Vznemirljiva resnična zgodba o človeku, ki v 19. stoletju pobegne iz suženjstva. Peter se mora na poti do svobode zanašati na svoj razum, neomajno vero in globoko ljubezen do družine, da se izogne neizprosnim močvirjem Louisiane in drugim oviram. Da bi se izognil lovcem na sužnje in grozoviti kazni, se zatem priključi ameriški zvezni vojski.

On his way to work, a bank manager receives an anonymous call claiming there's a bomb under his car seat, and if anyone exits the car, it will explode unless he can pay a ransom.

Dva elitna vojaka želita rešiti civiliste pred uporniškim napadom - čeprav ju to postavi v samo središče streljanja in eksplozij. Ne glede na to ali je ta dva moža ​​združila usoda ali zlobni trgovec z nafto, bosta naredila vse kar je potrebno, da uničita hudobneže.

Uhajanje zaupnih obveščevalnih podatkov razkrije tajno misijo in identiteto tajnega agenta CIE, ki deluje na Bližnjem vzhodu. Ker je obtičal v osrčju sovražnega ozemlja, se morata s prevajalcem prebiti iz puščave do reševalne postaje v Kandaharju v Afganistanu in se izogniti elitnim specialnim enotam, ki ju zasledujejo.

Disillusioned with life in the city, feeling out of place in suburbia, and frustrated that her happily ever after hasn’t been so easy to find, Giselle turns to the magic of Andalasia for help. Accidentally transforming the entire town into a real-life fairy tale and placing her family’s future happiness in jeopardy, she must race against time to reverse the spell and determine what happily ever after truly means to her and her family.

Emily, ki je obremenjena s študentskimi dolgovi, ​​je zaradi manjše kazenske evidence izključena iz trga dela. Zaplete se v prevaro s kreditno kartico, kar jo potegne v kriminalno podzemlje Los Angelesa in na koncu privede do smrtonosnih posledic.

Athena je priljubljeno a revno pariško predmestje v katerem prebivalci, ki so večinoma migranti in Francozi druge ali tretje generacije, nezaupljivo gledajo na oblast in še posebej na policijo. Zgodba se začne z smrtjo majhnega dečka po imenu Idir v nepojasnjenih okoliščinah. Ta je bila posneta in v videoposnetku je vidna skupina uniformiranih policistov, ki so ga obkolili in se brez očitnega razloga znašali nad njim. Nekaj ​​ur po tej tragični smrti njihovega najmlajšega brata se življenje treh bratov in sester spremeni v kaos...

Po Charrasovi smrti in potem ko je opral svoje ime (Izgubljeni metek 2020), sta Lino in Julia ustanovila novo enoto za narkotike in prevzela vodenje. Odločen, da bo našel morilce svojega brata in mentorja, Lino nadaljuje z lovom in ne dovoli, da bi mu kdo stal na poti.

Čudovita pravljica o leseni lutki, ki si želi postati pravi deček. Nemirni duh vodi Ostržka iz dogodivščine v dogodivščino, pri tem pa večkrat zaide s prave poti in spoznava različna bitja: od Ognježera, ki želi Ostržka pospraviti s tega sveta, mačka in lisjaka, ki mu želita ukrasti denar, pa vse do vile Plavolaske, ki mu izpolnjuje želje in ga na koncu spremeni v dečka.

When a master thief is sabotaged during a bank heist and left for dead, he seeks revenge on his former crew one target at a time. Now, with the cops and the mob closing in, he's in the race of his life to reclaim an untold fortune in cryptocurrency from those who double-crossed him.

The young, pretty and shy Angela Duvall is jailed for murder in some Latin American country. In the prison she gets brutally "initiated" by the other inmates. The nice, honest and handsome prison doctor believe she's innocent and tries to help her out.

Sredi vrhunca 2. svetovne vojne se stotnica Maude Garrett pridruži moški posadki bombnika B-17 z nadvse tajnim paketom. Osupnjeni zaradi ženske na vojaškem letalu posadka preverja vsak Maudin gib. Nenavadni dogodki in luknje v njeni preteklosti vzbudijo preganjavico zaradi njene prave naloge. Toda posadka se mora bati nečesa drugega. Nečesa, kar preži v senci in zlovešče razžira srce letala.

A homicide detective teams up with a criminal profiler to catch a serial killer whose crimes are inspired by the children's game, Hangman.

Panic attacks and memory loss signal the plight of a writer whose body is inexplicably being taken over by another woman.

When the local mafia shows up to burn down her restaurant, Ana, a chef with a meticulous past, defends her turf and proves her knife skills both in and out of the kitchen.

Renegade bounty hunter Ryan Swan must carve his way through the Hawaiian crime world to wreak vengeance on the kingpin who murdered his father.

Opposites clash when spunky girl next door Lin Lin meets eccentric nerd Yuke. Despite being neighbors and schoolmates since childhood, Lin Lin and Yuke barely know each other. When the pair are both admitted into the same university, Lin Lin discovers that Yuke harbors a secret crush for campus beauty, Ruting. Ever the busybody, Lin Lin decides to matchmake Yuke and Ruting, only to find herself gradually falling for Yuke.

A stockbroker in a small southern town gets embroiled in an insurance scam with a next-door neighbor that leads to multiple murders when a host of other people want in on the plot. Sheriff Thurmond Fowler, the by-the-book town sheriff for over four decades, works earnestly to try and unravel the town’s mystery and winds up getting more than he bargained for.

A suburban teen girl and her little brother must stop a terrifying internet meme brought to life by the hysteria of their parents.

Set in San Tiburon, the world's most dangerous maximum-security penitentiary and home to the world's most treacherous superpowered criminals, where tensions among the inmates and staff heighten, leading to anarchy that engulfs the prison and order is turned upside down.