Neuroscientist David Eagleman taps into the creative process of various inventors, while exploring brain-bending, risk-taking ways to spark creativity

The Driver now carries an arrogant rock star who is visiting a major city (not Pittsburgh as earlier believed). Played by Madonna, this title character wants to get away from her bodyguards in the Driver's BMW. He soon gets tired of her and decides to have a bit of fun.

A 40-year-old loser named Isidoro at the request of his brother drives from Italy to mountainous Carpathian village in Ukraine with a coffin of a diseased Ukrainian worker, who died at a construction site in Italy.

When an honest cop, Vijay Kumar's family is ruthlessly slaughtered by a politician and his aides, he decides to change his identity and commits his life to bring his daughter up in a serene atmosphere. But some freak events end up compromising his identity and what he does to save his daughter and avenge the death of his family unfurls as Theri.

Comedian Kevin Hart performs in front of a crowd of 50,000 people at Philadelphia's outdoor venue, Lincoln Financial Field.

Asianajaja-äidin poika siepataan ja pahoinpidellään. Näyttö syyllistä vastaan on liian heikko ja hänet vapautetaan. Äiti päättää ottaa oikeuden omiin käsiinsä.

A violinist looks to inspire his students at a challenging music school.

Elias is a handsome young deputy manager in a garment factory in São Paulo. When he’s not working, he enjoys casual encounters in the big city. The arrival of a young African, Fernando, on the production line piques his interest and Elias finds himself increasingly drawn into socialising with his work colleagues.

A tough customs man, out to get a youth smuggling tobacco into France across the Belgium border, falls for the jaded ex bar hostess the smuggler lives with.Meanwhile the young man is intrigued by another, more innocent girl.

A film about growing apart when growing up. Two best friends relationship strains when one deals with her newfound sexuality and the other with breaking up with her long term boyfriend.

In their pursuit of perfect Christmas well - known characters accompanied by some new faces happen to experience tiny miracles! The adventures they come across help them realize that the most important things in life - hope, acceptance and family - are within their reach and that real love is the best Christmas present!

A Quiet Passion kertoo vuonna 1886 kuolleen amerikkalaisrunoilija Emily Dickinsonin elämästä, hänen nuoruudestaan omapäisenä koulutyttönä ja aikuisuudestaan erakkona. Naimaton Dickinson asui Amherstissa, Massachusettsissa ja liikkui vain harvoin kotinsa ulkopuolella. Elinaikanaan hän ei juurikaan saavuttanut mainetta, mutta jälkimaailman silmissä hän on kenties jopa tärkein amerikkalainen runoilija.

An aging couple follows after Ismael Tchou, an 8-year-old, who is trying to find his way to his estranged biological father all by himself.

USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage kertoo toisen maailmansodan aikaan tapahtuneesta tragediasta. Sota-alus USS Indianapolis määrättiin kuljettamaan ensimmäisen ydinpommin salaisia osia kesäkuussa 1945. Koska aluksella oli salainen tehtävä, se ilmoitettiin kadonneeksi vasta neljä päivää japanilaisten torpedoiskun jälkeen. 1197 merimiehestä noin 300 hukkui aluksen mukana ja loput miehistöstä joutui taistelemaan aurinkoa, kehon kuivumista, suolavesimyrkytyksiä ja haiden hyökkäyksiä vastaan odotellessaan apua. Vain 317 merimiestä säilyi hengissä koettelemuksesta. Nicolas Cagen esittämä kapteeni Charles Butler McVay haastettiin sotaoikeuteen, tuomittiin ja lopulta vapautettiin syytteistä melkein 50 vuotta myöhemmin.

Sexy couple Zack and Benji decide to have an “open” weekend to partake in the smorgasbord of available men on their vacation to a gay getaway in Palm Springs. When Zack runs into his ex-boyfriend Casey at the resort, they both do their best to look like they are having a good time. How could they not, when they are surrounded by cute, frisky guys with six-packs and very little clothing?

Max Andreev thought the best place to start a new life would be at the other end of the world. What he didn't know, is that you can't outrun your past.

A young man meets his soon-to-be in-laws but discovers behind their proud and wealthy appearances some deep issues and lies.

This comedy, set in 1983 in small town Virginia, centers around a 13 year old and her family. The story of a hairstyle gone incredibly wrong and a young girl's plight to fit in while encountering bullies at a new school.

Like every summer, our friends, the Pics, Jacky and Laurette, Gatineau, recently divorced from Sopie, and Patrick Chirac, ever true to form, get together at the Blue Waves camping grounds. This year, Patrick has decided to try car sharing. Believing that he'll travel through France alone with Vanessa, he finds himself accompanied by three young Dijon inhabitants: smooth-talking Robert, good-looking Benji and loudmouth José. Of course, after car sharing Patrick is forced to try out bed sharing...