Whoopi Goldberg spune povestea remarcabilă a creatorului lui Elmo, Kevin Clash, începând cu cartierul muncitoresc din Baltimore până la emisiunea de copii „Strada Sesam”.

With dazzling nature photography, Academy Award®–nominated director Markus Imhoof (The Boat Is Full) takes a global examination of endangered honeybees — spanning California, Switzerland, China and Australia — more ambitious than any previous work on the topic.

Terry is a suicidal voyeur who treats a dying addict to a final binge, but Terry will only do this if he promises to kill him.

To build up attendance at their games, the management of a struggling minor-league hockey team signs up the Hanson Brothers, three hard-charging players whose job is to demolish the opposition.

Gwen Shamblin, a charismatic with a curated image, became known with her Christian diet program "Weigh Down Workshop", and was accused of exploitation and emotional, psychological, and physical abuse by the church's alleged cult practices.

Maziar Bahri e un jurnalist iranian-canadian, realizator de film și activist pentru drepturile omului. El s-a născut în Teheran, dar s-a mutat din 1988 în Canada pentru a studia film și politică. În 1997, Bahari a început să scrie articole despre Iran și să realizeze documentare independente, iar din 1998 până în 2011 a fost corespondentul pentru Iran al revistei NewsWeek. Filmele jurnalistului iranian arătau lucruri la care cei din afara Iranului nu aveau acces: viața privată a Ayatolahului, arhitectură africană, pasiunea iranienilor pentru fotbal, cultura contemporană a iranienilor etc. Regimul din Iran l-a considerat spion străin și l-a ținut în arest timp de 118 zile. Închiderea lui Bahari a vrut să fie un semnal de alarmă, o amenințare pentru toți ceilalți jurnaliști de origine iraniană care trimiteau corespondențe pentru presa din alte țări.

When Banker Till (Axel Stein) is kidnapped during a bank robbery, he has the time of his life...

Fedoras, mom's underpants, and puppy love all make Jim Norton's s**t list in 'Mouthful of Shame'.

Dave, an artist who has yet to complete anything significant in his career, builds a fort in his living room out of pure frustration, only to wind up trapped by the fantastical pitfalls, booby traps, and critters of his own creation. Ignoring his warnings, Dave’s girlfriend Annie leads a band of oddball explorers on a rescue mission. Once inside, they find themselves trapped in an ever-changing supernatural world, threatened by booby traps and pursued by a bloodthirsty Minotaur.

When a group of astronomers calculate a star is on a course to slam into Earth, a few days before, it's accompanying planet will first pass close enough to the Earth to cause havoc on land and sea. They set about building a rocket so a few selected individuals can escape to the planet.

A caretaker at a summer camp is burned when a prank goes tragically wrong. After several years of intensive treatment at hospital, he is released back into society, albeit missing some social skills. What follows is a bloody killing spree with the caretaker making his way back to his old stomping ground to confront one of the youths that accidentally burned him.

Based on the book "Ich bin dann mal weg" by Hape Kerkeling where the author describes his journey on the Way of St. James, a pilgrimage route, and the people he encounters there.

Betriek lives at the edge of a peat bog in the North of the Netherlands. When she and her family are attacked by a random stranger one night, Betriek sets out to find an explanation. The more she digs, the more she becomes convinced that she is being hunted by something ancient.

For three college guys, it’s senior year and the co-ed experience has left them high and dry. Their solution: A road trip to Mardi Gras, where beautiful babes are happy to lift their shirts and open containers are always welcome. But after dressing in drag, breaking into Carmen Electra’s hotel room, starring in a scandalous sex show and accidentally exploding a feces bomb in a swank hotel lobby, will the Mardi Gras magic kick in and their wildest fantasies come true?

During a pro lockout, Doug "The Thug" Glatt is injured and must choose whether to defend his team against a dangerous new enemy, or be there for his wife as she prepares to give birth to his daughter.

The sad story of Andersen's little match girl; the fate of Balthazar, Bresson's donkey; the impossible love affair between a militant of the Red Army Faction and an Argentinean pianist; the adventures in Buenos Aires of Helmut Lachenmann, who is trying to stage an insane opera; the problems of Marie, Walter and their daughter, who are trying to survive on very little money…

Taken aback by his mother's wedding announcement, a young man returns home in an effort to stop her from marrying his old high school gym teacher, a man who made high school hell for generations of students.

Izgonit din sat după ce a mâncat din fructul interzis, un neandertalian cam nerod și amicul său pornesc într-o călătorie epopeică făcută într-un cadru biblic.

Guru Pitka (Mike Myers) este un american crescut în India de guru care se întoarce în S.U.A. unde vrea să devină bogat și celebru. Metodele sale neortodoxe sunt puse la încercare când trebuie să rezolve un conflict amoros dintre un jucător faimos de hochei (Romany Malco) și soția lui care l-a părăsit pentru un atlet rival, Jacques Grande (Justin Timberlake).

Tells the tale of three buddies in their 20's whose love-lives are in shambles. They go to Aspen to pursue the booming trend of dating cougars: hot older women who prey on hot young guys.