Toto je výnimočný skutočný príbeh Trudy Ederleovej, prvej ženy, ktorá úspešne preplávala kanál La Manche. S neochvejnou podporou staršej sestry a trénerov sa jej podarilo prekonať prekážky a nenávisť patriarchálnej spoločnosti, až sa prepracovala medzi plavkyne olympijského tímu a preplávala 34 kilometrov dlhú trasu z Francúzska do Anglicka.
Shelby is about to quit her job as a rocket engineer when her daughter becomes convinced that her Scrooge-like boss, Evan, is the Christmas Prince from a story Shelby invented years ago.
John Kramer je späť. Zatiaľ najznepokojivejšia časť série Saw skúma nevypovedanú kapitolu najosobnejšej hry Jigsaw. Zasadený medzi udalosti Saw I a II, chorý a zúfalý John, cestuje do Mexika na riskantný a experimentálny lekársky zákrok v nádeji na zázračný liek na jeho rakovinu – len aby zistil, že celá operácia je podvodom, ktorý má oklamať tých najzraniteľnejších. Neslávne známy sériový vrah, vyzbrojený novým zámerom, sa vracia k svojej práci a obracia stoly podvodníkom svojím typickým spôsobom prostredníctvom prešibaných, pomätených a dômyselných pascí.
V piatom diely série Dominic Toretto so svojou partiou elegantne zabil mocného brazílskeho narkobarona. Veľkú úlohu v tom zohrali jeden most v Rio de Janeiro a obrí trezor, ktorý po ňom Domovi parťáci ťahali. Nikto z nich nemal tušenie, že svedkom celej udalosti bol zločincov syn Dante. Ten od toho dňa osnuje plán pomsty, ktorá má škaredo postihnúť nielen Toretta, ale aj všetkých jeho blízkych, vrátane Domova osemročného syna. A pretože na deti sa nesiaha, rozhodne sa Toretto Danteho zastaviť. Bohužiaľ však príliš neskoro príde na to, že tak odhodlanému a rafinovanému súperovi ešte nečelil. Zvlášť keď má Dante neskutočný organizačný talent a vytvorí tím, ktorý spája jediná vec, nenávisť k Dominicovi Torettovi a jeho kamošom. Opulentná bitka, ktorú stret oboch táborov vyvolá, sa bude odohrávať po celom svete, pričom asi najviac bude horieť asfalt pod kolesami rýchlych a zbesilých áut v nádherných kulisách talianskej metropoly.
Sydney Ragsdale, recently divorced, decides to spend Christmas in a house she inherited with her young daughter. As Sydney begins to spend more time at the local bookstore, she meets a teacher, Mac, who also fills in for the town Santa. Mac tries to make Christmas wishes come true, and this year Sydney is at the top of his ‘nice’ list. As a new opportunity with the bookstore unfolds, Mac helps Sydney open herself up to life, love, and believing in the spirit of Christmas again.
When a reservation mix-up at a mountain resort forces a newly-single travel writer to share a cabin with a handsome widower and his precocious daughter over the holidays, their lives are transformed by the magic of Christmas and the unexpected power of love.
Olive, stredoškoláčka si v škole pripadá ako neviditeľná. Keď ju jej najlepšia kamarátka Rhiannon pozve na víkend, Olive si vymyslí, že má rande s neexistujúcim vysokoškolákom. V pondelok sa dievčatá stretávajú na školskej toalete a Rhiannon sa Olive vypytuje na jej rande. Tá ju oklame, že cez víkend s fiktívnym chlapcom prišla o panenstvo. Nanešťastie ich rozhovor vypočuje ďalší pár uší a školou už sa šíria zvesti o Olivinej promiskuite. Zrazu je Olive študentkou, ktorú každý pozná a ona si užíva svoju novú popularitu. Jediný, komu prezradí pravdu je jej homosexuálny kamarát Brandon, ktorého všetci šikanujú. Olive mu poradí, nech si vymyslí, že spal s nejakou dievčinou. Nakoniec spolu predstierajú sex na party. Lenže potom sa všetko zvrhne a za Olive prichádzajú aj ďalší odpadlíci a ponúkajú jej peniaze za vylepšenie si svojho imidžu. Olive úplne stráca kontrolu nad situáciou, podarí sa jej všetko ustáť?
