Film about an unemployed, socially handicapped bachelor who lives in a very small world. For his birthday, his mother gives him a young dog. The touching pup brings about a pleasant change in his lonely life. But the growing up of the small dog forces him to make a radical choice.

Frank W. Abagnale a lucrat ca doctor, avocat și copilot la o companie aviatică populară – toate înainte de a împlini 21 de ani. Maestru al înșelăciunilor, el a fost și un foarte bun falsificator, reușind să câștige milioane de dolari cu ajutorul unor cecuri false. Agentul FBI Carl Hanratty și-a stabilit drept prioritate să-l prindă pe Frank şi să-l aducă în fața justiției, dar Frank se află întotdeauna cu un pas înaintea sa, silindu-l să-și continue urmărirea.

Liderii rebeli își elaborează strategia pentru un atac total asupra celui mai nou și mai mare distrugător al Împăratului: Steaua Morții. Han Solo rămâne înghețat în fortăreața deșertului cavernos al lui Jabba Hutt, cel mai rău bandit din univers, care o ține și pe Prințesa Leia pe post de sclavă. Acum, un maestru al Forței, Luke Skywalker își salvează prietenii dar nu poate deveni un adevărat Cavaler Jedi, până când își va duce propria luptă crucială împotriva lui Darth Vader, care a jurat să-l câștige pe Luke de partea întunecată a Forței.

Brash, loudmouthed and opportunistic, Kikujiro is the unlikely companion for Masao who is determined to see the mother he has never met. The two begin a series of adventures which soon turns out to be a whimsical journey of laughter and tears with a wide array of surprises and unique characters along the way.

La câțiva ani după declanșarea Războiului Clonelor, nobilii Cavaleri Jedi conduc o armată masivă a clonelor într-o luptă la nivel de galaxie împotriva Separatiștilor. Când maleficii Sith dezvăluie un complot vechi de o mie de ani pentru a conduce galaxia, Republica se prăbușește și din cenușă ei se ridică diabolicul Imperiul Galactic. Eroul Jedi, Anakin Skywalker, este sedus de partea întunecată a Forței pentru a deveni noul ucenic al Împăratului - Darth Vader. Cavalerii Jedi sunt decimați, pe măsură ce Obi-Wan Kenobi și Maestrul Jedi, Yoda, sunt forțați să se ascundă. Singura speranță pentru galaxie este descendența proprie a lui Anakin - copiii gemeni, născuți în secret, care vor crește pentru a deveni eroi.

Genial, bumbling Monsieur Hulot loves his top-floor apartment in a grimy corner of the city, and cannot fathom why his sister's family has moved to the suburbs. Their house is an ultra-modern nightmare, which Hulot only visits for the sake of stealing away his rambunctious young nephew. Hulot's sister, however, wants to win him over to her new way of life, and conspires to set him up with a wife and job.

Câteva personaje uşor excentrice decid să pornească într-o călătorie prin ceruri şi pe sub mări. Dezideratul se dovedeşte curând a fi unul foarte dificil şi mai periculos decât părea....

The continuation of Joe's sexually dictated life delves into the darker aspects of her adult life and what led to her being in Seligman's care.

Two doctors find their graveyard shift inundated with townspeople ravaged by sores. Among the wounded is Cherry Darling, a dancer whose leg was ripped from her body. As the invalids quickly become enraged aggressors, Cherry and her ex-boyfriend El Wray lead a team of accidental warriors into the night.

The action continues from [REC], with the medical officer and a SWAT team outfitted with video cameras are sent into the sealed off apartment to control the situation.

Anakin Skywalker, un sclav tânăr și puternic în căile Forței, este descoperit pe planeta Tatooine. Între timp, maleficii Sith s-au întors, punând în scenă planul lor de răzbunare împotriva Cavalerilor Jedi.

The Saint-Tropez police launch a major offensive against dangerous drivers. Marechal Cruchot (Louis de Funès) relishes the assignment, which he pursues with a manic zeal. Cruchot is after an offending driver, who turns out to be Josépha (Claude Gensac), the widow of a highly regarded police colonel. When they meet, Cruchot falls instantly in love....

A young man returns home for the weekend to discover the difficulty of juggling friends, parents, magic mushrooms and several thousand chickens.

Roberto, a drummer in a rock band, keeps receiving weird phone calls and being followed by a mysterious man. One night he manages to catch up with his persecutor and tries to get him to talk but in the ensuing struggle he accidentally stabs him. He runs away, but he understands his troubles have just begun when the following day he receives an envelope with photos of him killing the man. Someone is killing all his friends and trying to frame him for the murders.

Owen, a young man is dissatisfied with his life. He heads into the forest to escape and learns a lot during his time there.

A small town in Spain, October 1955. Isabel, a 35-year-old dreamer who feels like a failure because she is not married yet, becomes the new target of a group of soulless pranksters.

Paris, France. Commissaire Wens is put in charge of the investigation into the murder of one of six friends who, in the past, made a very profitable promise.

Chris has vast experience in driver training both as an advanced driving instructor and driving examiner. This is the third in the Ultimate Driving Craft series of high quality advanced driving DVDs which have received international acclaim having sold to 39 countries. Filmed with two HD professional movie cameras and professionally edited by Green Gecko Television Ltd who have also added some excellent animation to support Chris's teaching of driving skills. In this DVD Chris highlights a problem that affects all drivers. It is called the natural focal point and not the best way to drive. He explains what it is, why it happens and what we, as drivers, can do about preventing it.

Jaga Bada, Mr. Satan's old sparring partner, has invited Satan to his personal island to hold a grudge match. Trunks and Goten decide to come for the adventure and Android #18 is following Satan for the money he owes her. Little do they know that Jaga Bada's scientist have found a way to resurrect Broly, the legendary Super Saiyan.

Eight years have passed since Sara Wolfe and Eddie Baker escaped the House on Haunted Hill. Now the kidnapped Ariel, Sara's sister, goes inside the house with a group of treasure hunters to find the statue of Baphomet, worth millions and believed to be the cause of the House's evil.