Radnja filma vrti se oko obiteljskog okupljanja koje krene po krivu nakon smrti 85-godišnjeg Harlana Thrombeyja, glave obitelji. U njihov obiteljski dom dolaze dva detektiva kako bi istražili smrt i otkrili skrivene obiteljske tajne. Svaki član obitelji postaje sumnjiv, pa čak i sporedni likovi koji se pojavljuju tijekom filma.

Two misfit castaways struggle to reunite an unorthodox family, out-run a volcano, and negotiate a peace deal on a creaking Ark.

1944, Vermiglio, a remote mountain village. The arrival of Pietro, a deserter, into the family of the local teacher, and his love for the teacher's eldest daughter, will change the course of everyone's life.

It follows a young man who dreams of becoming a general and Ying Zheng, whose goal is unification.

In 1840s England, palaeontologist Mary Anning and a young woman sent by her husband to convalesce by the sea develop an intense relationship. Despite the chasm between their social spheres and personalities, Mary and Charlotte discover they can each offer what the other has been searching for: the realisation that they are not alone. It is the beginning of a passionate and all-consuming love affair that will defy all social bounds and alter the course of both lives irrevocably.

After a chance encounter, headstrong Kathy is drawn to Benny, member of Midwestern motorcycle club the Vandals. As the club transforms into a dangerous underworld of violence, Benny must choose between Kathy and his loyalty to the club.

A cop, investigating the mysterious death of a filmstar, meets a sex-worker, while he faces some personal problems psychologically. The mystery connects these people in a way, that ultimately changes their lives.

Dok New York napadaju vanzemaljska stvorenja koja love pomoću zvuka, žena po imenu Sam bori se za preživljavanje sa svojom mačkom.

After a hard day at work and a condominium-board meeting, accountant Ugo Fantozzi goes on a trip with his family. Unfortunately, he will face a nasty surprise upon his return.

Prije sedam godina Zaid je krenuo u rat protiv kopenhagenskog podzemlja kako bi osvetio svog mrtvog brata. Njegov životni identitet cijenjenog kardiologa i obiteljskog čovjeka nije ništa drugo nego san koji blijedi, a Zaid u zatvoru pati zbog gubitka sina Noaha kojeg je jedva poznavao. Kada policijski agent pristupi Zaidu i ponudi mu dogovor po kojem će ga pustiti na slobodu u zamjenu za infiltraciju u podzemlje Kopenhagena, Zaid vidi priliku da povrati ostatke obiteljskog života koji je ostavio za sobom. No, sve ima cijenu, a Zaid sada shvaća da je ozbiljno ugrozio život svog sina.

In this modern take on Edmond Rostand's classic play "Cyrano de Bergerac," C. D. Bales is the witty, intelligent, and brave fire chief of a small Pacific Northwest town who, due to the size of his enormous nose, declines to pursue the girl of his dreams, lovely Roxanne Kowalski. Instead, when his shy underling Chris McConnell becomes smitten with Roxanne, C.D. feeds the handsome young man the words of love to win her heart.

Merve chose the bohemian life, but it didn't choose her back. Faced with eviction, she starts a new job and stumbles into a spicy setup with her boss.

Pedesetorica zločinaca natjera sve muškarce iz sela da s njima odjašu u pustinju. Među njima je i Chico, jedan od sedmorice koja je nekoliko godina prije spasila to isto selo. Chicova žena Petra traži preostale preživjele od sedmorice, Chrisa i Vina te ih zamoli za pomoć. Kako bi zamijenili preminule članove, uzimaju dvojicu iz zatvora i još dva dobra revolveraša. Šestorka otkrije da su muškarci iz sela upregnuti kao robovi na izgradnji pustinjskog sela i crkve u spomen mrtvim sinovima bogatog rančera Lorce. U iznenadnom napadu šestorka otjera Lorcine ljude i zajedno sa Chicom, sprema protunapad.

Malina se dezorijentirana budi u prtljažniku jurećeg automobila i na svoj užas otkriva da se ničega ne sjeća. S mobitelom kao jedinom vezom s vanjskim svijetom, suočava se s očajničkom borbom za preživljavanje.

Nakon smrti njegove kćeri, detektiv Lucas Boyd kreće u potragu za serijskim ubojicom. Ubojica svoja ubojstva izvodi prema okrutnom ritualu zvanom "Muti". Kako bi mu ušao u trag, Boyd se obraća profesoru antropologije dr. Macklesu koji nešto skriva. Što dublje Boyd zaranja u ubojičin um, granica između razuma i ludila postaje sve manje jasna.

Ben Cooper and his family are struggling to get a grip on household chores, school and work. So when Ben sees that a Smart House is being given away, he enters the competition as often as he can, until they eventually win the house (named Pat). After moving in, Pat's personality radically begins to change, turning the Coopers against her.

Eight years after the opening night tragedy of HELL HOUSE LLC, many unanswered questions remain. Thanks to an anonymous tip, an investigative journalist is convinced that key evidence is hidden inside the abandoned Abaddon Hotel. She assembles a team to break into the hotel in hopes of discovering the truth. But the source of the tip and the secrets of the Abaddon Hotel are more horrifying than any of them could have imagined.

Obiteljska žena uživa u brojnim blagodatima, no život joj se počne urušavati kad se u njezinu neobičnom gradiću u predgrađu pojavi dvoje stranaca.

The Grandmother of Ryane was kidnapped by a Mexican cartel and he has three days max to free her.

Like the original film, the sequel is set in a near future where all drinking and drugs are banned except for on one glorious day known as The Binge. This year, that day happens to miraculously land on Christmas.