Drowning in debt, child support and bills all while white knuckling it through sobriety, Francis is coming undone. When his roommate, Shelly, goes missing, Francis is thrown headlong into her private world; a slip stream of money, violence and terrifying allegiances.
On the 20th anniversary of their edgy little 90's cable show Underground Entertainment, the authors, along with many SF, horror and B celebrities in cameos, remember how they pushed the envelope, shocked, entertained, but also introduced the audience to many movies, comics and conventions.
This 2017 movie follows the original dance academy TV show and tracks where the characters are in their lives now.
靠奖学金入学的芭蕾舞者露比亚当(琪南坎帕饰),生平第一次来到纽约,却始终觉得自己与同学格格不入;英国小提琴手强尼贝威(尼可拉斯葛拉辛饰),飘洋过海来地铁站演奏只为追寻自我的梦想。一场在地铁站上演的即兴街舞Battle,让一个格格不入的舞者、和没有归属的乐手遇见了彼此,更因此一见钟情。 为了保住露比的奖学金、及不让强尼被强制驱逐出境,他们决定参加曼哈顿音乐学院所举办的音乐舞蹈大赛,更找来室友街舞团体“甩步工厂”助拳,共同创作一出融合街舞、现代舞、嘻哈弦乐的跨界巨作。 当酷炫街舞尬上古典芭蕾再加上嘻哈小提琴,他们能够缔造街舞史上最传奇的一页吗?
位于宇宙深处的赛伯坦星,依靠火种源而生的高智慧生命在擎天柱和威震天共同领导下,体味着和平盛世的喜乐。但是威震天的野心勃起,他妄图独霸火种源,称霸宇宙,由此与昔日的搭档擎天柱产生分歧,双方也由此分裂成霸天虎(Deceptions)和汽车人(Autobots)两大阵营。为了保护火种源,汽车人将其投射到了宇宙的最深处。贼心不死的威震天则循迹前往,最终困在了四百万年前的地球。 1897年,亚奇博德·维特维奇船长及其科考队在南极大陆发现了冰封的威震天,人类首次与来自外太空的神秘生物接触。他的发现揭开了历史的新篇章,同时也开启了变形金刚地球之战的宏大序幕……
Kevin and James deal with the aftermath of their brush with death on Halloween night. As Hazel Falls P.D. arrive on the scene, they quickly realize the nightmare isn't over just yet.
An American couple bring their 10 year old daughter, Claire, to her grandfather Lawrence's hotel in The Dolomites, Italy. They usually come for Christmas but this year it’s August. The fact is they are breaking up, and once Claire realizes there’s not going to be a family Christmas this year, she insists on everyone making it out for Christmas in August. Claire, in collusion with her grandfather, plan activities that are designed to re-unite her parents.
13岁的米迦勒(卢多维科·吉拉尔德罗 Ludovico Girardello 饰)是一个在学校经常被人欺负的少年,他喜欢同班的美丽女孩斯黛拉(诺雅·扎塔 Noa Zatta 饰),于是鼓起勇气接受了对方的万圣节化装舞会的邀请。他在中国人开的杂货店淘到一套超人服装,原本满心欢喜的去参加派对,谁知遭到了坏孩子们的羞辱。米迦勒冒着大雨跑回家,第二天一早居然发现自己变成了透明人。突如其来的变化让他惊诧不已,不过却也因此得到不少的乐趣,比如捉弄欺负他的孩子们,跟踪斯黛拉等等,当然与此同时也闹出了笑话。 他的人生开始有了微妙的变化,借着隐身的机会和斯黛拉成为了朋友。而就在此时,斯黛拉被神秘之人绑架了……
Two resentful, singer brothers Hakan and Ozan who can't get along well. Meet again in their father's funeral. Even though they want to get back to their daily lives after the funeral, their father's will won't allow it. They will take a journey with their dead father's old car in order to carry out his bequest which is to sing at a wedding in Urla.
面对巨大的挑战而不放弃,生活是否值得过?尼娜·索基尔是一位无知、粗鲁、无情、自私的流行电视脱口秀主持人。这位冷酷无情的当地巨星喜欢用廉价的阴谋来激怒节目嘉宾和观众,通过在 Instagram 上揭露不实事实来获得更多点赞。妮娜很有魅力,爱情和幸运都在她身边,直到光鲜亮丽的生活突然给她带来了磨难。如此坚强、坚不可摧的女性如何克服严重的健康问题呢? 尼娜与名誉和疾病作斗争的虚构故事的灵感来自制片人亚尼娜·索科洛娃的戏剧性现实生活,她也经历过类似的地狱,从名人的顶峰跌落到没有人在 Facebook 上报道的个人生存恐怖。这是一部未经改编的现实生活剧,由乌克兰最有才华的导演之一玛丽西娅·尼基蒂克(Marysia Nikitiuk)(处女作《当树倒下时》在柏林电影节全景首映后继续在世界各地巡演)制作,最终精确的技术节奏,频闪灯照明,愤世嫉俗的幽默,黑暗的气氛,以及令人震惊的残酷灾难戏剧,令人不愉快。 这部电影包括戏剧演员克塞尼亚·赫日尼亚克 (Ksenia Khyzhniak) 所传达的杂技、恐龙和可怕的痛苦,她将尼娜描绘成一个坚不可摧、自信、脆弱、叛逆和孤独的战士,她将死亡视为她的朋友。在她的第一个电影角色中,钢管舞者兼心理学家为每个场景带来了一场精彩的表演,并将我们推向极限,体验难以想象的可怕的寒冷疼痛。
Margherita is a 14 year old living in Milano, who shares everything with her friends. They discuss clothes, music, school and that first kiss. A delightful coming-of-age film in which the here and now is all that really matters. Where every little thing is so very important and where feelings sometimes bubble over. In your teens, there’s no room for anything but friendship and love.
After the events of the first movie, the "immatures" go on a trip to the Greek island of Paros.
Felix is a legendary prankster who gets expelled from his high school and, with his friend’s help, stops at nothing to hide it from his parents.
The family is pleasantly surprised and puzzled when Beethoven suddenly becomes obedient. Turns out it's a prince and the pauper scenario, with the real Beethoven now living with a pompous rich family.
四名朋友陷入了一个被遗弃的疯狂庇护,寻找死亡证明,将给予他们一个大的遗产。然而,发现它很快成为一个困扰着黑暗回忆的地方的忧虑中最少的。 主创
Comic sensation Amy Schumer riffs on sex, dating and the absurdities of fame in a bold and uncensored stand-up set at Denver's Bellco Theater.