In the fourth installment of the Gabriel's Inferno series, Professor Gabriel Emerson has embarked on a passionate, yet clandestine affair with his former student Julia Mitchell, but when they return from their romantic holiday in Italy, their happiness is threatened. Will Gabriel succumb to Dante's fate?
After an accidental text message turns into a digital friendship, Vale and Alex start crushing on each other without realizing they've met in real life.
Lai sasniegtu augstākos mērķus savā karjerā, Lūsija ir gatava darīt daudz, bet ar vienu noteikumu - tas nedrīkst pārkāpt vispārpieņemtās ētikas normas. Bet tas nav viegli, kad galvenais sāncensis ir saltai Džošuā. Nepalīdz arī tas, ka Lūsijai lēnām sāk rasties jūtas pret viņu.
Raquel's longtime crush on her next-door neighbor turns into something more when he starts developing feelings for her, despite his family's objections.
Tesas pārdzīvojums ir dziļš un spēcīgs. Hārdins bijis viņai kā Visums. Tagad atlikušas neciešamas sāpes un domas, domas. Kāpēc viņa bijusi Hārdinam tikai piedzīvojums, kārtējā rotaļlieta? Viņa ziedojusi viņa dēļ itin visu. Lai notiktu, kas notikdams, ir pienācis laiks atdzimt, spert soli uz priekšu.. Apjautis, ka ir pieļāvis sava mūža lielāko kļūdu, Hārdins atkal ielaužas Tesas dzīvē, pilnīgi sagraujot viņas attiecības ar Trevoru.
Tesa pavada pirmo dienu prestižā universitātē. Jaunas sejas, vide, grāmatas, kopmītne, universitātes gaiteņi nupat lielisku mācību gada sākumu, patstāvību un ambiciozu mērķi.Taču dzīve ir pilna dažkārt neparedzamu pavērsienu. Pirmā tikšanās ar istabas biedreni Stefu ierauj Tesu studentu dzīves virpulī ar garām naktīm un Hārdinu. Kopā būšana izvēršas par traku piedzīvojumu, taču šķietami skaistajā stāstā apslēpts drūms noslēpums. Kad tas nāks gaismā, Tesas dzīve vairs nebūs tāda kā agrāk.
King Louis XIV's quest for immortality leads him to capture and steal a mermaid's life force, a move that is further complicated by his illegitimate daughter's discovery of the creature.
An LA girl, unlucky in love, falls for an East Coast guy on a dating app and decides to surprise him for Christmas, only to discover that she's been catfished. But the object of her affection actually lives in the same town, and the guy who duped her offers to set them up if she pretends to be his own girlfriend for the holidays.
Sastopoties ar grūtībām rakstnieka karjerā un pārdzīvojot šķiršanos ar Tesu, Hardins dodas uz Portugāli, lai uzmeklētu sievieti, kurai nodarījis pāri, un lai atrastu sevi. Cerībā atgūt Tesas mīlestību, viņš atskārš, ka viņam ir nepieciešams mainīties, lai spētu pilnībā nodoties attiecībām.
Gaismā nāk tumši pagātnes noslēpumi, kas šķietami bezjūtīgo Hārdinu ievaino līdz sirds dziļumiem, un arī Tesa piedzīvo traģēdiju. Meitene atskārš, ka viņi kļūst arvien līdzīgāki viens otram, un beidzot tiešām saprot Hārdina dziļo skumju un cietsirdības iemeslus. Vai viņi tiks pāri jaunajiem pārbaudījumiem, vai Tesa izglābs Hārdinu un... pati sevi?
A priceless relic is stolen from identical royals Queen Margaret and Princess Stacy, who enlist the help of their sketchy look-alike cousin Fiona Pembroke to retrieve it.
After an attack renders her blind, Ellen withdraws from the world to recover. But soon she plunges into paranoia, unable to convince anyone that her assailant has returned to terrorize her by hiding in plain sight.
To get revenge on her ex-boyfriend, an influencer attempts to transform an unpopular classmate into prom king.
Vivien, an accomplished student with a passion for physics, and Roy, a troubled young man, are involved in an accident that forces them to reclaim their lives one minute at the time.
Stella is a clumsy, cynical, imaginative and tormented teenage girl. After a life-changing car accident involving a dog, she convinces herself she must count her age in dog years: one year of her life counts for seven, and now that she’s turning sixteen, she is a centennial. For this reason, Stella thinks she has not much time left to live and pens a bucket list of all the things she would like to achieve before she dies.
An amateur fighter is lured by a trafficking syndicate specializing in elite underground fighting where her brutal captor forces her to fight or face certain death.
Cinderella, an orphaned girl with an evil stepmother, has big dreams and with the help of her Fabulous Godmother, she perseveres to make them come true.
Two young Spanish men, with a university education, are tired of unemployment and decide to move to Germany. But soon they will find out that finding a better living is not as easy as they expected.
It's Senior year at East Great Falls. Annie, Kayla, Michelle, and Stephanie decide to harness their girl power and band together to get what they want their last year of high school.
Mystery writer Grace Miller has killer instincts when it comes to motive - and she'll need every bit of expertise to help solve her sister's murder.