The giant squid is a creature of legend and myth which, even in the 21st century, has never been seen alive. But now, an international team of scientists thinks it has finally found its lair, 1,000 metres down, off the coast of Japan. This is the culmination of decades of research. The team deploys underwater robots and state-of-the-art submersible vessels for a world first - to find and film the impossible.

Executive transvestite Eddie Izzard takes her show to San Francisco to give a brief history of pagan and Christian religions, the building of Stonehenge, the birth of the Church of England and of Western empires, and the need for a European dream.

Mládě orla je svým starším bratrem vyhozeno z hnízda, a tím odsouzeno k smrti. Chlapec Lucas nezná lásku, ani teplo domova. Po smrti matky se jeho otec uzavřel do sebe a utápí se v zármutku. Osud svádí Lucase a orlí mládě dohromady. Chlapec ptáče zachrání a pojmenuje ho Abel. Tajně se o něj stará, krmí ho. Ve společnosti mladého dravce nachází lásku a přátelství, které mu doma tolik chybí. S pomocí starého lovce Danzera učí Abela létat a lovit. Jak dravec roste a sílí, blíží se den, kterého se Lucas bojí. Den, kdy bude muset svého opeřeného přítele vypustit zpět do volné divočiny.

Tintin and his friends get involved in an unexpected and weird adventure when they meet Laszlo Carreidas, an eccentric millionaire.

In the winter of 1919, American war hero Luke Benson returns to his father's New England estate.

Orient Express, o kterém se točí filmy a o kterém snila Agatha Christie, je nejslavnější vlak na světě. Kdo však zná jeho skutečný příběh? Z Paříže do Istanbulu a Benátek se naše speciální pátrání pokouší nalézt ztracené vagony tohoto legendárního vlaku, jenž zásadně ovlivnil způsob cestování. Doprovodíme nadšené lovce vlaků, průmyslové archeology, sběratele starožitných vlaků, historiky a spisovatele, včetně Charlese Kinga a vítěze Nobelovy ceny za literaturu Orhana Pamuka, kteří se snaží znovu zachytit impozantnost Orient Expressu. Vyrazíme na nadčasovou výpravu od legendy po skutečnost

It presents the struggle of the first unionized workers, after a strike for the implantation of the eight-hour day and the union right, in the sugar valleys of Peru. It is the story of the first union in the city of Trujillo, organized in 1921.

Film Divná sešlost navazuje na nadšeně přijatou divadelní hru Tylera Perryho. Hlavní hrdinka Helena se po manželské krizi vydává načerpat nové síly ke své babiččce Madee na jihu USA. Ta právě získala do opatrovnictví vzdorovitou a neposednou Nikki. Navíc její dvě neteře Lisa s Vanessou zrovna prožívají problémy ve vztahu. A k tomu všemu je na Madee, aby uspořádala velkou rodinnou sešlost…

The drama based on hidden implicit faith in miracle unfolds between the members of the family with an unhappy love story of a desolate teenage girl who tries to withstand this family madness after their devotee grandmother came to their flat from upcountry.

The Runaways follows three young siblings in Yorkshire who journey across the country in an attempt to evade their uncle and social services after the death of their father.

Burák býval rockovou hvězdou v garážové kapele. A náhodou se z něho stal metalista!

A suspense tale revolving around the memories of a Danish saboteur as he awaits his execution in a German war-time prison.

Life coach Sven travels to Thailand to fulfil his dreams as a writer. He meets Gitte a yoga-practising free spirit from Norway. Then along comes Anja, an editor who works for a Swedish publisher. What does he really want to do with his life, and who does he want to do it with?

Al St. John tries to kill himself, but ends up trying to save a poor girl from a nasty crook.

When Jimmy is left alone in his house he discovers an old mask and decides to scare his parents upon their arrival home. Hiding in their bedroom closet he could not expect what he would see and the terror that would overtake their lives.

While Sompon leads his group through a forest searching for treasures, they are attacked by ghosts and Sompon is transformed into a werewolf.

After Nick is accidentally sent a sexy video from his dream girl and her friends, he drags his best friend Brian on a mission to figure out where the girls are and how to get there. Along the way, Brian figures out that you can't always follow the crowd and that you should stay true to yourself.