After emigrating to Greece from Nigeria, Vera and Charles Antetokounmpo struggled to survive and provide for their five children, while living under the daily threat of deportation. Desperate to obtain Greek citizenship but undermined by a system that blocked them at every turn, the family's vision, determination and faith lifted them out of obscurity to launch the careers of three NBA champions.

Refusing to marry a drug lord, Grecia is determined to pay her father's debt herself. To earn the money, she decides to bet in the Sinaloa palenques, where she meets Armando. He is immediately captivated by her beauty and fearless attitude. But, little does he know that falling for her will be his most dangerous endeavor. Based on the famous corrido hit "La Princesa", by Alfredo Ríos "El Komander".

When Sara hears a preacher say faith can move mountains, she starts praying. Suddenly people in her town are mysteriously healed! But fame soon takes its toll – can Sara’s family save her before it’s too late?

Auggie Wren je pesniško navdahnjeni lastnik majhne prodajalne s tobačnimi izdelki na uličnem vogalu v Brooklynu, kjer se zbirajo krajani in kjer krožijo zgodbe njegovih strank. Eden izmed rednih odjemalcev je Paul Benjamin, pisatelj ter osamljeni in skrušeni mož, čigar nosečo ženo so nekoč usodno ustrelili v bližini. Ko mu nekega dne pred prometno nesrečo življenje reši temnopolti mladenič Rashid, se med pisateljem in požrtvovalnim fantom razvije prijateljstvo; poslej mu pisatelj po najboljših močeh pomaga najti dolgo izgubljenega očeta. V trgovini Auggieja preseneti obisk Ruby, nekdanje punce, ki mu sporoči, da njena (in morda tudi njegova) noseča ter z mamili zasvojena hči Felicity obupno potrebuje pomoč.

In the second installment of the Death Note film franchise, Light Yagami meets a second Kira and faithful follower Misa Amane and her Shinigami named Rem. Light attempts to defeat L along with Teru Mikami (a Kira follower) and Kiyomi Takada (another Kira follower) but in the end will Light win? or will a Shinigami named Ryuk make all the difference in Light's victory or his ultimate death?

True story of thirteen totally normal young women that suffered harsh questioning and were put in prison under made up charges of helping the rebellion against Franco back in the 1940s. Despite of their innocence, the thirteen were soon executed without even a trace of evidence of any wrong doing.

An amateur fighter is lured by a trafficking syndicate specializing in elite underground fighting where her brutal captor forces her to fight or face certain death.

After a failed sabotage mission, a trio of anti-apartheid freedom fighters ends up in a tense bank hostage situation. Based on a true story.

In Madrid, Spain, a mysterious serial killer ruthlessly murders his victims by recreating the first appearance of several comic book superheroes. Cosme, a veteran police inspector who is about to retire, works on the case along with the tormented inspector David Valentín and his own son Jorge Elías, a nerdy young man who owns a comic book store.

Lizzie Manning je ločena in čustveno nestabilna ženska, ki se bori za skrbništvo za svojega 11-letnega sina Thomasa. Težko usklajuje službo in enostarševsko skrb za otroka. Zanaša se na pomoč svojih staršev, ki težko prenašata njeno vedenje, njen nekdanji soprog pa jo seveda ves čas kritizira zaradi kaotičnega življenja. Nekega dne gre Lizzie po Thomasa na sošolčevo rojstnodnevno zabavo. Med opazovanjem otrok pri igri jo osupne pogled na 7-letno deklico Lolo, zatopljeno v svoj svet, v kateri prepozna del sebe. Ne more je pozabiti in spoprijatelji se z Lolino materjo Claire Bradley ter spodbuja, da bi se Thomas spoprijateljil z Lolinim bratom, da bi lahko bila sama čim bolj del Lolinega življenja.

May, 1987. While returning from a nightclub and after having taken drugs, new girl in town Sara and her friend Rebe find a doll wearing a communion dress. From that moment, their lives will become a living hell.

Three astronomers accidentally intercept what they believe to be a signal from a distant alien civilization, but the truth is even more incredible than any of them could have imagined.

Caleb, a former government assassin in hiding, who resurfaces when his protégé, the equally deadly killer known as Banshee, discovers a bounty has been placed on Caleb's head.

Young Gregory Tudor sees his local ice cream man murdered and later grows up to inherit his business, opting to inject gruesome ingredients—including human body parts—into his frozen confections. When one of the neighborhood boys goes missing, the local kids suspect Gregory and band together to get to the bottom of things.

Comedy superstar George Lopez performs live in front of a packed house at the Nokia Theatre in L.A. in this stand-up special.

A pair of aliens arrive on Earth to prepare for invasion, but crash instead. With enormous cone-shaped heads, robotlike walks and an appetite for toilet paper, aliens Beldar and Prymatt don't exactly blend in with the population of Paramus, N.J. But for some reason, everyone believes them when they say they're from France.

Weeks after the deadly assault on Fortress Camp, Robert makes a daring rescue to save Sasha, the widow of his old nemesis Balzary. But back in the camp's command bunker, it appears Sasha may have devious plans of her own. As a new attack breaks out, Robert is confronted with a familiar face he thought he'd never see again…