Film põhineb gangster Henry Hilli elul ja näitab tema teed New Yorki tänavatelt kuni anonüümse eksiilini tunnistajakaitseprogrammis. Nooruke Henry Hill elab linnaosas koos iiri või itaalia päritolu inimestega. Seal kohtub ta halastamatu gangsteri Jimmy Conway ja tulipäise Tommy DeVitoga. Koos teevad nad mitu röövi ja Henry tõuseb maffiahierarhias. Kuid perekond ei ole usaldusväärne, sest paljud tunnevad kadedust. Lisaks sellele ei kavatase ka FBI toimuvat niisama kõrvalt vaadata.

David Aaronson ja Maximilian Bercovicz on parimateks sõpradeks olnud juba lapsepõlvest saadik. Täiskasvanuks saades peavad nad mõlemad kogema traagilisemaid hetki. Film keskendub ka New Yorgi juudi maffia tekkele ning selle kiirele kasvule.

When disillusioned Swedish knight Antonius Block returns home from the Crusades to find his country in the grips of the Black Death, he challenges Death to a chess match for his life. Tormented by the belief that God does not exist, Block sets off on a journey, meeting up with traveling players Jof and his wife, Mia, and becoming determined to evade Death long enough to commit one redemptive act while he still lives.

Leonard Shelby otsib meest, kes vägistas ja mõrvas tema naise. Tema naise mõrvari leidmist raskendab aga asjaolu, et ta kannatab harvaesineva ja ravimatu lühiajalise mälukaotuse all. Kuigi ta suudab meenutada üksikasju elust enne õnnetust, ei mäleta Leonard, mis juhtus viisteist minutit tagasi, kuhu ta läheb või miks.

Psühholoogiliselt traumatiseeritud Vietnami sõja veteran Travis Bickle töötab New Yorkis taksojuhina öises vahetuses. Inimkonnas pettunud mees ei suuda luua kellegagi emotsionaalset sidet ja see on temast teinud üksildase uitaja. Raskused igapäevaelus ja keelatud suhe 14-aastase prostituudiga jätavad talle vaid ühe pääsetee: vägivald.

In 1980s Italy, a relationship begins between seventeen-year-old teenage Elio and the older adult man hired as his father's research assistant.

An expansive Russian drama, this film focuses on the life of revered religious icon painter Andrei Rublev. Drifting from place to place in a tumultuous era, the peace-seeking monk eventually gains a reputation for his art. But after Rublev witnesses a brutal battle and unintentionally becomes involved, he takes a vow of silence and spends time away from his work. As he begins to ease his troubled soul, he takes steps towards becoming a painter once again.

Melanie Daniels tutvub ühes San Francisco linnupoes advokaat Mitch Brenneriga. Hoolimata mehe pisut sarkastilisest käitumisest snobistliku Melanie vastu, otsustab Melanie teda, tema ema Lydiat ja õde Cathyt Bodega Bays külastada. Kui Melanie kohale jõuab, ründab teda üks kajakas. Kuid see rünnak ei jää ainukeseks: päev hiljem ründavad kajakad lapsi, kamina kaudu lendavad majja varblased, leitakse surnud farmer, kelle silmad on välja nokitud. Järjest rohkem linde hakkab inimesi ründama.

An oppressed Mexican peasant village hires seven gunfighters to help defend their homes.

In May 1940, the fate of World War II hangs on Winston Churchill, who must decide whether to negotiate with Adolf Hitler or fight on knowing that it could mean the end of the British Empire.

William Blake, an accountant turned fugitive, is on the run. During his travels, he meets a Native American man called Nobody, who guides him on a journey to the spiritual world.

World War II vet Paul Sutton falls for a pregnant and unwed woman who persuades him -- during their first encounter -- to pose as her husband so she can face her family.

A team of allied saboteurs are assigned an impossible mission: infiltrate an impregnable Nazi-held island and destroy the two enormous long-range field guns that prevent the rescue of 2,000 trapped British soldiers.

Eight London couples try to deal with their relationships in different ways. Their tryst with love makes them discover how complicated relationships can be.

Harry Caine, a blind writer, reaches this moment in time when he has to heal his wounds from 14 years back. He was then still known by his real name, Mateo Blanco, and directing his last movie.

In the future, the government maintains control of public opinion by outlawing literature and maintaining a group of enforcers, known as “firemen,” to perform the necessary book burnings. Fireman Montag begins to question the morality of his vocation…

Former FBI Agent Will Graham, who was once almost killed by the savage Hannibal 'The Cannibal' Lecter, now has no choice but to face him again, as it seems Lecter is the only one who can help Graham track down a new serial killer.

As the police launch a full-scale crackdown on organized crime, it ignites a national yakuza struggle between the Sanno of the East and Hanabishi of the West. What started as an internal strife in Outrage has now become a nationwide war in Outrage Beyond.

The reinvigorated elderly group that left Earth comes back to visit their relatives. Will they all decide to go back to the planet where no one grows old, or will they be tempted to remain on Earth?

When Erik Stifler realizes that he's the only Stifler family member who might graduate high school a virgin, he decides to live up to his legacy. After some well-meaning advice from Jim's dad, Erik's ready to take his chances at the annual and infamous Naked Mile race, where his devoted friends and some uninhibited sorority girls will create the most outrageous weekend ever.