An unsettling and eye-opening Wall Street horror story about Chinese companies, the American stock market, and the opportunistic greed behind the biggest heist you've never heard of.

A Marine veteran working as a school janitor tries to mend his relationship with his son after a divorce. When his son is killed by a police officer found innocent without standing trial, he takes matters into his own hands.

The McMartin family's lives are turned upside down when they are accused of serious child molestation. The family run a school for infants. An unqualified child cruelty "expert" videotapes the children describing outrageous stories of abuse. One of the most expensive and long running trials in US legal history, exposes the lack of evidence and unprofessional attitudes of the finger pointers which kept one of the accused in jail for over 5 years without bail.

After a series of deaths in a small provincial town, a determined detective attempts to uncover the killer — and British expat Earl is the prime suspect.

Gabriel a Elias sa od svojho umierajúceho otca dozvedia, že sú adoptovaní. Ich biologickým otcom je Evelio Thanatos, odborník na výskum kmeňových buniek. Po príjazde na odľahlý ostrov Ork bratia zistia, že majú ďalších troch súrodencov – veľmi neortodoxných… Ako skultivovať trio neotesaných buranov, ktorí chodia spať so sliepkami a vyhľadávajú bitky ? Uznávaný majster čiernych severských komédií sa po dlhšej prestávke vracia s nádherne absurdným filmom o vajíčkach, ktoré padli ďaleko od stromu.

Convicted felon Jimmy gets early parole after serving twelve years for armed robbery. Upon his release, he vows to give Annie, his childhood love, now dying from cancer, the best last year of her life – unfortunately it’s not that simple.

Desivo zábavná komédia o tom, čo nás čaká v blízkej budúcnosti, keď budeme aj naďalej len stáť a pozerať sa ako sprostí... Manažér Arturo zavedie vo svojej spoločnosti nový algoritmus, ten sa však ukáže byť natoľko efektívny, že kvôli nemu príde o zamestnanie. Čoskoro ho opustí partnerka i všetci priatelia a on si nájde prácu cyklokuriéra. Jedinou útechou v jeho osamelom živote skrachovanca je hologram Stella. Po prvom týždni na vyskúšanie aplikácie zdarma, sa Arturo na Stellu upne, nemá však z čoho zaplatiť predĺženie predplatného. Aby si udržal aspoň virtuálne šťastie a lásku, musí tvrdo pracovať...

Vigilante, a small armored truck company, is in full crisis mode. Victim of three violent hold-ups in a year, which left no survivors, the company is on the verge of bankruptcy and its employees are extremely worried. Some even suggest a complicity between the robbers and the firm. It is in this difficult context that a man, Alexandre Demarre, one morning presents himself to start his first day of work at Vigilante.

The crooks in London know how it works. No one carries guns and no one resists the police. Then a new gang appears that go one better. They dress as police and steal from the crooks. This upsets the natural order of the police/criminal relationship and the police and the crooks join forces to catch the IPOs (Impersonating Police Officers), including an armoured car robbery in which the police must help the gangs to set a trap.

An artist grows distant from his new wife as an irrational horror of premature burial consumes him.

A guy with his guts on the outside of his body really wants a promotion.

Simon Cable sa prebúdza v nemocnici s totálnou stratou pamäte. Nespomína si na svoje manželstvo, okolnosti smrti vlastného brata, ani dopravnú nehodu, ktorá ho takmer stála život. Má vymazané posledné dva roky života. Jeho lekár mu pomáha pamäť obnoviť a postupne sa Simonovi začínajú vybavovať jednotlivé udalosti v snoch. Čoskoro zisťuje, že je v týchto "spomienkach" schopný meniť veci, ktoré sa mu v minulosti stali. A pokúsi sa zmeniť svoju minulosť.

Former SWAT leader David Hendrix and hard-partying movie star Brody Walker must cut their ride-along short when a police training facility is attacked by a team of mercenaries.

A serial killer whose mother was a prostitute starts killing streetwalkers as a way of paying back his mother for her abuse.

Travel plans for three men in ill-fitting wedding tuxedos goes horribly wrong.

While her apartment is being renovated, Jacqueline is thrilled to be forced into spending "a few days" with her eldest daughter Carole and her son-in-law, who are both in couples therapy. These "few days" turn into "a few months". Jacqueline quickly feels at home. She prepares dinners, monopolizes the television, reorganizes the kitchen... She is here, and no one knows for how long!

Separated from her fiance after sneaking onto a restricted slope, Mia, a free riding snowboarder, must survive not only against nature, but the masked snowmobile rider in black who's out for her blood.

Loneliness, death and the meaning of life, explored through vastly separate lives colliding in interweaving short stories set in future Earth.

Doktorka Sonny Blakeová, psychiatrička a moderátorka rozhlasovej talk show Talk Line, sa rok po otcovej smrti vracia na Rosewood Lane v Stillwateri a nasťahuje sa do jeho domu. Sonny prešla tvrdou výchovou svojho otca a sama chodila na terapiu k doktorke Cloeyovej. Sonnyho priateľ, okresný prokurátor Barrett Tanner, jej pomáha pri sťahovaní. Po príchode sa Sonny od susedov dozvie, že miestny doručovateľ novín je nebezpečný blázon. Sonny zistí, že sa vlámal do domu a možno zabil jej otca, ale detektívi Briggs a Sabatino jej neveria a všetko pripisujú bujnej fantázii. Keď Barretta napadnú a zmizne, Sonny a jej priateľka Paula Crenshawová zavolajú políciu, ale nič a nikoho nenájdu. Je Sonny blázon, alebo je novinár stelesnené zlo?

A couple with marriage problems goes to Family Court, where a judge takes them back in time to view lovers through the ages.