Štiričlanska Ki-taekova družina si je sicer zelo blizu, vendar nihče nima službe, prihodnost pa ni obetavna. Sinu Ki-wooju se nasmehne sreča, ko ga prijatelj, ki obiskuje prestižno univerzo, predlaga za dobro plačano službo. Ki-woo, ki na ramenih nosi pričakovanja celotne družine, se odpravi k družini Park na razgovor. Glava družine je g. Park, lastnik mednarodnega računalniškega podjetja. Ki-woo tam spozna Yeon-kyo, prelepo mladenko. Kmalu po prvem srečanju se odnosi med družinama zapletejo, kar pripelje do niza nesrečnih pripetljajev.

Delia je žena in mati treh otrok v povojnem Rimu. Ko ne gospodinji nasilnemu možu in ne skrbi za sitnega tasta, hiti med priložnostnimi deli. Edino uteho ji prinašata klepet s prijateljico in hčerina zaroka s prijetnim mladeničem iz premožne družine. Svojo usodo sprejema brez pritoževanja – dokler nekega dne ne prispe skrivnostno pismo...

"Fantasy: Mariah Carey at Madison Square Garden" is Mariah Carey's fourth DVD/home video release. It presents Carey performing live at the Madison Square Garden on October 10, 1995. The home video was originally released in early 1996, and the DVD was released in late 2004. It was distributed by Columbia Pictures.

The Mischief Theatre Company return as the Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society who are this time determined to ignore a BBC blacklisting by hijacking a live production of Charles Dickens' famous festive fable. Yet they struggle with studio direction and special effects, and trying to keep a professional cast at bay.

When Charlie Brown complains about the overwhelming materialism that he sees amongst everyone during the Christmas season, Lucy suggests that he become director of the school Christmas pageant. Charlie Brown accepts, but it is a frustrating struggle. When an attempt to restore the proper spirit with a forlorn little fir Christmas tree fails, he needs Linus' help to learn the meaning of Christmas.

Las Islas Marias stars Pedro Infante as a man who must face time in jail, even though he never committed the crime. While on the inside, he learns important life lessons that actually make him a better man.

Poklicni morilec John Wick (Keanu Reeves) je, zaradi umora člana mednarodnega združenja atentatorjev, na begu. Nagrada za njigovo življenje je 14 milijonov dolarjev in tako postane tarča umora vseh moških in žensk na svetu.

Štiričlanska družina je prisiljena živeti v popolni tišini, da jih ne bi napadle skrivnostne sile, ki jih lahko najdejo samo, če jih tudi slišijo. Njihovo gibanje je omejeno, sporazumevajo se v znakovnem jeziku, tudi otroka sta prisiljena v igro, ki se odvija v čisti tišini. Čeprav so dobro organizirani in življenju v tišini posvečajo vso svojo pozornost in energijo, se kmalu zaplete.

Pridruži se priljubljenima Dwaynu Johnsonu in Emily Blunt na avanturi življenja v Disneyjevi pustolovščini... Lily pripotuje iz Londona v džunglo Amazonije in najame Frankove vprašljive usluge, ker nudi vodenje po reki La Quila v svojem razmajanem ampak simpatičnem čolnu. Lily je odločena, da bo odkrila starodavno drevo, ki ima neverjetne zdravilne sposobnosti – ima moč spremeniti prihodnost medicine.

In 1973, when Frank Bledsoe and his 18-year-old niece Beth take a road trip from Manhattan to Creekville, South Carolina for the family patriarch's funeral, they're unexpectedly joined by Frank's lover Walid.

Ami is a 6 year old girl, extremely sensitive. Her mother, Carmen, lives with the obsession of giving a son to her husband, Gabriel. When finally she gets pregnant, the relation between mother and daughter becomes a tragic one, driving the family to an inevitable nightmare.

Several friends travel to Sweden to study as anthropologists a summer festival that is held every ninety years in the remote hometown of one of them. What begins as a dream vacation in a place where the sun never sets, gradually turns into a dark nightmare as the mysterious inhabitants invite them to participate in their disturbing festive activities.

Julie je samohranilka, ki ima dva šoloobvezna otroka in živi na pariškem podeželju, službo pa ima v luksuznem hotelu v centru Pariza. Zelo se mora truditi in biti organizirana, da njeno življenje teče brez težav. Odvisna je od preživnine bivšega moža, ki pa se ne javlja na telefon. Potrebuje tudi pomoč starejše sosede, ki ji nudi varstvo otrok, kadar mora iti v Pariz. In navsezadnje je odvisna od pretočnosti prometa, ki je v metropoli vedno poseben izziv. Julie je zaposlena kot vodja čistilk v hotelu, hkrati pa se dogovarja za novo, bolje plačano in bolj pomembno delo. Toda prav na dan razgovora za novo službo v Parizu izbruhne stavka, avtobusov in vlakov naenkrat ni … Krhkemu ravnovesje, ki ga je Julie vzpostavljala vsak dan posebej, grozi, da se bo porušilo. Toda Julije mora opraviti razgovor, mora kupiti trampolin za sinov rojstni dan, mora narediti to in ono, da preživi, da ne propade …

Everyone in Marco's life seems constantly restless, from his brilliant but unhappily married parents to his own wife Marina, or even Luisa, the real love of his life, a girl he met during a fateful summer in the '70s and always stayed in touch with. Tragedy and fate seem to haunt him, yet he somehow manages never to get ensnared in the chaos—like his namesake, “the hummingbird”, he focuses all his energy at standing still.

An extraordinary young girl discovers her superpower and summons the remarkable courage, against all odds, to help others change their stories, whilst also taking charge of her own destiny. Standing up for what's right, she's met with miraculous results.

Kate Pierce, zdaj cinična najstnica, se nepričakovano ponovno sreča z Božičkom, ko skrivnostni povzročitelj težav zagrozi, da bo odpovedal božič - za vedno.

After the PTA of a conservative high school in Indiana bans same-sex couples from attending the annual prom, a gang of flamboyant Broadway stars try to boost their image by showing up to support two lesbian students.

An immigrant in search of the American dream is forced to take a room in a boarding house and soon finds herself in a nightmare from which she can't escape.

The one-hour musical special features outstanding performances of holiday songs by the incomparable pop diva herself - Mariah Carey - including a duet with 11-time Grammy Award winner Kenny “Babyface” Edmonds. Emmy Award winner Kelsey Grammer gives an unforgettable reading of “The Night Before Christmas.” Billy Gardell (“Mike & Molly”) appears as Santa Claus. Additionally, cast members from “A Christmas Melody” - Lacey Chabert, Brennan Elliott and Fina Strazza – join the festivities sharing holiday memories and experiences from working with Mariah on-set during production of the movie.

The Queen of Christmas returns with a blast of holiday cheer in this special. Mariah performs her enchanting original song "Fall in Love at Christmas" with Khalid and Kirk Franklin, chats with Apple Music's Zane Lowe, and signs off with a festive classic.