Harry Potteril on vaja täita suurim ülesanne - vastasseis Lord Voldemortiga, millest võitjana saab väljuda vaid üks... Kõik lõppeb siin.

In a Mars base, the inhabitants are being infected by a mysterious water creature which takes over its victims. The Doctor is thrust into the middle of this catastrophe, knowing a larger one is waiting around the corner.

Weasly perekond kutsub Harry veetma suvepuhkuse viimast kahte nädalat nendega enne, kui nad Hogwartsi nõiakooli enda neljandale õppeaastale lähevad. Külastades lendluupalli Maailmakarika finaalmängu satuvad nad peale aga kurja Lord Voldemorti rünnakule. Ta ei peatu enne kui on suutnud enda jõu taastada. Neljandal aastal Hogwartsis osaleb Harry kolme kooli vahel peetavad raskes ning ohtlikus nõiamängus, mille osalejad valib välja tulepeeker. Kuid tavapärase kolme osavõtja asemele loosib tulepeeker sel aastal välja hoopis neli võistlejat…

Süngetel aegadel, mil Impeeriumi võim laieneb üle kogu galaktika, peab rühm mässulisi ühendama oma jõud. Nende missioon: varastada Impeeriumi poolt ehitatava ülima hävitusjõuga superrelva ehk Surmatähe joonised, leidmaks sealt võimalikke nõrku kohti. See sündmus toob kokku tavalised inimesed, kes on otsustanud saata korda midagi erakordset, saades seda tehes elust suuremaks.

Kassahiti kolmandas osas on Will Turner , Elizabeth Swann ning kapten Barbossa kolmekesi teel maailma äärealale: eksootilisse Singapuri, et päästa kapten Jack Sparrow . Astudes vastu ohtudele nagu Lord Cutler Beckett, Davy Jones ja Admiral James Norrington pole kaalul mitte aint meie kangelaste elud, vaid kõigi vabadust armastavate piraatide tulevik.

Kujutage ette maailma mitte just kõige kaugemas tulevikus, kus inimkond on jõudnud sinnamaani, et inimesed vananevad üksnes 25nda eluaastani ning seejärel vananemisprotsess peatub. Seejärel lähevad aga asjalood sootuks keerulisemateks ning karmimateks... Nimelt on maailmast saanud koht, kus aeg on sõna otseses mõttes raha. Igale inimesele antakse pärast 25. eluaasta täitumist kindel arv tunde ja minuteid ning kui need nulli jõuavad, siis inimene lihtsalt sureb. Samas tuleb iga toote ja teenuse eest neid samu minuteid välja käia... Suurem osa inimestest vireleb ja teeb mida iganes, et endale loetud ja ülimalt väärtuslikke eluminuteid leida, laenata, lunida või siis varastada. Selle maailma rikkad ja ilusad võivad aga elada igavesti...

Miser Ebenezer Scrooge is awakened on Christmas Eve by spirits who reveal to him his own miserable existence, what opportunities he wasted in his youth, his current cruelties, and the dire fate that awaits him if he does not change his ways. Scrooge is faced with his own story of growing bitterness and meanness, and must decide what his own future will hold: death or redemption.

Dance your way to a magical adventure with Barbie as Kristyn, a ballerina with big dreams! When she tries on a pair of sparkling pink shoes, she and her best friend, Hailey, are whisked away to a fantastical ballet world. There, Kristyn discovers she must dance in her favorite ballets in order to defeat an evil Snow Queen. With performances to the legendary Giselle and Swan Lake ballets, it's a wonderful journey where if you dance with your heart, dreams come true!

A blue harvest moon will rise, allowing the fairies to use a precious moonstone to restore the Pixie Dust Tree, the source of all their magic. But when Tinker Bell accidentally puts all of Pixie Hollow in jeopardy, she must venture out across the sea on a secret quest to set things right.

Danny Ocean's team of criminals are back and composing a plan more personal than ever. When ruthless casino owner Willy Bank doublecrosses Reuben Tishkoff, causing a heart attack, Danny Ocean vows that he and his team will do anything to bring down Willy Bank along with everything he's got. Even if it means asking for help from an enemy.

