The brothers Sultan and Bekzat Ibrayev are serving faithfully in the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan, and at the same time they are in family disagreement. Sultan is a valiant intelligence officer and Bekzat is a talented fighter pilot. While an international terrorist organization prepares a carefully planned attack on the country's strategically important facilities, the brothers have to face not only a mortal threat, but also face a family confrontation related to their dead father. Circumstances force them to unite in order to save human lives, and the brothers eventually understand that their homeland and family are the most valuable thing they have.

Dorota Geller, a married woman, faces a dilemma involving her sick husband's prognosis. Her husband's doctor, who believes in God, sweared about it in vain.

Dėl sausros Pietų Parko miestelis atsiduria ant nelaimės slenksčio.

Fahrije’s husband has been missing since the war in Kosovo so she sets up her own small business to provide for her kids, but as she fights against a patriarchal society that does not support her, she faces a crucial decision: to wait for his return, or to continue to persevere.

Vicky recalls her romances with her exes Hao Hao and Jack in the neon-lit clubs of Taipei.

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

San Francisko kardiochirurgas Volkeris su žmona atvyksta į Paryžių į konferenciją ir tuo pačiu atšvęsti sutuoktuvių 20-metį. Oro uoste moteris per klaidą paima tokį kaip jos svetimą lagaminą. Atvykus į viešbutį, kol vyras prausėsi duše, moteris dingo. Svetimame mieste, desperatiškai ieškodamas savo žmonos, Volkeris susiduria su Mišele – jauna panke narkomane. Ji – vienintelis ryšys tarp jo žmonos ir lagamino, dėl kurio ji dingo. Prasideda beprotiška lagamino medžioklė bei žmonos paieškos. Paslapties raktas – nedidelė Laisvės statulėlė ir jos turinys.

„Šviesos imperija“ – tai galinga ir jaudinanti „Oskarą“ pelniusio režisieriaus Samo Mendeso istorija apie žmonių ryšį ir kino magiją devintojo dešimtmečio pradžioje Anglijos pajūrio miestelyje.

Katya has a powerful gift: she sees ghosts. When her twin sister disappears, Katya begins a desperate search. Police insist her sister doesn’t exist, that she is a figment of Katya’s twisted imagination. However, during her search Katya discovers that there is a serial killer loose on the streets, and her sister is one of his victims. There is still hope to save her, but in a dark and mysterious city full of secrets, you can’t trust anyone. Not even yourself...

After a demonstration of new PT boats, navy brass are still unconvinced of their viability in combat, leaving Lt. "Rusty" Ryan frustrated. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, however, Ryan and his buddy Lt. Brickley are told they can finally take their squadron into battle. The PT boats quickly prove their worth, successfully shooting down Japanese planes, relaying messages between islands, and picking off a multitude of enemy ships.

Ar netolimoje ateityje robotai jaus, mylės, bus žmogiškesni už patį žmogų? Amerikiečių režisieriaus Kogonados subtiliame mokslinės fantastikos filme Džeiko (akt. Colin Farrell) ir Kyros (akt. Jodie Turner-Smith) šeimą ištinka netektis – sugenda mylimiausias žaislas Jangas (akt. Justin H. Min) ir jam nebegalioja garantija. Jangas yra nuo tikro žmogaus niekuo nesiskiriantis robotas, tad atsisveikinti su juo ne taip paprasta. Džeikas pažada dukrai Mikai (akt. Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja) bet kokia kaina atgaivinti robotą ir leidžiasi į odisėją per Jango atminties bangas. Robotas mąsto, ką reiškia būti žmogumi, o žmogus neria į dirbtinio intelekto gelmes.

In a dysfunctional family where the mother is a heroin addict and prostitute, beaten by her son, and the father is an ex-TV reporter, sleeping with his daughter and filming his son being beaten up, ‘Q’, a complete stranger enters the bizarre family, changing their lives for the better, finding a balance in their disturbing natures.

On her first assignment aboard Air Force One, a rookie Secret Service agent faces the ultimate test when terrorists hijack the plane, intent on derailing a pivotal energy deal. With the President's life on the line and a global crisis at stake, her bravery and skills are pushed to the limit in a relentless battle that could change the course of history.

Elis ir Nilas Benetai su dviem paaugliais – turtinga britų šeima, vasarojanti Akapulke. Atostogas nutraukia žinia apie netikėtą artimojo mirtį. Skubiai susiruošus vykti namo, nelauktas vieno iš šeimos narių poelgis iškelia į paviršių giliai kunkuliavusį nerimą. Tyrinėdamas įtampas visuomenėse ir spaudimą patiriančius žmones, filmo režisierius sukuria įtemptą ir paslaptingą istoriją apie šeimą – kitokią, nei atrodo iš pirmo žvilgsnio.

A young woman seeks vengeance and finds love when her parents are killed in the Amazon and she is taken prisoner by an indigenous tribe of headhunters.

The adventures of a young woman who moves to New York City from a small town to become an actress.

A widow finds out from her late husband's mistress that his death was not an accident. Both women work together to unmask the truth behind the man they both loved.

Jack, a man desperate to improve his life, throws away his beloved childhood plush, Benny. It’s a move that has disastrous consequences when Benny springs to life with deadly intentions!

A man is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. When his wife is murdered and his son kidnapped and taken to Mexico, he devises an elaborate and dangerous plan to rescue his son and avenge the murder.

A 16-year-old girl, bored with her own age group, becomes involved with an older man at a theater she passes.