When Lucy wakes up with a wedding dress in hand, she believes that she is late to her wedding with her ex-boyfriend Zac. However, she has no recollection of the past 2 years, including the fact that she is engaged to another man.
Ten years ago, Andrew married his childhood sweetheart, Beth. Now Andrew's a high-powered literary agent, but his relationship with his wife has not fared as well. When Beth is tragically killed just days before Christmas, an angel gives Andrew the chance to relive the last three days his wife was alive. But he can't change fate and Beth will still lose her life. However, Andrew can still discover the gift Beth needs most from him.
Tanya is a police detective who is reluctantly partnered with fellow detective Ryan to solve a recent string of heists taking place during high-profile holiday parties around town.
The young family who moved to a new apartment on the outskirts of the city. The nanny hired by them for the newborn daughter quickly gained confidence. However, the older boy, Egor, talks about the frightening behavior of a woman, but his parents do not believe him. The surveillance cameras installed by the father for comfort only confirm everything is in order. Then one day, Egor, returning home, finds no trace of either the nanny or the little sister, and the parents are in a strange trance and do not even remember that they had a daughter. Then Egor, together with his friends, goes in search, during which it turns out that the nanny is an ancient Slavic demon, popularly known as Baba Yaga.
In 1989, a misunderstood teenager has a high school crush — who just happens to be a handsome corpse! After a set of playfully horrific circumstances bring him back to life, the two embark on a murderous journey to find love, happiness…and a few missing body parts along the way.
Single mom Abbey takes a leap of faith to pursue her passion for interior design. When she gets hired to decorate the estate of local businessman Nick, Abbey must complete the job by Christmas Eve. With the holidays fast approaching, Abbey must figure out how to break down the wall between her and Nick, as this could be the opportunity that jump-starts her career.
On a secluded farm in a nondescript rural town, a man is slowly dying. His family gathers to mourn, and soon a darkness grows, marked by waking nightmares and a growing sense that something evil is taking over the family.
Izzy is an energetic 9-year-old. Overscheduled and running late, Izzy's parents can't pick her up on-time the last day of school before Christmas break. A blizzard complicates the matter, but not as much as a pair of bad guys who are freezing in an ice cream truck. The school's janitor is kidnapped by the intruders, and it's up to Izzy to save the day.
An undocumented Filipina immigrant lands a job as a careworker for a seemingly terminal old man, securing a better life for her and her daughter. But a dark discovery threatens to destroy everything she’s strived for and holds dear.
Od detstva je Candy Cane Lane obľúbenou vianočnou tradíciou Phoebe. Tieto Vianoce sa však okolie rozhodne vynechať výzdobu a tým zničí Phoebinu vianočnú náladu. Keď Phoebe hľadala novú tradíciu, ktorá by jej náladu pozdvihla, uvedomí si, že to nie sú tradície, ale ľudia, s ktorými ich trávime. Keď sa Phoebe pripravuje na svoju novú tradíciu, narazí na to posledné, čo jej Vianociam chýbalo: láska!
After a twist of fate brings their families together for Christmas, Charlotte sets out to prove her old friend Jackie's life is too good to be true.
The company soldier Hannah and the scientists Gavin and Dimitri are researching an algae project on board the Rubikon space station, which is supposed to permanently supply humanity with oxygen and food. But suddenly the earth disappears below them in a brown, toxic fog and all contact is broken off - are they the last survivors of humanity? Should they initiate the safe station, dare the return flight and thereby risk their lives?
After running out of money while backpacking in a tiny, male-dominated town in the Australian outback, two friends resort to a working holiday at the Royal Hotel. When the locals' behavior starts crossing the line, the girls find themselves trapped in an unnerving situation that grows rapidly out of their control.