Zgodba o Černobilu, povedana s pomočjo na novo odkritih dramatičnih posnetkov, posnetih v jedrski elektrarni med katastrofo, in na novo posnetih, globoko osebnih intervjujev s tistimi, ki so bili tam.

In the heart of the Jura mountains, a call resounds through the forest. The silhouette of a Eurasian lynx creeps through the trees. A male is looking for its mate. Suddenly a call answers back. It is the beginning of the story of a lynx’s family we will follow over the seasons. While it is rare to come across this private feline, it is exceptional to discover its daily life in the wild.

Kanjuro Nomi is an aging samurai who only has a scabbard. Deserting his lord to wander the land with his daughter Tae, Kanjuro is captured and sentenced to an unusual punishment: he has 30 days to bring a smile to the sad prince who has lost his mother — or else he must die.

Mikael is doctor on night call. It’s a vocation. Between two patient-visits in slum areas, he cares for those whom no one else wants to see: the drug addicts, the homeless… He rubs shoulders with destitution. His life is in shambles. Especially when it comes to his pharmacist cousin who makes him write false prescriptions for Subutex. Overnight, he decides to get out of drug trafficking and rebuild his life. But there will be a heavy price to pay.

Kuwait’s constitution says that every person has the right to a job, so in some places 20 people are employed for one person’s job. In South Korea, they work so much that a policy has been introduced to turn off computers at the end of the day so that employees can’t work any more. In the US, they give up over 500 million holiday hours each year, while Amazon’s drivers are trying to form a union. Meanwhile, robots are poised to take over most jobs and put the rest of us out of work. Work is so crucial to our identity and what we spend our waking hours on that it is barely noticed anymore. A lot has happened since a group of Puritan priests invented the concept of work ethic in the 1600s, and in the 21st century the very concept of work is in many ways disintegrating. A perfect situation for a filmmaker like Swedish mastermind Erik Gandini, who travels the world to explore what the concept of work means today – if it means anything at all.

Two men, fortyish, worn out by their wives, abandon everything to go and live in the back of beyond. There they meet a truculent priest, a boozer, Émile who recalls them to life's simple pleasures. Calm is what they want. But soon their example inspires thousands of disorientated males...

Daniel and Stéphane, two salesmen working in the same store but who cannot stand each other, decide despite everything to team up to participate in television games so they can pay their debts.

Paris 2020. While superheroes have assimilated into the Parisian society, they discover a new drug that gives themselves personal superpowers to mere mortals. Lieutenants Moreau and Schaltzmann are investigating the case with the support of two ex-superheroes, Monte Carlo and Callista. They'll do whatever it takes to dismantle the traffic. But Moreau's past resurfaces, and the investigation becomes more complicated.

Because of their children's bad grades, some parents want the teacher Mrs. Müller gone. They meet with Mrs. Müller and try to convince her to leave the class.

Mutual attraction leads two married couples to swap bedtime partners.

Charly, ženska pri štiridesetih, podeduje očetovo mesnico. Medtem ko se pripravlja, da poišče ustreznega kupca, pa se Martial, bivši uslužbenec Charlyjinega očeta, tudi sam mesar, bori, da bi spet pridobil mesnico. Med tema nasprotujočima si značajema, ki imata povrhu še nasprotujoči si hotenji, se vname spor. Nehote in nezavedno pa še vse kaj drugega …

Rayane is a scared and clumsy young cop who is constantly mocked by other cops. The day his doctor wrongly tells him that he has only thirty days to live, he understands that this is his last chance to become a hero within his police station and impress his colleague Stéphanie. The eternal fearful man then turns into a real hothead who will take all the risks to catch a big drug lord...

Two foreign exchange high-school students are kidnapped during their quest to get laid on their last night in America.

SEGPAs are fired from their establishment. To their surprise, they joined the prestigious Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Principal, reluctant to see his school's reputation deteriorate, imagines a ploy to fire SEGPA while retaining aid.

Thomas Gardesse, a traveling alarm systems salesman, is arrested for a minor offense and sentenced to six months imprisonment. To win the respect of his fellow inmates, he claims he is "The Marquis," a brilliant robber whose identity has remained a mystery. Two weeks before his release, an armed robber named Quentin Tasseau helps him escape and takes him to Manila so he can take part in a robbery whose mastermind requires the talents of the Marquis.

A young inspector from the Ministry of Culture has to replace at short notice a theater actor who has broken his leg.

Faced with the tyranny of Caesar who acts as absolute master over Rome, Senators Rufus and Cassius form a plot to assassinate him.