An unsettling and eye-opening Wall Street horror story about Chinese companies, the American stock market, and the opportunistic greed behind the biggest heist you've never heard of.

A Marine veteran working as a school janitor tries to mend his relationship with his son after a divorce. When his son is killed by a police officer found innocent without standing trial, he takes matters into his own hands.

The McMartin family's lives are turned upside down when they are accused of serious child molestation. The family run a school for infants. An unqualified child cruelty "expert" videotapes the children describing outrageous stories of abuse. One of the most expensive and long running trials in US legal history, exposes the lack of evidence and unprofessional attitudes of the finger pointers which kept one of the accused in jail for over 5 years without bail.

After a series of deaths in a small provincial town, a determined detective attempts to uncover the killer — and British expat Earl is the prime suspect.

Men & Chicken is a black comedy about two outcast brothers who, by getting to know their unknown family, discover a horrible truth about themselves and their relatives.

Convicted felon Jimmy gets early parole after serving twelve years for armed robbery. Upon his release, he vows to give Annie, his childhood love, now dying from cancer, the best last year of her life – unfortunately it’s not that simple.

Arturo loses his tech job to an algorithm he created and ends up working as a delivery man, monitored by an unreasonably strict app. His only solace comes from Stella, a hologram-for-girlfriend whose free trial is running out. Unable to renew the subscription due to his financial uncertainty, Arturo decides to take a stand.

Vigilante, a small armored truck company, is in full crisis mode. Victim of three violent hold-ups in a year, which left no survivors, the company is on the verge of bankruptcy and its employees are extremely worried. Some even suggest a complicity between the robbers and the firm. It is in this difficult context that a man, Alexandre Demarre, one morning presents himself to start his first day of work at Vigilante.

The crooks in London know how it works. No one carries guns and no one resists the police. Then a new gang appears that go one better. They dress as police and steal from the crooks. This upsets the natural order of the police/criminal relationship and the police and the crooks join forces to catch the IPOs (Impersonating Police Officers), including an armoured car robbery in which the police must help the gangs to set a trap.

An artist grows distant from his new wife as an irrational horror of premature burial consumes him.

A guy with his guts on the outside of his body really wants a promotion.

Nuori miljoonaperijä Simon Cable (Ryan Philippe) herää sairaalassa vuonna 2002. Ongelmana on, että hänen viimeinen muistikuvansa on kahden vuoden takaa. Siinä välissä Simon on ilmeisesti mennyt naimisiin, hankkinut rakastajattaren ja menettänyt veljensä Peterin (Robert Sean Leonard) onnettomuudessa. Vaimo Anna (Piper Perabo) sekä rakastajatar Claire (Sarah Polley) vierailevat vuorotellen hämmentämässä Simonin jo valmiiksi umpipihalla notkuvaa päätä. Ikään kuin tämä ei jo riittäisi, alkaa Simon myös mystisesti hyppiä kahdella aikatasolla, pystyen vaikuttamaan molempien tapahtumiin. Taustat ja motiivit aukenevat vähä vähältä niin Simonille kuin katsojallekin.

Katkera poliisi joutuu poispilatun näyttelijän kaitsijaksi. Sitten heidän pitää löytää yhteinen sävel paetakseen palkkamurhaajia.

Kaikkien aikojen tunnetuimpiin sarjamurhaajiin lukeutuva Viiltäjä-Jack herätti hyytävää pelkoa Lontoon köyhälistökortteleissa vuonna 1888. Poliisi ei saanut prostituoituihin keskittyneitä murhia selvitettyä, ja brutaalit tapahtumat jäivät kiehtomaan ikuisiksi ajoiksi lukuisia kirjailijoita ja elokuvantekijöitä. Aiheen otti käsittelyyn vuonna 1976 legendaarinen espanjalaisohjaaja Jesús "Jess" Franco (1930-2013), jonka kiehtovasta mielestä lähtivät myös muun muassa elokuvat Vampyros Lesbos (1971) ja Venus in Furs (1969). Francon versiossa Viiltäjä-Jackin rooliin nousee ikoninen Klaus Kinski (Aguirre - Jumalan viha). Suomessa myös Sohon teurastaja -nimellä tunnettu elokuva on alansa kahden huipun viiltävä tyylinnäyte brutaalista väkivallasta, maanisesta seksuaalisuudesta ja ihmismielen karmivuudesta.

Kolmen kehnosti istuvissa smokeissa keikaroivan miehen matkasuunnitelmat menevät pahasti pieleen.

While her apartment is being renovated, Jacqueline is thrilled to be forced into spending "a few days" with her eldest daughter Carole and her son-in-law, who are both in couples therapy. These "few days" turn into "a few months". Jacqueline quickly feels at home. She prepares dinners, monopolizes the television, reorganizes the kitchen... She is here, and no one knows for how long!

Separated from her fiance after sneaking onto a restricted slope, Mia, a free riding snowboarder, must survive not only against nature, but the masked snowmobile rider in black who's out for her blood.

Miten ihmiskunnan käy, kun teknologia valtaa alaa sosiaaliselta kanssakäymiseltä. Ja mitäs sitten tapahtuu, kun elektroniset laitteet vikaantuvat maailmanlaajuisen myrskyn vuoksi? (Owla)

Radio talk show therapist Sonny Blake moves back to her childhood home on seemingly idyllic Rosewood Lane after her alcoholic father dies. But upon arrival in the old neighborhood, Sonny discovers her neighbors are terrified of the local paperboy. She thinks this is ridiculous, until she encounters the boy himself. It turns out that he is a cunning and dangerous sociopath, one who may have gruesomely killed her father - and others.

A couple with marriage problems goes to Family Court, where a judge takes them back in time to view lovers through the ages.