Pravkar upokojeni sodni preiskovalec Benjamín Esposito se odloči napisati roman o nerazrešenem zločinu, brutalnem posilstvu in umoru mladega dekleta, ki ga še vedno preganja, pa čeprav je od zločina preteklo že petindvajset let. Gre za zgodbo o umoru, ki se je leta 1973 zgodil v Buenos Airesu, in raziskavi, s katero so poskušali najti storilca. Svojo namero razkrije nekdanji šefinji Irene, v katero je bil dolga leta skrivaj zaljubljen. Vendar ko Benjamín enkrat odpre vrata v preteklost, odkrije, da jih ne bo lahko zapreti. Burna Argentina iz tedanjih časov se namreč znova vplete v življenje njegovih junakov, s sabo pa prinese tudi nasilje in smrt. Medtem ko se skozi spomine preteklosti razgrne potek nekdanje preiskave, se Benjamín v iskanju resnice in konca svoje zgodbe ponovno znajde na sledi morilcu.

Ferdinando Cefalù is desperate to marry his cousin, Angela, but he is married to Rosalia and divorce is illegal in Italy. To get around the law, he tries to trick his wife into having an affair so he can catch her and murder her, as he knows he would be given a light sentence for killing an adulterous woman. He persuades a painter to lure his wife into an affair, but Rosalia proves to be more faithful than he expected.

A headstrong young girl in Afghanistan, ruled by the Taliban, disguises herself as a boy in order to provide for her family.

Mavretanec je obtožen najema teroristov, ki so 11. septembra strmoglavili letala v stolpe Svetovnega trgovinskega centra. Salahi je bil zaprt 14 let v ameriškem vojaškem zaporu Guantanamo brez obtožbe in sojenja. Izgubljajoč upanje je Salahi našel zaveznico v odvetnici Nancy Hollander in njeni sodelavki Teri Duncan, ki jo igra Shailene Woodley. Cumberbatch odigra vlogo vojaškega tožilca polkovnika Stuarta Coucha, ki išče smrtno kazen za Salahija.

Tells the story of a group of Chilean children who discover a larger reality and a different world through the cinema. Each Saturday, Alicia Vega transforms the chapel of Lo Hermida into a film screening room as she conducts a workshop for children under the auspices of the Catholic church. The hundred or so children involved had never seen a movie, and in the workshop they see and learn about the cinema: photograms and moving images, projection, camera angles and movement, film genres, and much more. And they watch movies: Chaplin, Disney, Lamorisse's 'The Red Balloon,' the Lumieres' 'The Arrival of the Train to the Station.' Finally, each child designs his own film with drawings. And then, for the first time in most of their lives, the children got to the movies in downtown Santiago.

For three years after being forced from office, Nixon remained silent. But in summer 1977, the steely, cunning former commander-in-chief agreed to sit for one all-inclusive interview to confront the questions of his time in office and the Watergate scandal that ended his presidency. Nixon surprised everyone in selecting Frost as his televised confessor, intending to easily outfox the breezy British showman and secure a place in the hearts and minds of Americans. Likewise, Frost's team harboured doubts about their boss's ability to hold his own. But as the cameras rolled, a charged battle of wits resulted.

After a magical night together, Adri voluntarily turns himself into the psychiatric institution where Carla lives.

Louis, a terminally ill writer, returns home after a long absence to tell his family that he is dying.

In 1988, Chilean military dictator Augusto Pinochet, due to international pressure, is forced to call a plebiscite on his presidency. The country will vote ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Pinochet extending his rule for another eight years. Opposition leaders for the ‘No’ vote persuade a brash young advertising executive, René Saavedra, to spearhead their campaign. Against all odds, with scant resources and while under scrutiny by the despot’s minions, Saavedra and his team devise an audacious plan to win the election and set Chile free.

Two teenagers trapped in an endless time loop set out to find all the tiny things that make that one day perfect.

In 1998, a small South American village is in a flurry over the Pope's upcoming visit for the business opportunities that it will provide. While most of the residents plan to sell food at the parade, a smuggler family man decides to build a pay toilet.

An unexpected affair quickly escalates into a heart-stopping reality for two women whose passionate connection changes their lives forever.

Kriminalna drama, navdihnjena s šokantno resnično zgodbo o družinskem imperiju za italijansko modno hišo Gucci. V treh desetletjih dobimo vpogled v to kaj pomeni ime, koliko je vredno in kako daleč bo družina šla, da bo imela nadzor. Ko se Patrizia Reggiani, neznanka iz skromnega okolja, poroči v družino Gucci, začne njena nebrzdana ambicija razkrivati njihovo zapuščino in sproži nepremišljeno spiralo ljubezni, izdaje, dekadence, maščevanja in na koncu ... umora.

Daniela, raised in the bosom of a strict Evangelical family and recently unmasked as a fornicator by her shocked parents, struggles to find her own path to spiritual harmony.

When Paula leaves her mate Pedro, he misses her and looks for comfort with his best friends, Javier and Sonia. Paula is having an affair with Javier. Pedro tries to find who is the secret lover of Paula, and hires a private eye. Meanwhile, while comforting Pedro, Sonia has a one night stand with him and Javier thinks she is cheating on him with her lesbian friend Luzia.

Jack and Parker work to seal a Hidden Side hole when a fire ghost escapes covered in a strange silvery substance and reveals that their world may be doomed.

Ilsa, a warden at a Nazi death camp that conducts experiments on prisoners, strives to prove that women can withstand more pain and suffering than men, and therefore should be allowed to fight on the frontlines.

A New Yorker moves to Los Angeles in order to figure out his life while he housesits for his brother, and he soon sparks with his brother's assistant.

Luisa and Tomas try to save their relationship by avoiding their differences and clinging to the love they have for each other. Everything starts disintegrating when they realize that love is not enough.

The story about Swedish ambassador in Chile - Harald Edelstam - and his heroic actions to protect the innocent people from the execution during and after the military coup on September 11th 1973.