As seniors in high school, Troy and Gabriella struggle with the idea of being separated from one another as college approaches. Along with the rest of the Wildcats, they stage a spring musical to address their experiences, hopes and fears about their future.

A harried prehistoric bird mother entrusts her precious, soon-to-hatch egg to Sid. When she recommends him to her neighbours, business booms at his new egg-sitting service. However, dastardly pirate bunny, Squint, who is seeking revenge on the herd, steals, camouflages and hides all the eggs. Once again, with Squint’s twin brother assisting, Manny, Diego and the rest of the gang come to the rescue and take off on a daring mission that turns into the world’s first Easter egg hunt.

Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey) ei suutnud päästa mägedes ühe pesukaru elu ja elab sellest traagilisest sündmusest saadik ühes Tiibeti kloostris. Kuid pärast pikemat veenmist on ta (munkade suureks rõõmuks) nõus sealt lahkuma, et leida ühe Aafrika suguharu püha loom, takistamaks sõda kahe suguharu vahel. Kahjuks aga unustati talle mainida, et selleks loomaks on nahkhiir. Loomasõber Ace Ventura armastab kõigi selle planeedi elukaid... peale nahkhiirte.

Searching for his brother, Ryota stows away on a boat belonging to a criminal alongside two other teenagers. The group shipwrecks on Letchi island and discover the Infant Island natives have been enslaved by a terrorist organization controlling a crustacean monster. Finding a sleeping Godzilla, they decide to awaken him to defeat the terrorists and liberate the natives.

From abject poverty to becoming a ten-time boxing world champion, congressman, and international icon, Manny Pacquiao is the true definition of a Cinderella story. In the Philippines, he first entered the ring as a sixteen-year-old weighing ninety-eight pounds with the goal of earning money to feed his family. Now, almost twenty years later, when he fights, the country of 100 million people comes to a complete standstill to watch. Regarded for his ability to bring people together, Pacquiao entered the political arena in 2010. As history’s first boxing congressman, Pacquiao now fights for his people both inside and outside of the ring. Now at the height of his career, he is faced with maneuvering an unscrupulous sport while maintaining his political duties. The question now is, what bridge is too far for Manny Pacquiao to cross?

The Autobots continue to work for NEST, now no longer in secret. But after discovering a strange artifact during a mission in Chernobyl, it becomes apparent to Optimus Prime that the United States government has been less than forthright with them.

It is the story of an average, popular American teenager named Wendy Wu who discovers that in order to win the coveted crown she must first learn the way of the warrior. Wendy Wu has a one track mind, and that track leads directly to the title of homecoming queen -- no unscheduled stops, and no unnecessary detours. When a mysterious Chinese monk named Shen arrives to mold Wendy into a fearless kung fu warrior, however, her royal aspirations suddenly jump the track as she desperately attempts to juggle her boyfriend, her homework, and of course, the fierce competition to become homecoming queen. Now, as Wendy begins to train her mind, body, and spirit in the ancient tradition of the martial arts and her inner warrior gradually begins to emerge, the girl who once obsessed over popularity finally begins to put that popularity into perspective as she gradually realizes what truly matters in life.

When the FBI hires her to go undercover at a college sorority, Molly Morris (Miley Cyrus) must transform herself from a tough, streetwise private investigator to a refined, sophisticated university girl to help protect the daughter of a one-time Mobster. With several suspects on her list, Molly unexpectedly discovers that not everyone is who they appear to be, including herself.

The dynamic duo of Chon Wang and Roy O'Bannon return for another crazy adventure. This time, they're in London to avenge the murder of Chon's father, but end up on an even bigger case. Chon's sister is there to do the same, but instead unearths a plot to kill the royal family. No one believes her, though, and it's up to Chon and Roy (who has romance on his mind) to prove her right.

USA astronaut kapten Charles Chuck Baker maandub Planeet 51-l, arvates, et on esimene inimene, kes on selle pinnale astunud. Oma üllatuseks avastab ta, et planeet on asustatud väikeste roheliste inimestega, kes elavad õnnelikult helges maailmas ning kelle ainus hirm on, et neid ründavad tulnukad... näiteks sellised nagu Chuck.