An alcoholic, abusive ne'er-do-well is shown the error of his ways through a legend that dooms the last person to die on New Year's Eve before the clock strikes twelve to take the reins of Death's chariot and work tirelessly collecting fresh souls for the next year.

The story of a donkey Balthazar as he is passed from owner to owner, some kind and some cruel but all with motivations beyond his understanding. Balthazar, whose life parallels that of his first keeper, Marie, is truly a beast of burden, suffering the sins of humankind. But despite his powerlessness, he accepts his fate nobly.

A newly reunited father and son grapple with new beginnings after tragedy, but can they manage to fill the void left by a beloved wife and mother?

To save their cash-strapped orphanage, a guardian and his kids partner with a washed-up boat captain for a chance to win a lucrative fishing competition.

Kuramoto Erica, Nitta Yui, Suzuhara Misa and Sasaki Kotone are not your average school girls. They are in fact blessed with supernatural powers, which they use to defend the common people from alien creatures.

Two years after escaping from demonic terror, a young woman is still haunted by unnatural vision. The dangers that await her and her friends are increasingly threatening.

Inšpiratívny skutočný príbeh dostihového koňa menom Dream Alliance a jeho majiteľky, barmanky z malého waleského mesta Jan Vokesovej. Jan nemá veľa peňazí ani skúseností, preto presvedčí svojich susedov, aby podporili jej ambiciózny plán a venovali časť svojho skromného zárobku na starostlivosť o budúceho šampióna. Ich investícia sa vyplatí, pretože Dream Alliance stúpa nezadržateľne nahor a dosahuje impozantné úspechy. Napriek takmer fatálnemu zraneniu sa z prehliadaného outsidera stane víťaz jedného z najdôležitejších britských dostihov a symbol nádeje pre chudobnú komunitu.

In 1856, two women forge a close connection despite their isolation on the American frontier.

Fantomas vymyslel ďalší pekelný kúsok: najbohatším ľuďom sveta dá na výber – buď život alebo tzv. daň z práva na život. Všetci ohrození boháči sa stretnú v Škótsku, v prepychovom zámku lorda MacRashleye. Nechýba ani novinár Fandor, jeho snúbenica Helena a komisár Juve so svojim pomocníkom. Nikto však netuší že na zámku je aj Fantomas, ktorý vďaka svojmu prestrojeniu a umeniu v zhotovovaní dokonalých masiek sa stane dokonca samotným lordom Rashleyem. Snaží sa získať diamanty v cene milión dolárov, ale v pätách má Fandora s Helenou a komisára Juvea...

When Hong Kong is rocked by multiple gruesome murders, the police forms a task force to investigate. Jun, once a brilliant detective who suffered a mental breakdown, begins his own investigation. Eventually, the police learn that the murder victims are all suspects of cold cases being rubbed out by a figure known as "The Sleuth". Now, Jun and a detective from the task force are on a race against time to beat the brutal killer at its own game.

After a perverted impulse drives them to kill, Alice and her boyfriend, Luc, drag the body into the woods, only to find themselves hopelessly lost – much like the fairy-tale plight of Hansel and Gretel. Starving and with no hope of being found, they chance upon a dilapidated cottage where a hulking man takes them prisoner and proceeds to feed Luc's sexual appetite.

Po poprave svojho milovaného manžela Peyraca žila Angelika istý čas medzi parížskou spodinou po boku svojho priateľa z detstva Nicolasa. Po jeho smrti a mnohých dobrodružstvách sa nakoniec rozhodla vydať za bratanca Filipa de Plessis-Bellieres. Jej nový manžel nečakane zomrie na bojovom poli a Angelika je vzápätí povolaná kráľom späť na dvor, aby splnila náročnú diplomatickú úlohu. Má presvedčiť perzského veľvyslanca Batchary-Beja k podpisu zmluvy o spolupráci s Francúzskom. Bej je však jej krásou okúzlený natoľko, že ju uväzní vo svojom paláci. Zo zajatia ju síce zachráni maďarský gróf Rákoczi, dohoda je však ohrozená a kráľ zúri. Angelika je zatknutá, ale ani kráľ neodolá jej kráse. Keď však vidí, že si jej náklonnosť nezíska, pretože medzi nimi stojí tieň Peyracovej smrti, prezradí Angelike, že to nebol on, kto zomrel na hranici. Život krásnej markízy dostáva nový zmysel a ona sa vydá hľadať svojho strateného manžela...

Cassandre, 26, is a flight attendant for a low-cost airline. Based in Lanzarote, she’s always willing to take on extra hours and carries out her duties with robotic efficiency. On the side, she just goes with the flow and floats between Tinder, parties and lazy days. When she suddenly gets dismissed, she is forced to return home.

Constance and her fiancé hope to one day take over, modernize and expand her father’s farm, on the verge of bankruptcy, to the large-scale farms that share the land and power. She gains the support of the influential and charismatic Sylvain, their fate quickly lying in his hands... When Sylvain's desire for her steps in the negotiations, Constance must face yet another kind of violence.

Based on one of the most shocking and gruesome murder cases in Brazil, the film presents de Suzane von Richthofen's point of view of the events that led to the death of her parents.

Elijah must balance his dream of becoming a master sommelier with his father's expectations that he carry on the family's Memphis BBQ joint.

When blind former Olympic skier Sophie Scott cat-sits in a secluded mansion, she gets caught in the crossfire of a home invasion scheme. She must rely on a sighted Army veteran via the See for Me app to help her survive the night.

Brent Weinbach is weird. In this show, Brent attempts to adjust his quirky personality so that he can fit in with the world around him, which would be valuable to his career as a comedian and entertainer. Through an absurd and abstract discourse, Brent explores the ways in which he can appeal to a broader, mainstream audience, so that ultimately, he can become successful in show business.

Jorge, bastard child of the infamous Red Light Bandit, decides himself to pursuit a life of crime after meeting with his father, who has been incarcerated for the last 30 years.

When something horrible happens to the only survivor of a bloody massacre, an insecure rookie cop must overcome his fears to stop further carnage.