, akinek a karrierje és a magánélete összes fontos állomásánál felvillan egy másik élet, egy másik sors, az, amelyiket élhette volna, ha az adott pillanatban máshogyan dönt. Vajon boldogabb, sikeresebb élete lett volna, találkozott volna másik szerelemmel, csillogóbb karriert futott volna be? Egy élet: számtalan lehetőség. A Mi lett volna, ha… szerelmes vallomás az élethez, ami egyenesen a szívhez szól.

Egy rettenetes légi katasztrófa után a baleset egyik túlélője, Max Klein új ember lesz, bár az életében bekövetkezetett fordulat távolról sem mondható pozitívnak. Miután képtelen kapcsolatot teremteni feleségével és visszatalálni korábbi életmódjához, sérthetetlen istennek képzeli magát. A pszichológus segítsége sem ér semmit, ám Max találkozik egy sorstársával, a fájdalomtól és bűntudattól meggyötört Carla Rodrigóval, aki ugyan túlélte a tragédiát, de kisgyereke a roncsok között halt meg.

New York, 2010. Jeff Harris, a music journalist, sets out to uncover the truth about Francisco Tenório Júnior, a young Brazilian samba-jazz pianist who disappeared in Buenos Aires on March 18, 1976.

Trapped in her anemic career and love relationship, a 30-year-old TV commercial director returns to her countryside home in the company of a free-spirited friend. In a bittersweet reunion with an alienated family, her childhood memories of freedom and yearnings creep in the dreamlike blue hour, transcending into a lyricism of self-realization – at once whimsical, agonizing and yet hopeful.

Helen Smallbone a hitével tartja össze kilencgyermekes családját, és a küzdelmekből kalandot csinál gyermekei számára.

Inspired by the story of Malik Oussekine, an affair of police violence which is believed to have caused the death of 22-year-old Malik Oussekine on the night of 5-6 December 1986, following several weeks of student protests against a university reform bill

Egy apa és fia kapcsolatát követi nyomon a film, akik karmesterek.

The awkward, distant, and wounded three sisters gather at their hometown for their father's birthday. However, on the day of the party, there is a big mess because of their little brother Jin-seob's abnormal behavior, and the past of the three sisters slowly reveals.

PROPHETS is the story of an encounter and a confrontation between Sara, an independent Italian journalist who was kidnapped in Syria by ISIS while she was working on a war news report in 2015, and Nur, the young foreign fighter, wife to a soldier of the Caliphate who holds Sara in custody in a building located in the middle of a training camp. Nur’s strong will to proselytize, together with the strict orders of the leader of the camp, will unfold into an attempt to convert Sara and make her join Islamic extremism.

On the eve of a vote to greenlight the construction of a leisure centre where a primal forest currently stands, an unashamedly right-wing mayor sets out to trap his ecologist opponent. But both will end up being outwitted by a group of feminist activists who will confront the two men with their own contradictions, once and for all.

The rich merchant Lui Ming and a his old opponent Yeung Wai fight for everything for years. This time they compete for first to be grandpa! Yeung is going have a grandson from his son Alex and daughter in law Shan. Lui therefore threat his grandnephew couple Scallop and Snowy who live off his money to have baby, or will cut off all financial supports. Lui also hire the Super Star midwife Gong San to supervise and urge Scallop and Snowy. The couple’s life turns upside down, but recalls their romantic passion of the beginning of love…

After two impoverished teenage brothers manage to escape their abusive father, they embark on a treacherous and haunted journey in the hope of finding their estranged mother who has joined a sadistic cult, deep in the woods of Northwest Pennsylvania.