防弹少年团(BTS)和ARMY一起现场跳舞的表演“BTS舞台舞蹈许可:首尔实时观看”。 加入我们,让 BTS 和 ARMY 再次与音乐和舞蹈合二为一,从首尔到世界各地的电影院进行不容错过的现场音乐会体验! “BTS舞台舞蹈许可:首尔实时观看”是最新的世界巡演系列,由 21 世纪流行偶像 BTS 领衔主演,拥有强大的表演和他们令人难以置信的职业生涯中最伟大的热门歌曲。 在四场售罄的演出中,约有 813,000 人观看了较早的洛杉矶演出,使其成为 2021 年最成功的演出之一。

自从超大型巨人出现,人类的和平与幻想被打破的那天开始,艾伦·耶格尔无尽战斗的日子就未曾中断……。 毫无抵抗之力,眼睁睁看着母亲成为巨人的饵食,发誓将巨人一个不剩地从世上驱逐的艾伦。 但,在残酷战斗的途中,他自己也变成了巨人的姿态——。 为了夺回人类的自由而驱使巨人之力的艾伦,在席纳之墙的史托黑斯区与“女巨人”交锋。这场巨人之间的激烈战斗,由艾伦艰难地取得了胜利。 即使如此,艾伦以及人类也没有休息的时间。下一场战斗已经宣告开幕。面对逼近罗塞之墙的大群巨人,人类将如何对敌!?

“Re-Existence” is a documentary about migration stories of individuals from the Brazilian queer community.


Shudder宣布该系列将继续推出第七部,将专注于科幻恐怖片。 续集将以五张新的令人毛骨悚然的录像带为特色,将恐怖置于科幻启发的地狱场景的最前沿,电影将于2024年上线。


Young couple gets together with friends for a barbeque, but something in the sink has other plans for tonight...

影片由德国年度卖座冠军电影《该死的歌德》原班人马接力打造。讲述了痞子泽基(埃利亚斯·穆巴里克饰)刚刚出狱,找到了藏有以前抢来的赃款的地方,谁知那里居然建了一所歌德学校。于是他装成代课老师混进学校,找寻藏匿的地点。   然而,这一次,泽基老师(埃利亚斯·穆巴里克 饰演)要带他的学生们来到泰国校外教学以强化他们的校誉。   《该死的歌德2》开场依旧以高度密集的非正确幽默维持观众期待,将班级郊游作为教学竞争的扩展区域,并将学校排名、支援预算、生态致力和助学措施等相关领域贯穿始终,影片相较于前作更立体地塑造个别配角,但类似《宿醉2》将基本情节元素在异国背景下回收,且受制于包括泰国孤儿在内的支线内容。   以《土耳其语初学者》成名的导演博拉•达格特肯携主演埃利亚斯•穆巴里克原班人马打造的这部续集去年九月上映后以770万观影人数超越《脑中蜜》成为德国年度票房冠军 两周就吸引到五百万观众

在19世纪末与海盗船一同沉入新加坡近海的、世界上最大的蓝宝石“绀青之拳”。在当地的富豪将其回收,于舞台上展现其真容时,在滨海湾金沙酒店附近发生了杀人案。现场留下了怪盗基德沾有血迹的预告函。而在那时,为了观看在新加坡举办的空手道锦标赛,小兰和园子到访了当地。 由于没有护照所以无法出国的柯南本来应当在看家,但他被试图利用他的基德以魔术般的方法,强行带到了新加坡。若不服从对方就连回日本都做不到的柯南,眼镜、手表、衣服等全被夺走进行了变装。被没有注意到其真实身份的小兰问及名字,情急之下化名“亚瑟·平井”。 基德得到了在某个宅邸的地下金库中沉睡着蓝宝石的情报。他以为很简单就可入侵成功,但无比危险的陷阱等待着基德。挡在他面前的,是400战无败绩的最强空手道家——京极真。基德的命运是……在那之后,就如预兆着什么不祥之事一般,从新加坡的象征——鱼尾狮中喷出了被染为鲜红的水!

Emilia arrives at her Aunt Inés' hostel located on the Argentina-Brazil border, looking for her missing brother. In this lush jungle a dangerous beast which takes the form of different animals seems to be roaming around.

In the summer of 2015, former US Marine and world record weightlifter Janae Marie Kroczaleski was publicly outed as being transgender. The reaction was universal: her sponsors abandoned her, she was disowned by her parents and banned from competing. This film follows Janae as she attempts to find her place in society. Initially wanting to strip off the muscle and become a much smaller looking woman, she found herself unable to lose the muscle she so desperately gained. She now finds herself living one day as an alpha male and the next day as a delicate girl. Will Janae be able to handle her muscle relapses? Will her passage from being a male bring her the peace she's looking for? Will society accept a 250lbs muscular woman? Is her path personal redemption or physical and psychological disaster?



Let’s get SICK’NING for the Holidays! RuPaul’s Drag Race legend Laganja Estanja is here for Hey Qween’s Very Green Christmas Special!

Set one year after the events of Hell House LLC II, the hotel is on the verge of being torn down when it is purchased by billionaire Russell Wynn as the new home for his popular interactive show, Insomnia. He invites journalist Venessa Sheppard and her crew to record everything happening inside the hotel leading up to the performance - but they soon encounter a more nefarious plot, one that threatens to unleash a veritable hell on earth.

Like the original film, the sequel is set in a near future where all drinking and drugs are banned except for on one glorious day known as The Binge. This year, that day happens to miraculously land on Christmas.

An all-female version of the Van Helsing tale reconfigures the vampire story as an erotic fantasy. The great, great granddaughter of Van Helsing seeks to slay the sexy Countess Dracula. She may have to pretend to be her devoted love slave to get closer to the bloodthirsty demon.