Ember is a 21-year-old photography student, stubborn, confident and independent. Her biggest dream has always been to move out of her hometown - she hated it for as long as she could remember and never felt comfortable there. But as Ember fulfils her dream and moves away to a different city, she keeps coming back to the memories of her past life and introspecting her connection with her hometown.

STOP + Cop = "Stop" or "Slow down" ? Make the right choice. An interactice movie by Ken Arsyn.

Shot at the Olympic Stadium in Seoul during the BTS World Tour ‘Love Yourself’ to celebrate the seven members of the global boyband and their unprecedented international phenomenon.

In the fifth film of the Lone Wolf and Cub series, Ogami Itto is challenged by five warriors, each has one fifth of Ogami's assassin fee and one fifth of the information he needs to complete his assassination.

Keka is a beautiful young woman working in a call center. Wanting to hunt down the killers and avenge her boyfriend's death, she undergoes rigid training. Everything has been going well until she meets the guy who makes her fall in love again.

Staršinovi Vaskovi, veliteľovi oddielu protivzdušnej obrany v odľahlej oblasti pri hraniciach s Fínskom, velenie pridelilo novú jednotku dobrovoľníkov. Kvôli neustálym problémom s disciplínou u predchádzajúcich vojakov požiadal Vaskov o abstinentov, ktorí by sa v noci nevytratili z kasární za sukňami. Na jeho prekvapenie sa na scéne objavia nové posily, ktoré spĺňajú všetky jeho požiadavky až na jeden háčik: všetky sú to mladé ženy. Zmätený Vaskov si nie je istý, či môže novoprijatých vojakov zapojiť do tvrdého výcviku, alebo sa k nim dokonca správať ako k bežným vojakom. Krátko nato však prichádza správa, že v oblasti sú dvaja nemeckí výsadkári, a Vaskov si nemôže dovoliť ďalšie váhanie. Vyberie si päť dievčat, s ktorými sa vydá do zajatia Nemcov. Skupinu tvoria Rita, ktorej manžel zahynul v prvej vlne bojov, Ženi, ktorá prišla o celú rodinu, židovské dievča Sonia, zálesáčka Lisa a sirota Galja, ktorá si pridala rok života, aby mohla narukovať...

Journalists Ichiro Sakai and Junko cover the wreckage of a typhoon when an enormous egg is found and claimed by greedy entrepreneurs. Mothra's fairies arrive and are aided by the journalists in a plea for its return. As their requests are denied, Godzilla arises near Nagoya and the people of Infant Island must decide if they are willing to answer Japan's own pleas for help.

A submarine expedition to salvage the remains of Mechagodzilla is thwarted by a massive dinosaur named Titanosaurus. An Interpol investigation leads biologist Ichinose to uncover the work of Dr. Mafune and his mysterious daughter Katsura. Aligned with the Black Hole Aliens, Katsura's life becomes entwined with the resurrected machine.

At the turn of the century, all of the Earth's monsters have been rounded up and kept safely on Monsterland. Chaos erupts when a race of she-aliens known as the Kilaaks unleash the monsters across the world.

Félicité, a strong and proud woman, sings in bars in Kinshasa. She drifts away from reality when her 14-year-old son gets into an accident. In electric Kinshasa, she wanders in a world of music & dreams... until love unexpectedly brings her back to life.

Hazel runs a beauty salon out of her house, but makes extra money by providing ruthless women the oppurtunity to perform hit jobs. L.T. is a parasite, and contacts Hazel looking for work after he runs out of money. She is reluctant to use him for a hit, since she prefers using women, but decides to try him on a trial basis. Meanwhile, the cop she pays off wants an arrest to make it look like he's doing his job, but Hazel doesn't want to sacrifice any of her "associates". The sleazy side of life is explored in this delightfully dark and deadpan film.

Kim and Pie are in love, but after graduation they have to travel into two different directions for their internship; Kim is going to work in a farm in the northern province of Nan, while Pie is going South to work in a fishery center. Their love is being tested by the distance between them.

A kindergarten teacher meets a novice magician and together they travel to another city to find love.

This was one of a series of concerts James Brown gave at the Apollo in Harlem in March 1968. This performance was broadcast on television as James Brown: Man To Man. In addition to 16 vintage color performances from the concert, this special also includes film of James Brown walking the streets of Harlem and Watts as he speaks to the state of Black America and describes the political and socioeconomic advances that need to be accomplished: “My flight is for Black American to become American.”—James Brown This concert is much a 1968 James Brown time capsule as it is a timeless representation of how music can change the world.

A story about five friends Papa Chui is the eldest among the group and has a boy toy whom he supports financially, more than what he needed. Gerorgette a transsexual who wants to have a child so he can build his own family. Baldo a closet body guard who also has a closet boyfriend. CC the possessive fashion designer who wants to walk the aisle and is friends with Shirley, an event specialist and trying hard singer who has problems with her boyfriend.

Tajomne hrozivý bar Titti Twister sa opäť stane miestom stretnutia ľudí a tvorov noci, ktorí túžia len po jednom - po krvi! Na miesto osudného stretnutia sa vydala skupina nič netušiacich cestujúcich. Sú medzi nimi spisovateľ Abros, ktorý záhadne zmizol v Mexiku, bezohľadný vrah a bandita Johnny a obesencova dcéra Esmeralda. V bare sú už očakávaní nenapodobiteľným barmanom Charliem a tiež Esmeraldinou matkou. Nikto však nevie, že ona je kráľovnou upírov a chystá strašný osud pre dcéru, ktorú nikdy nevidela.

Skiing has arrived. MSP Films takes you inside the action with “THE WAY I SEE IT,” featuring several unique perspectives on the progression that took place during the winter of 2010. The winner of Powder Magazine’s 2009 “Movie of the Year” brings you the best athletes on the planet sharing their points of view on what it means to be a skier and backing up their positions with hard-charging action. The MSP team traveled the globe in search of what makes this sport so special… the adventure, the passion, the camaraderie, and the fun. “THE WAY I SEE IT” showcases the greatest deep powder, steep lines, and massive park features from British Columbia, Japan, Alaska, Colorado, Switzerland, Idaho, Washington, and many other locations worldwide. Featuring the skiing of: Mark Abma, Sean Pettit, Eric Hjorleifson, Henrik Windstedt, Bobby Brown, Colby West, James Heim, Richard Permin, Cody Townsend, Rory Bushfield, Ingrid Backstrom, Gus Kenworthy, Jacob Wester, Russ Henshaw, and others.