Problem student Haru Yoshida sits next to the cold and studious Shizuku Mizutani in class. Without any other friends to turn to, both of them start to get to know each other and grow closer. Haru eventually develop feelings for Shizuku and confesses his feelings to her. Will Haru and Shizuku get their happily ever after?

Ângela Cristina, mother of teenager Maria de Lourdes, has to deal with the difficulties and delights of guiding her daughter during one of the most complicated stages of life.

Aspiring pop star Erica ends up as the entertainment at her ex-fiancé’s wedding after reluctantly taking a gig at a luxurious island resort while in the wake of a music career meltdown.

Marta may be an orphan, and she may be affected by a lethal illness, yet she is the most positive person one can meet. She wants a boy to fall for her. Not any boy - the most handsome of them all. One day, she may have found her match.

Krooninen myöhästelijä herää todellisuuteen, jossa aika hyppää eteenpäin vuodella parin minuutin välein. Hänen on pelastettava avioliittonsa kilpajuoksussa aikaa vastaan.

Kun fiksu mutta sosiaalisesti hankala Tetê liittyy uuteen kouluun, hän tekee kaikkensa sopeutuakseen. Mutta mehiläiskuningatar luokkatovereidensa keskuudessa on muita ideoita.

A social butterfly who dies during her birthday week is given a second chance to right her wrongs on Earth.

Diana is a successful and happily married woman. At least that's what she thinks until she finds out that her husband is cheating on her with a young aspiring dancer.

While her mom is away, a teen sneaks out of the hippie commune where she lives and embarks on a life-changing adventure to discover who her father is.

After his crew breaks up, a gifted but insecure hip-hop dancer teaches at a top ballet school in Paris, where he falls for an aspiring ballerina.

To fulfill his mother’s dying wish and avoid being removed from her will, an inflexible bachelor hires an actress to play his fiancée.

Fashion assistant Maca has just about got her life together after a devastating breakup, when Leo, the man who broke her heart returns. Seeking support from best friends, Adriana and Jime, all three will learn love can be complicated.

A policewoman whose childhood friend disappeared in Patagonia years ago starts a new search to find answers, and soon finds her own life in danger.

Lähitulevaisuudessa ihmisenkaltaiset androidit on valjastettu auttamaan ihmisten arkielämää. Nuori Georgia tajuaa olevansa raskaana, mutta ennen kuin hän ehtii sulatella asiaa tarkemmin poikaystävänsä Samin kanssa, androidit nousevat kapinaan. Nuoren parin täytyy siis pian sekä sopeutua uuteen maailmantilanteeseen ja selvittää, millä he saavat annettua lapselleen parhaan mahdollisuuden normaaliin elämään.

After getting electrocuted by an MRI machine, an ambitious young medical student begins to hear the thoughts of others.

Near the end of WWII, a young bootlegger and his nightclub-singing girlfriend assemble a ragtag team for an dangerous heist: to steal Mussolini's treasure right from his headquarters.

Vieraillessaan tulevan anoppinsa luona Etelä-Italiassa nainen saa vastaansa salaperäisen ja pahantahtoisen kirouksen, jonka valtaan hänen tyttärensä on joutumassa.

In Shirleyville, Vermont, during the sixties, sisters Merricat and Constance, along with their ailing uncle Julian, confined to a wheelchair, live isolated in a big mansion located on the hill overlooking the town, tormented by the memories of a family tragedy occurred six years ago. The arrival of cousin Charles will threaten the fragile equilibrium of their minds, haunted by madness, fear and superstition.

Digital influencer Nina finds out about her boyfriend's betrayal and ends the relationship. So, she decides to travel with her friends to Salvador and enjoy the city's Carnival. During this period, they gain more followers and learn the true meaning of friendship.

Viiden kaveruksen erämaavaellus muuttuu epätoivoiseksi selviytymistaisteluksi heidän joutuessaan salaperäisen ampujan tähtäimeen.