Mecha Mutt, a revolutionary remote-controlled lunar rover resembling a large canine, goes rogue at Houston's Annual Science Expo. Scooby-Doo! Mecha Mutt Menace is the fourth in a series of direct-to-video short films.

Weasly perekond kutsub Harry veetma suvepuhkuse viimast kahte nädalat nendega enne, kui nad Hogwartsi nõiakooli enda neljandale õppeaastale lähevad. Külastades lendluupalli Maailmakarika finaalmängu satuvad nad peale aga kurja Lord Voldemorti rünnakule. Ta ei peatu enne kui on suutnud enda jõu taastada. Neljandal aastal Hogwartsis osaleb Harry kolme kooli vahel peetavad raskes ning ohtlikus nõiamängus, mille osalejad valib välja tulepeeker. Kuid tavapärase kolme osavõtja asemele loosib tulepeeker sel aastal välja hoopis neli võistlejat…

Maleficent and her goddaughter Aurora begin to question the complex family ties that bind them as they are pulled in different directions by impending nuptials, unexpected allies, and dark new forces at play.

After a wonderful time in Hungary Sissi falls extremely ill and must retreat to a Mediterranean climate to rest. The young empress’ mother takes her from Austria to recover in Madeira.

Sissi is now the empress of Austria and attempts to learn etiquette. While she is busy being empress she also has to deal with her difficult new mother-in-law, while the arch-duchess Sophie is trying to tell the emperor how to rule and also Sissi how to be a mother.

A dramatization of the Montreal Massacre of 1989 where several female engineering students were murdered by an unstable misogynist.

Loobunud suurlinna elust naaseb Donna tütar Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) imekaunile Kreeka saarele, et valmistada ette uue hotelli avamine. Pidustuste eelse sagina käigus mõistab Sophie, et on lapseootel. Segaste tunnete tulvas avanevad mälestustelaekad ning Sophie saab teada nii mõndagi armsa ema Donna minevikust. Miks noor Donna kunagi Kreekasse läks, millised olid tema suured unistused ning romantilised seiklused Billi, Harry ja Samiga. Ootamatult selgub, et hotelli avapeo toimumine on suure küsimärgi all, kuid just siis hakkavad saabuma külalised. Meeletu trallipidu saab hoo sisse ja üllatusi jagub kõigile.

Elsa tahab Annale sünnipäeva puhul Kristoffi ja Olafi abiga täiusliku üllatuspeo korraldada. Suure planeerimise käigus saab aga Elsa külma ning iga tema aevastusega hakkavad tekkima uued ja armsad Olafi-sarnased tillukesed lumeinimesed. Tõbine ja kurnatud Elsa jõuab lõpuks koos Annaga üllatuspeole, mis kujuneb väga populaarseks ning Annal õnnestub viimaks haige Elsa voodisse pikali viia ja teda tohterdama hakata. Samal ajal on aga Olaf pisikesed lumeinimesed enda hoole alla võtnud, et nad koos Kristoffiga Elsa jäälossi viia.

When a bestselling celebrity biographer is no longer able to get published because she has fallen out of step with current tastes, she turns her art form to deception.

The movie is set on a state-of-the art Aegis vessel with the full cooperation of Japan's real-life Ministry of Defense and Maritime Self-Defense Force. The corpse of a Self-Defense Force member has been found — minus the left arm — and a spy has infiltrated the Aegis vessel. The heroine Ran is put in jeopardy, and Conan is forced to stand up against the dangerous Spy "X."

The life of a melancholy professor is turned upside down when he discovers that a rebellious teenager he is tutoring is actually his son.

The surviving Resistance faces the First Order once again as the journey of Rey, Finn and Poe Dameron continues. With the power and knowledge of generations behind them, the final battle begins.

Salvo and Valentino are two Sicilian friends who have moved to Turin, and now run a small business together. They drive foreign tourists around in a double-decker bus, and Salvo always tries to approach the pretty girls.

After an earthquake destroys their underwater station, six researchers must navigate two miles along the dangerous, unknown depths of the ocean floor to make it to safety in a race against time.

Cord Hosenbeck and Tish Cattigan return for their annual round of live Rose Parade coverage. Cord Hosenbeck and Tish Cattigan are no strangers to the iconic New Year’s tradition of the Rose Parade, having covered the event for the past twenty-six years. After a whirlwind year that included traveling abroad to cover the Royal Wedding, the duo are more excited than ever to return to Pasadena. The esteemed Tim Meadows will also return for the festivities.

This musical version of the tale of the boy who wouldn't grow up aired live on television on March 7, 1955. It was so popular that it was restaged the following year, and again four years later.

Confident senior Jo begins the new school year by breaking her own cardinal rule: don't get involved in girl drama. but when she sees timid Abby preyed upon by Queen Bee Mandi and her minions, she takes sides in a viciously funny girl-world-war that turns North Shore High School upside down.

Martin Bashir conducts a rare interview with Michael Jackson and is given unprecedented access to the reclusive performer's private life over a span of eight months, from May 2002 to January 2003.

When Fred suspects that his new music teacher is a vampire, he and his friend Bertha set out to save the town from this garlic-hating fiend.

A meek young actor comes to blows with his narcissistic best friend over their two-man show on opening night.