Cobb, a skilled thief who commits corporate espionage by infiltrating the subconscious of his targets is offered a chance to regain his old life as payment for a task considered to be impossible: "inception", the implantation of another person's idea into a target's subconscious.

2700. gads. Robots VALL-E (saīsināts no Visuma Atkritumu Laukā Lādētājs - Efektīvais) aizvada savas dienas veicot vienu un to pašu vienmuļo darbu, kuram viņš bija konstruēts un ieprogrammēts. Tas turpinās līdz tam brīdim, kad uz Zemes ierodas neparasts robots IEVA, kurai VALL-E seko līdzi aizraujošā kosmiskā ceļojumā pāri visai galaktikai, lai atrastu savas dzīves īsto aicinājumu.

The Official Wimbledon Film 2018 delivers an engaging insight into the very best action, on and off the court, at the most famous and revered tennis tournament in the world. Documenting the progress of former champions, challengers and eventual winners as they progress through the fortnight, witnessing the shock results unfold and delving into Wimbledon's unique attributes across the grounds.

After a global war, the seaside kingdom known as the Valley of the Wind remains one of the last strongholds on Earth untouched by a poisonous jungle and the powerful insects that guard it. Led by the courageous Princess Nausicaä, the people of the Valley engage in an epic struggle to restore the bond between humanity and Earth.

When a beautiful young Grace arrives in the isolated township of Dogville, the small community agrees to hide her from a gang of ruthless gangsters, and, in return, Grace agrees to do odd jobs for the townspeople.

Holivuda. 1950. gadi. Plaukstošajā pēckara ASV visu izšķir nauda, košo reklāmu gaismu aizsegā tiek pastrādāti netīri noziegumi, uzplaukst organizētā noziedzība. Cīņā ar mafiju dodas trīs ļoti atšķirīgi policisti – katrs ar savām metodēm un katrs ar savu morāli.

Vadošam FedEx darbiniekam jāmainās kā fiziski, tā emocionāli, lai izdzīvotu pēc avārijas nosēšanās uz neapdzīvotas salas.

2009.gada aprīlī kravas kuģis Maersk Alabama kapteiņa Ričarda Filipsa vadībā devās uz Mombasas ostu Kenijā, šķērsojot Adenas līci pie Somālijas krastiem. Bruņoti somālieši ieņēma kuģi un, pieprasījuši izpirkuma maksu, saņēma gūstā kapteini. Dreifējot glābšanas laivā kopā ar sagūstītājiem necilvēcīgos apstākļos, aci pret aci ar pirātu vadoni Musē, Filipsam atlika tikai cerēt uz brīnumu. Ar pirātiem kopā pavadītajā laikā, kapteinis atskārst, ka noziedznieku motīvi nemaz nav tik viennozīmīgi. Filmas scenārijs balstīts uz kapteiņa Filipsa biogrāfiskās grāmatas pamata.

The starship Enterprise and its crew is pulled back into action when old nemesis, Khan, steals a top secret device called Project Genesis.

When a beautiful first-grade teacher arrives at a prep school, she soon attracts the attention of an ambitious teenager named Max, who quickly falls in love with her. Max turns to the father of two of his schoolmates for advice on how to woo the teacher. However, the situation soon gets complicated when Max's new friend becomes involved with her, setting the two pals against one another in a war for her attention.

Šis ir stāsts par padomju zemūdens kapteini Marko Ramiu, kas nepakļāvās pavēlēm un devās uz ASV austrumu krastu. Aprīkota ar inovatīvām pretizsekošanas tehnoloģijām, viņa zemūdene "Sarkanais oktobris" bija neredzama. Tiesa, kad amerikāņu zemūdene uz mirkli pamanīja krievu klātbūtni, CIP aģents Džeks Raiens devās noskaidrot Ramija motīvus.

Pietro Zinni is asked by the police to revive the old gang to create a task force that will stop the spread of smart drugs.

Paul Rivers, an ailing mathematician lovelessly married to an English émigré; Christina Peck, an upper-middle-class suburban housewife and mother of two girls; and Jack Jordan, a born-again ex-con, are brought together by a terrible accident that changes their lives.

From an inauspicious beginning performing comedy routines in the back of a burger joint in New York, unorthodox stand-up star Zach Galifianakis has made a splash on the scene with his inimitable brand of humor. In this live show filmed at San Francisco's Purple Onion nightclub, the versatile funnyman serves up a healthy dose of his signature wit.

Rookie cop, Amelia Donaghy reluctantly teams with Lincoln Rhyme – formerly the department's top homicide detective but now paralyzed as a result of a spinal injury – to catch a grisly serial killer dubbed 'The Bone Collector'. The murderer's special signature is to leave tantalizing clues based on the grim remains of his crimes.

Upon his release from a mental hospital following a nervous breakdown, the directionless Anthony joins his friend Dignan, who seems far less sane than the former. Dignan has hatched a harebrained scheme for an as-yet-unspecified crime spree that somehow involves his former boss, the (supposedly) legendary Mr. Henry.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

"Maine-Ocean" is the name of a train that rides from Paris to Saint-Nazaire (near the ocean). In that train, Dejanira, a Brazilian, has a brush with the two ticket inspectors. Mimi, another traveler and also a lawyer, helps her. The four of them will meet together later and live a few shifted adventures with a strange-speaking sailor (Mimi's client).

Pandoras lāde, kura slēpj pasaulē lielāko ļaunumu, ir paslēpta Āfrikā, vietā, kuru dēvē par "Dzīvības šūpuli". Nenogurdināmās Laras Kroftas uzdevums ir lādi atrast, pirms tā nokļūst maniakālā zinātnieka Džonatana Reisa rokās. Zinātnieks, kurš ir cieši apņēmies izmantot ļaunuma milzīgo spēku, lai valdītu pār pasauli, ir jāaptur par katru cenu un tikai Laras spēkos ir pasargāt pasauli no zinātnieka nodomu piepildīšanās.

When Derek moves to a new town and discovers a shortcut through the woods to his high school, he learns about a crazy old man who lives near its path: Legend has it that he abducted a group of teenagers years ago. Ignoring the warning, Derek and his friends set out to uncover the dark secret that's buried deep in the woods. But will they survive to tell it?