Brimming with action while incisively examining the nature of truth, "Rashomon" is perhaps the finest film ever to investigate the philosophy of justice. Through an ingenious use of camera and flashbacks, Kurosawa reveals the complexities of human nature as four people recount different versions of the story of a man's murder and the rape of his wife.

Zgodba v stilu srhljivega psihološkega trilerja pripoveduje o osemletnem dečku z imenom Cole Sears, ki ga preganja temačna skrivnost: obiskujejo ga duhovi umrlih. Cole je izredno občutljiv in krhek deček, razpet med grozo, ki jo doživlja ob vsakem obisku, in med strahom pred nerazumevanjem, ki bi ga dobil v odgovor, če bi svojo skrivnost komu zaupal. Končno se zaupa svojemu psihiatru, dr. Malcolmu Croweu. Njuna skupna pot do razumevanja neznanega in nadnaravnega ju vodi do spoznanja, ki ga ne eden ne drugi nista pričakovala in kar lahko razumeta in obvladata le s skupnimi močmi.

Having met on a train, a smooth-talking psychotic socialite shares his theory on how two complete strangers can get away with murder to an amateur tennis player — a theory he plans to test out.

Mojster psiholoških dram Rekvijem za sanje in Rokoborec se potopi v um ambiciozne baletke Nine, ki si želi v naslednji predstavi zagotoviti glavno vlogo. Toda kmalu spozna, da dvolični direktor baletne hiše od nje pričakuje intimne usluge, težave ji povzroča radoživa konkurentka Lily, doma pa jo dodatno obremenjuje zahtevna mama. Fizični napori in psihološki stres Nino pahne v vrtinec samouničujočega iskanja popolnega baletnega nastopa.

Nadarjenemu programerju Calebu zmaga na računalniškem tekmovanju prinese srečanje z briljantnim izumiteljem Nathanom v njegovem skrivnostnem laboratoriju sredi divjine. Caleb navdušen spozna, da je Nathan uspel ustvariti prvega robota z umetno inteligenco Avo. Nadobudni mladenič mora preveriti njene sposobnosti, ob analizah in pogovorih pa se nanjo nenadejano naveže, kar zamegli njegovo objektivnost. Toda Nathan nadaljuje s svojimi skrivnimi načrti in Caleb kmalu ne ve več, komu lahko zaupa?

Jackie Brown is a flight attendant who gets caught in the middle of smuggling cash into the country for her gunrunner boss. When the cops try to use Jackie to get to her boss, she hatches a plan — with help from a bail bondsman — to keep the money for herself.

A beautiful, pure-hearted young woman, Maleficent has an idyllic life growing up in a peaceable forest kingdom, until one day when an invading army threatens the harmony of the land. She rises to be the land's fiercest protector, but she ultimately suffers a ruthless betrayal – an act that begins to turn her heart into stone. Bent on revenge, Maleficent faces an epic battle with the invading King's successor and, as a result, places a curse upon his newborn infant Aurora. As the child grows, Maleficent realizes that Aurora holds the key to peace in the kingdom – and to Maleficent's true happiness as well.

Two women, Nic and Jules, brought a son and daughter into the world through artificial insemination. When one of their children reaches age, both kids go behind their mothers' backs to meet with the donor. Life becomes so much more interesting when the father, two mothers and children start to become attached to each other.

The action continues from [REC], with the medical officer and a SWAT team outfitted with video cameras are sent into the sealed off apartment to control the situation.

Xavier is a 40-year-old father of two who still finds life very complicated. When the mother of his children moves to New York, he can't bear them growing up far away from him and so he decides to move there as well.

James Bond (Roger Moore) mora preiskati umor kolega agenta, ki je v času umora v rokah držal Fabergéjevo jajce, predmet neprecenljive vrednosti. Sledi ga pripeljejo do skrivnostne bogatašinje Octopussy (Maud Adams), prelepe tihotapke diamantov, in njene ekipe zapeljivih akrobatk. Privlačnost med Bondom in Octopussy je takoj očitna, vendar bo moral agent 007 najprej obračunati z izgnanim afganistanskim princem Kamalom Khanom (Louis Jordan), ljubiteljem jedrskega orožja. Khan sodeluje z norim ruskim generalom, ki želi človeštvo pahniti v tretjo svetovno vojno. V zahodni Evropi namerava sprožiti jedrski holokavst.

Self-made millionaire Thornton Melon decides to get a better education and enrolls at his son Jason's college. While Jason tries to fit in with his fellow students, Thornton struggles to gain his son's respect, giving way to hilarious antics.

Gerrie, Richard, Rikkert, Robbie and Barry from Maaskantje are in a big fight with the village of Schijndel. When a zombie kills someone from Brabant, things get out of hand.

In a futuristic world where the polar ice caps have melted and made Earth a liquid planet, a beautiful barmaid rescues a mutant seafarer from a floating island prison. They escape, along with her young charge, Enola, and sail off aboard his ship. But the trio soon becomes the target of a menacing pirate who covets the map to 'Dryland'—which is tattooed on Enola's back.

Six would-be thieves enter a prestigious dance competition as a cover for their larger goal of pulling off a major heist.

After Suman's father leaves her in the care of another family while he travels abroad, she falls in love with Prem. However, in order to for them to marry, Prem has to prove to Suman's father that he is not the same as his own dad.

Survivalist Burt Gummer returns home to Perfection, to find that the little town has been shaken up again by morphing, man-eating Graboids.

V prvem filmu smo spoznali nesrečnega znanstvenika Setha Brundlea, ki se je zaradi ponesrečenega eksperimenta, pri katerem so se zamešale njegove molekule z molekulami navadne muhe, spremenil v grotesknega mutanta. Usodne napake ga je rešil strel ljubimke Veronice, ki je kasneje v strahu ugotovila, da je noseča. Njun sin Martin zdaj odrašča na kliniki zlobnega industrialista Antona Bartoka, kjer na njem izvajajo najrazličnejše poskuse. Ko Martin spozna privlačno Beth Logan, se vanjo na mah zaljubi. Njegovi hormoni se prebudijo in preobrazba v muho je neizbežna.

In a night of killer comedy, Bill Burr hosts a showcase of his most raucous stand-up comic pals as they riff on everything from COVID to Michael Jackson.

The mega corporation Omni Consumer Products is still bent on creating their pet project, Delta City, to replace the rotting city of Detroit. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of the area have no intention of abandoning their homes simply for desires of the company. To this end, OCP have decided to force them to leave by employing a ruthless mercenary army to attack and harass them. An underground resistance begins and in this fight, RoboCop must decide where his loyalties lie.