To mark the release two weeks ago of the eighth and final movie in the series, Robbie Coltrane narrates a countdown of the movie franchise's best moments. From Harry's first meeting with Ron and Hermione aboard the Hogwarts Express through to magical mysteries.

Don Poli, the patriarch of a family embedded in politics, faces the change of party in his state - after a hundred years in power - losing all his privileges. Humiliated and angry, he threatens to disinherit his family and leave to rebuild his life. This forces his children (Kippy, Ramses and Belén) to take extreme measures to ensure their future, causing everything that could go wrong to turn out worse.

The film follows Hiccup and his young fellows accompanying their mentor, Gobber, on a quest to kill the legendary Boneknapper Dragon. An extra that accompanies the film "How to Train Your Dragon".

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 22–26, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko have been apprehended by the Demon Slayer Hashira, a group of extremely skilled swordfighters. Tanjiro undergoes trial for violating the Demon Slayer code, specifically smuggling Nezuko, a Demon, onto Mt. Natagumo.

The Wild Boar Lodge - when a stag party ends with a murder Massimo finds himself the prime suspect.

Fast train N34 went exactly on schedule. The passengers were quietly getting ready for bed when the empty compartment from the outstanding cigarette lit up the curtain. Soon the wagon caught fire. Disaster is imminent. Railwaymen and passengers are working together to prevent misfortune and save hundreds of people…

The Black Widow is not dead ... Drug Queen Carmen van Walraven is hiding in Canada and leads an anonymous life there. One evening a colleague is harassed and Carmen helps her. In self-defense, she kills the perpetrator, is arrested and extradited to the Netherlands. While her children are in shock that their mother is still alive, there are also some people who still have to settle something with Carmen. Everyone is again dragged into an emotional rollercoaster. Carmen will now have deal with her past to save her family.

On Planet K, unknown to anyone on Earth, three teenagers chosen by fate can travel back and forth twenty years into the future by sneezing. In the face of a shocking plot to destroy the world, they have nothing but crystal-clear stupidity and single-digit combat power, so how can they transform into heroes and fight against the super-villainous villains who are intent on destroying the world? How can they turn into heroes and fight against the super baddest villains intent on destroying the world? The "King Bomb" brothers, who look like grown-ups but have minds like no other, will save the future on behalf of the K-Star!

While on vacation in Egypt, Tintin encounters an eccentric archaeologist who believes to have found the whereabouts of Pharaoh Kih-Oskh's tomb. Tintin finds there a cigar marked with a strange emblem.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

The Imjin War reaches its seventh year in December of 1598. Admiral Yi Sun-shin learns that the Wa invaders in Joseon are preparing for a swift withdrawal following the deathbed orders of their leader Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Determined to destroy the enemy once and for all, Admiral Yi leads an allied fleet of Joseon and Ming ships to mount a blockade and annihilate the Wa army. However, once Ming commander Chen Lin is bribed into lifting the blockade, Wa lord Shimazu Yoshihiro and his Satsuma army sail to the Wa army’s rescue at Noryang Strait.

Japanin puolustusministeri on vierailulla Ranskassa tarkoituksenaan allekirjoittaa visiitin päätteeksi kauppasopimus Ranskan hallituksen kanssa, mutta kesken kaiken Japanin mafian, Yakusan joukot kidnappaavat ministerin. Marseillesin poliisit ovat taas tapansa mukaan täydellisen avuttomuuden vallassa, he tarvitsevat nopeaa apua, jonkun joka voi pelastaa heidät ja koko Ranskan diplomaattisesta kriisistä. Taksikuskli Daniel ja poliisi ystävä Emilien starttaavat täysillä siepatun valtiovieraan jäljittämiseen. Jarrutelu ei auta, sillä ministeri on pakko löytää ja viedä Ranskan presidentin kanssa järjestettyyn kokoukseen, sillä sieppaus on salattava julkisuudelta. Tiedossa on siis hillitön ajojahti Marseillesta Pariisiin...

Buddhadev Gupta, a 64-year-old chef, falls in love with a 34-year-old software engineer, Nina. However, their future becomes uncertain when he discovers that her father is six years his junior.

Cage on jännitystä ihannoiva peloton hurjapää, joka extreme-lajeja harrastaessaan on rikkonut toistuvasti lakia jäämättä kiinni. Lopulta Xander joutuu pidätetyksi ja hänet nakataan Kolumbiaan keskelle sekasortoa. Tehtävä Kolumbiassa osoittautuukin testiksi, ja NSA:n agentti Gibbons tarjoaa hänelle tilaisuuden välttää vankila ryhtymällä salaiseksi agentiksi. Agentin tie vie Prahaan, jossa Xander joutuu tositoimiin soluttautuessaan itäeurooppalaiseen rikollisliigaan ja saa selville, että liiga on kehittämässä biologista asetta tuhotakseen useita maailman suurkaupunkeja.

Living in New Zealand in 1981 amid high racial tension, Willie, a half-Samoan teenager, is coming into his own. With an unpredictable father, Willie spends most of his time working at a department store or taking care of his little brother, Solomon. A chance encounter at work with an eccentric and charming “shopper” named Bennie lures Willie into a world without rules. As Willie begins to find a place in Bennie’s reckless nest of criminals, Solomon grows increasingly vulnerable to their father’s violent tendencies.

While the residents of Runichem are busy preparing for the approaching centenary, an art theft takes place in a villa. The same evening, an officer is shot at an alcohol check. When Wilbur tries to call home from the community center that night, the phone interferes and he hears a fragment of a conversation related to criminal activities. Wilbur and his friend Aristides decide to investigate this mysterious case, with the help of Akkie, daughter of inspector Swaan, and grandfather Quarles. This film is based on the second season of the Dutch tv series 'Q & Q'.

The very first movie adaptation of J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit. Made in just 30 days so that the producer could keep the rights to Tolkien's books.

CIA-agentti Sean Davidson lähetetään uuteen tehtävään pelastamaan brittiläisen entisen sotilaan Mulgrewin kidnapaamat ja kidutetut Delta Forcen erikoisjoukon. Davidson joutuu kuitenkin siepatuksi yhdessä Brackstonin ja Sarahin kanssa, kun he huomaavat Mulgrewin tekevän yhteistyötä militaristisen Maksoodin kanssa, joka suunnittelee räjäyttävänsä New Yorkin salkun kokoisella ydinpommilla. Davidson, Brackston ja Sarah joutuvat Mulgrewin vangeiksi, jotka hän kahlitsee yhdessä Delta Forcen sotilaiden kanssa samaan selliin. Mulgrew ryhtyy kiduttamaan heitä, kun Davidson ja Brackston eivät suostu kertomaan keitä he ovat ja millä asialla he ovat. Tilanne houkuttelee Joe Armstrongin eläkkeeltä takaisin toimintaan mukaan ja hän saa tarvittavat apujoukot päästäkseen Mulgrewin ja Maksoodin linnoitukseen, jossa vaanii joukko koulutettuja ninjoja.

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.