In the sequel to Turma da Mônica: Laços, we follow Mônica, Jimmy Five, Maggy and Smudge dealing with the consequences of a mistake made at school. At the same time, they face transformations from childhood to adolescence and are about to discover the value of friendship.
As a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults), Ruby is the only hearing person in her deaf family. When the family's fishing business is threatened, Ruby finds herself torn between pursuing her love of music and her fear of abandoning her parents.
The chronicles of four years in the life of Julie, a young woman who navigates the troubled waters of her love life and struggles to find her career path, leading her to take a realistic look at who she really is.
Par v srednjih letih po letih obiskovanja klinik za zdravljenje neplodnosti nestrpno pričakuje klic organizacije, ki posreduje pri posvojitvah otrok. Končno ga dočakata in domov pripeljeta zdravega dečka. Leta čakanja so se izplačala. Po šestih letih ju preseneti klic dekleta, ki trdi, da je prava biološka mati, in hoče denar ali pa bo zahtevala revizijo postopka. Krušna mati jo povabi domov, kjer jo pričaka skupaj z možem prepričana, da bosta zlahka razkrinkala prevarantko. Toda resnica je kompleksna in tragična obenem.
Devetletni Buddy natančno ve, kdo je in kam sodi. Je otrok delavskega razreda, srečen, ljubljen in varen. Njegov svet je živahna in zabavna ulica, kjer prebiva vsa njegova razširjena družina, kjer sosedje držijo skupaj in kjer se je nemogoče izgubiti, saj se v Belfastu vsi poznajo – ali pa se tako vsaj zdi. Toda družbeno nezadovoljstvo se stopnjuje, in ko na Buddyjevi ulici nazadnje izbruhne nasilje, se njegov otroški svet čez noč obrne na glavo.
A young Finnish woman escapes an enigmatic love affair in Moscow by boarding a train to the arctic port of Murmansk. Forced to share the long ride and a tiny sleeping car with a larger than life Russian miner, the unexpected encounter leads the occupants of Compartment No. 6 to face major truths about human connection.
Zgodba o odraščanju Alane Kane in Garyja Valentina, njuno skupno pot in prvo ljubezen v Dolini San Fernando leta 1973.
While decluttering her home, a woman's hefty house renovation leads her back to the past when she uncovers her ex-boyfriend's belongings.
Trojica čarovnic prepriča škotskega lorda, da bo postal naslednji kralj Škotske, njegova ambiciozna žena pa ga podpira pri njegovih načrtih za prevzem oblasti.
Two unmarried women who have become pregnant by accident and are about to give birth meet in a hospital room: Janis, in her late-thirties, unrepentant and happy; Ana, a teenager, remorseful and frightened.
Nekdanji porno zvezdnik Mikey Saber se odloči, da se vrne nazaj v svoje rojstno mesto Texas City v Teksasune da bi ga kdo res želel nazaj. Tam živita njegova odtujena žena in tašča. Toda ravno ko se zazdi, da ta disfunkcionalna družina vseeno nekako shaja, Mikey v lokalni trgovini s krofi sreča mlado žensko, blagajničarko po imenu Strawberry.
Leda je profesorica literature, ki si poleti privošči študijski dopust na obali, kjer njeno pozornost pritegne mlada mama Nina. Zgodba preskakuje med Ledo v sedanjosti, neodvisno žensko srednjih let z odraslima hčerkama, in njenimi spomini na zgodnje materinstvo. V filmu je ta preskok še posebej poudarjen, saj starejšo Ledo igra Olivia Coleman, mlajšo pa Jessie Buckley. Mlada Leda ostaja doma in skrbi za hčerki, medtem ko si njen mož gradi kariero v znanosti in jo zaradi službenih potovanj pogosto pušča samo s hčerama. Ob tem je Ledina akademska kariera postavljena na stranski tir, vse dokler je njen profesor ne povabi na strokovno konferenco, kjer nepričakovano dobi priznanje za svoje delo.
Humoreska 'Lucy, I’m home.' je bila med 1951 in 1957 najbolj priljubljena nanizanka in je postala eden od največjih popkulturnih fenomenov 20. stoletja. Med zvezde je izstrelila dotedaj neuspešno rdečelaso igralko Lucille Ball in njenega moža, kubanskega glasbenika Desija Arnaza. Film prikazuje delček te zgodbe, kako so se za fasado blišča in slave najbolj slavnega para v Ameriki skrivale mnoge nečednosti: špekulacije o Arnazovi domnevni nezvestobi, obtožbe, da je Ballova v preteklosti sodelovala s komunisti, spori s televizijsko mrežo, ki so bili pogosto obarvani z močno seksistično in rasistično noto... Vse to je postopoma vodilo do konca zakona med njima.
1402. Queen Margrete I has gathered the Nordic kingdoms in a union, ruled through her adopted son, Erik. But a conspiracy is in the making and Margrete finds herself in an impossible dilemma that could shatter her life's work: The Kalmar Union.
Poignant stories of homelessness on the West Coast of the US frame this cinematic portrait of a surging humanitarian crisis.
Vacations in the French countryside. Daphne, three months pregnant, finds herself alone to welcome Maxime, her boyfriend François’ cousin. François had to leave in a hurry for Paris to cover for a sick colleague. For four days, while waiting for his return, Daphne and Maxime get to know each other and share very intimate stories that bring them closer...
A day in the life of a comic book artist and his family in post-Soviet Russia. While suffering from the flu, Petrov is carried by his friend Igor on a long walk, drifting in and out of fantasy and reality.
Newly widowed Frank Fogle embarks on a journey to Ireland to scatter his late wife’s ashes. His estranged son, Sean, recently released from prison, agrees to join only when his father promises that they’ll never see each other again following the trip. After revelations surface about an old flame of Frank’s wife and a charming hitchhiker with plans of her own intervenes, father and son find themselves drawn together in unexpected ways.
Ukraine in Flames is a documentary produced by Oliver Stone that reveals American and NATO participation in the 2014 coup d'état in Ukraine and its aftermath. The renowned American director, who in recent years has made several productions within the genre of political cinema, investigates the origins of the current conflict that currently keeps the entire European continent and the entire planet in suspense. In the film, Stone interviews, among others, the former president of Ukraine, Víktor Yanukovych; Russian President Vladimir Putin and former Ukrainian Interior Minister Vitali Zajarchenko.
Simultaneously, a retired couple overwhelmed by debt tries to win a dance contest, as the minister of economy is suspected of tax evasion, and a teenage girl encounters a sexual maniac, while a young lawyer attempts to climb the social ladder. When the shoe drops, the winner won’t necessarily be the one we expected.