On his journey towards becoming a film director, Cole discovers an insight that flips his perspective on his way of living.

V pohraniční oblasti mezi Severní a Jižní Koreou jsou zabiti dva severokorejští vojáci, což vyvolá vyšetřování ze strany neutrálního orgánu. Střelcem je seržant, ale hlavní vyšetřovatelka, švýcarsko-korejská žena, dostává od obou stran rozdílné výpovědi.

Since some bird chicks hatched in the neighborhood, the bat hasn't got any sleep.

Lee Nelson, the legend behind BBC Three's smash-hit comedy series, unleashes the full force of his hilarious stand-up live to DVD for the first time. Filmed at London's Shepherd's Bush Empire on his sensational sell-out Lee Nelson Live tour, this show is an unmissable mix of banter, games and gags, making it unlike any other live stand-up! Strap yourself in for almost two hours of unstoppable entertainment as Lee rips in to the crowd, chats up the ladies, pulls punters in to the action and raises the roof with his laugh-out-loud tales of life. All accompanied by Lee’s best mate and ‘fat legend’ Omelette.

In an updated contemporary version of the beloved stage play and 1989 film, "Steel Magnolias" chronicles the lives and friendship of six women in Louisiana. Supporting each other through their triumphs and tragedies, they congregate at Truvy’s beauty shop to ponder the mysteries of life and death, husbands and children - and hair and nails - all the important topics that truly unite and celebrate women.

Hüseyin Al Baldawi arrives in Brussels in August 2015. He has traveled thousands of kilometers until he got there from Iraq. A year after his arrival, he receives his residence permit and decides to go to Greece. This journey from Brussels to Athens involves the viewers on the difficulties faced by Hüseyin and thousands of other immigrants. While the story of Hüseyin is taking shape through the countries he travels, the forgotten people he meets and the selfish society of Europe give us many messages, as well.

Všechno začalo zásnubním prstenem, který Sejal ztratila na dovolené v Evropě. Vydává se po vlastních stopách, aby ho našla. Na cestě do Amsterodamu, Prahy, Budapešti a Lisabonu ji nejdřív nepříliš ochotně doprovází průvodce turistů Harinder přezdívaný Harry

Rishi je trošku frajer, kterého ani nenapadne, aby své citlivé manželce Maye i po několika letech dopřál potomka a věnoval jí trošku lásky. Ta mu to oplácí chladem a ledovými pohledy. Veleúspěšná manažerka Rhea dává svému manželovi Devovi, který kvůli zranění musel přerušit fotbalovou kariéru, neustále najevo jeho podřadnost... a je jen otázkou času, kdy se všichni čtyři setkají a přijde láska, která zničí všechny.

Giacomo is a low-level actor and voice actor with a great passion for acting. After another disappointing audition he has one last chance to get the part assigned

David, a struggling comedy writer fresh off from breaking up with his boyfriend, moves from New York City to Sacramento to help his sick mother. Living with his conservative father and much-younger sisters for the first time in ten years, he feels like a stranger in his childhood home. As his mother’s health declines, David frantically tries to extract meaning from this horrible experience and convince everyone (including himself) that he's "doing okay.”

Talentovaná mladá zpěvačka má na oblíbené pěvecké soutěži neuvěřitelný úspěch. Mnohem víc ale touží získat lásku svého otce, který je členem poroty.

The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.

A grieving young inventor finds solace in repairing an antique typewriter.

Cupid, the God of love, gets the order to unite two people. On Earth, Otto fails as a street musician because his guitar breaks. While buying a new string, his hand gets stuck in the purse of Tina, who works at the Dr. Bayerle beauty farm. When she enters the subway, the purse is teared off and Otto is hit by Cupid's arrow. Now he wants to give back her purse at the doctor's conference.

Otto is Friesland's answer to Rambo and stands between two worlds, two women and two animals. While he's trying to cure a dog with bite inhibition and a cat with suicidal tendencies, the dream of his sleepless nights crosses his path: Gaby. Otto falls instantly in love, but Gaby thinks only of Amboss, a real guy with muscles of steel and a brain of rubber. Well, Otto on the other hand is not exactly well built and attractive. But he's determined to get the lady's attention, even if it means taking part in body-building competitions...

As Shannon, a woman who wants to put her father's ashes away in the woods witnesses a corrupt cop dealing drugs with a junkie, she has to try and run away after she gets rampaged by two discreditable cops after they see her taking secret photographs of their crime maneuver. They then do a cat-and-mouse game around the woods as Shannon teams up with a retired sheriff along the way for more reinforcement. It's just a diversion of survival and egalitarianism.

Je rok 2006 a Luca se se svými spolužáky se připravuje na složení zkoušky dospělosti. Protože je krásné léto, celá parta přátel okolo Lucy si vždy najde lepší důvod než se učit, např. koupání, oslavy, právě probíhající mistrovství světa ve fotbale a důvod největší - lásku. Jak to asi dopadne, kdy se Luca zamiluje do bláznivé dívky Azzury, která den před jeho maturitou odjiždí?

Jake, který přežil masakr děsivé Kayako a Toshia, je znovu vystaven mučivým vizím. Skončí v nemocnici, kde se o jeho případ zajímá Dr. Sullivanová. Postupně zjišuje, že Jakeovy strašidelné historky jsou pravdivé. Jeho jedinou nadějí se zdá tajuplná Japonka, která by možná mohla umlčet duchy navždy... pokud její plán nezničí všechny!

Let’s get SICK’NING for the Holidays! RuPaul’s Drag Race legend Laganja Estanja is here for Hey Qween’s Very Green Christmas Special!

Řetězová zpráva vypráví příběh skupiny středoškoláků, kteří všichni obdrží stejný dopis s varováním, že pokud ho nepošlou dál, zemřou. Zpočátku většina z nich varování ignoruje, dokud dva z nich – Johnny a Dante, kteří dopis nepřeposlali, zemřou hroznou smrtí. Inteligentní Jessie Campbell začne mít podezření, že mezi jejich smrtí a řetězovým dopisem existuje spojitost, a záhy se rozpoutá souboj s časem, při kterém jsou studenti nuceni zjistit, jakým způsobem je vrah sleduje.