Mecha Mutt, a revolutionary remote-controlled lunar rover resembling a large canine, goes rogue at Houston's Annual Science Expo. Scooby-Doo! Mecha Mutt Menace is the fourth in a series of direct-to-video short films.


A young photographer's home is haunted by it's former residents.

A chronological account of the heavy metal band Iron Maiden's 2008 world tour through India, Australia, Japan, USA, Canada, Mexico and South America in a jet piloted by the band's front man, Bruce Dickinson. Features interviews with the musicians, their road crew and fans.



Tomek and Ania finally decide to get married. The wedding, according to the wishes of Ania, will take place at the family members of Tomek with whom he has had no contact for years. It turns out that his brothers and his mother are like an Italian family where every conversation threatens to lead to an explosion and where a loving relationship and a quarrel are close together. Also the mother of Ania does not make a good impression on the mother of Tomek when she appears at the wedding with a much younger partner. The unexpected arrival of Tomek's father, whom he has not seen for years, is the drop that makes the bucket overflow .

Bringing laughs for the whole family, the mischievous Minions return in three new hilariously entertaining mini-movies. In "Puppy," when Kyle is unwilling to behave like a real dog, the Minions go looking for one who will. As usual, nothing goes as planned, and when their new friend gets homesick, it's time for some very creative thinking! "Panic In The Mailroom" is what happens when a suspicious package arrives and the Minions are totally unprepared. And in "Training Wheels," Agnes has some trouble with her bike and the Minions come to her aid - armed with a few helpful gadgets.

The story of three half-sisters who are united when their father dies and his will dictates they live together if they are to get their inheritance. The three sisters; the passionate Nada, the westernized Roqaya, and the tempered Ghada, have to work out their differences.


  三姐弟在一场大火中失去了父母,继承了父母留下的一大笔遗产。因为年龄尚小,只能到了法定年龄才能动用这笔钱。于是,三姐弟被暂时带到远房亲戚奥拉夫(金·凯瑞 Jim Carrey饰)家,由奥拉夫来抚养。   姐姐维奥莱特(艾米莉·布朗宁 Emily Browning饰)是个善于发明创作的小精灵,弟弟克劳斯则博闻强识,是个地道的小博士。最小的孩子有一口锋利的牙齿,呀呀说些姐姐哥哥才能听得懂的话。这次三姐弟却落进了奥拉夫的圈套里,被这个贪婪的亲戚盯上了那笔遗产。他们一次次陷入险境,看来奥拉夫非把他们害死不可。   于是,他们逃到了做生物学家的叔叔家里,然而这里却满是蛇类动物,颇为惊悚。更不妙的是,奥拉夫像摆脱不掉的影子跟随而至。三个孩子继续出逃,在发现姑妈家也不是去处时,他们决定自力更生,跟邪恶的奥拉夫周旋到底。

月朗星稀之夜,阿宝(杰克·布莱克 Jack Black 配音)与悍娇虎(安吉丽娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie 配音)、快螳螂(塞斯·罗根 Seth Rogen 配音)潜入新一届武术大会的博物馆,这里陈列着风暴铁牛侠(Dennis Haysbert 配音)、流星鳄大侠(Anthony Leondis 配音)、雷霆犀牛侠(Paul Scheer 配音)等功夫大师的经典兵器,阿宝为此兴奋不已。当然,这里还有关于苏武三姐妹(Sumalee Montano 配音)的物件。阿宝向朋友们讲述了很久以前的武林故事:当年苏武三姐妹横行中原,她们仅凭一双筷子就挫败了强大的豺狼帝国。当她们从帝国监狱逃脱后,开始图谋联合武林败类称霸全国的计划。为了阻止她们的野心,乌龟大师(Randall Duk Kim 配音)找到了当时功夫了了却醉心名利的风暴铁牛侠、流星鳄大侠和雷霆犀牛侠(Paul Scheer 配音),结伴前往苏武三姐妹的老巢。



A committed environmentalist whose hyperfixation with everything that's wrong with the world is taking a toll on his marriage tries a pill that reduces human brain capacity from the usual 20% to a mere 2%.

Small, yellow-bellied forest spirits make a discovery that threatens the balance of their world.


Tommy loses his job as a make-up artist at Bayerischer Rundfunk after fogging an announcer with hairspray and then insulting her; Mike is dumped by his girlfriend because, on the one hand, he only cares about his music and, on the other hand, he is financially stranded. So they both need money and decide to become detectives. On behalf of a rich industrialist, they are to shadow his wife and take photos of her cheating. So Mike and Tommy travel to Bad Spänzer, where the lady is staying. But she is as faithful as gold, so Mike, disguised as a Prussian, makes advances to her so that Tommy can take the required photos. But Tommy soon has to slip into a costume, too: Since Tommy looks deceptively similar to an Arab sheik, he is hired by the sheik's secret service to double him. What Tommy doesn't know: assassins want to kill the sheikh at all costs.

Toni, a trans* man, and his girlfriend Mika are attacked in a club in the evening and the situation escalates. When both return to their apartment, exhausted and drained, they both have to relive the experiences of the evening within their own four walls and Toni is forced to stand up to violence and transphobia.