Ring in the holiday season the Cartoon Network way via nine original tales that run the gamut from naughty to nice. The stories feature popular animated characters such as Ed, Edd 'n Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Cow & Chicken, I A.M. Weasel, Dexter's Laboratory, The Powerpuff Girls and Johnny Bravo. This holly-jolly animated collection sure beats a piece of coal in your stocking!

Lurk what's waiting for the Monster High ghouls when they bring their killer fashion to the howlways of the spooktacular Haunted High! When the ghouls of Monster High follow Spectra Vondergeist one day, they discover a creeperiffic Ghost World with an all-spirit school. But their scary-cute student bodies are hardly welcome with the very strict Principal Revenant, and she punishes Spectra with frightful detention chains that prevent her from re-joining Monster High. Now, it's up to the imperfectly perfect friends to take on ghostly forms in order to save one of their own from disappearing forever!

  丰国商事在北海道纹别地区一直进行着森林采伐,作为现场监督人员的后藤裕一无意中发现了隐藏在这片森林之 中的古代遗迹并将埋藏在这片遗迹中的一枚盾牌拿了回去。   其实这片遗迹是妖精族留下来的,在此地还 封印了一个叫做帝斯基多拉的宇宙怪兽。6500万年前从外星而来的它毁灭了一切植物,导致了恐龙灭绝,而那枚盾牌正是用来封印怪兽帝斯基多拉的。   对此毫不知情的裕一将这枚盾牌带回了位于都内自己的 家并把它作为挂饰送给了自己的女儿,然后自己又返回到了采伐现场。黑色妖精贝拉贝拉飞来抢夺这枚盾牌并与对立派莫儿、罗拉姐妹展开了盾牌争夺战。在被莫儿、罗拉姐妹告知盾牌和封印的由来的后藤一家与莫儿、罗拉姐妹一起准备前往纹别。但在纹别的却出现了一块巨大的岩石。在后藤一家的协助之下罗拉姐妹夺回了盾牌,但是怪兽帝斯基多拉却从岩石中复活了。它像恶魔一样恐怖。为了打到怪兽帝斯基多拉,莫儿召唤来了摩斯拉。但是摩斯拉刚刚产完卵,寿命不长的她和怪兽之间陷入了苦战。为了助自己母亲一臂之力早产的 幼虫通过自己的丝和光线支援母亲作战。   摩斯拉不断挑战怪兽,使水库决堤成功的将怪兽逼到了对岸,但是摩斯拉拼尽了全力最终沉入了海底。在这之后,幼虫在屋久島充分吸收了森林的能量新的摩斯拉再次诞生了。于此同时怪兽也已经重新恢复到毁灭地球时的完 全状态,新的摩斯拉与怪兽再次交战,他以压倒性的力量和优势再次将怪兽封印到了地下。此后,摩斯拉让被怪 兽烧掉的已成荒芜的北海道瞬间重获绿色,并和莫儿、罗拉姐妹一起返回到了家乡。

《海豚的故事2》依旧根据真实事件改编,影片里按照美国农业部的规则,海洋馆的海豚不能单独被喂养,必须要找到陪伴的海豚,否则这头名为“温特”的海豚将被送走,男主角索亚·尼尔森和朋友们再找科学家卡梅伦想办法。真实世界里,故事没有这么曲折,确实有头幼年大西洋宽吻海豚在“温特”被救的附近海滩发现,也被送到克利尔沃特海洋馆,如今两头海豚快乐地生活在一起。     《海豚的故事》改编自真实故事,2005年一头做温特(Winter)的雌性海豚在美国弗罗里达州的海滩被渔具切断了尾巴,被营救到克利尔沃特海洋馆(CMA)。为了让它能快乐的游泳,小男孩索耶·尼尔森等人找到科学家卡梅伦·麦卡锡(摩根·弗里曼扮演)给她制作了人工尾鳍。小海豚温特与死亡相抗争的故事成为了整个美国的传奇。无数人--无论是健全的人还是残疾人,都从温特的故事里看到了希望与生命的力量。

The Driver now carries an arrogant rock star who is visiting a major city (not Pittsburgh as earlier believed). Played by Madonna, this title character wants to get away from her bodyguards in the Driver's BMW. He soon gets tired of her and decides to have a bit of fun.

The lives of a frustrated explosives police officer and an anxious anarchist collide around a bomb ready to explode: In a symbolic act, Officer Guzman wants to vent his mundane life while the rebel Ivan wants to test prejudices around terrorism . In the end it is not known which of the two will lose.


Star follows the path of Tito and Jay, two brothers living in the Montreal neighborhood of Park Extension. Accompanying these young people in their daily life marked by complicity and intimidation, Star tackles themes dear to teenagers: identity and friendship.

 阿什(法尔克·亨特施尔)是一名优秀的街舞舞者,然而在和美国舞团“Ivincible”的对决中,阿什遭到了嘲笑,自尊心受损。在死党艾迪(乔治·桑普森)的帮助下,他们召集到了一批来自世界各地的顶尖舞者,组成了一个风格创新前所未有的舞团。   继续第一部中出现将街舞与芭蕾融合的经典桥段之后,《舞力对决2》中又将街舞与拉丁风格的萨尔萨舞相结合,设计别出心裁。影片以在巴黎举行的一场舞蹈大赛为背景,将巴黎的标准性美景融入到了影片中,再加上青春靓丽的演员和热辣动感的舞步,看点十足。

This musical version of the tale of the boy who wouldn't grow up aired live on television on March 7, 1955. It was so popular that it was restaged the following year, and again four years later.

A film depicting the revenge of a couple who are fooled by the physical pleasures of a couple at work.


经历了好友之死和几多悲惨恐怖的过去,辛蒂•坎贝尔(Anna Faris 饰)决心开始新的人生。她受聘来到一所闹鬼的房子里照顾一位行动不便的老妇人,笨手笨脚的辛蒂好心办坏事,使得老妇人灾难连连。而这座鬼屋也绝非徒有虚名,一个因被杀而冤魂不散的男孩不时出现,希望辛蒂帮他找到真正的凶手。 在这所房子的旁边住着失败的父亲汤姆•瑞恩(Craig Bierko 饰),他正和一双儿女共度周末。一来二去的交谈过后,汤姆与辛蒂坠入爱河。就在此时,恐怖的外星人入侵地球,他们欲将人类彻底消灭。辛蒂和汤姆如何才能逃出生天?

  在汤米·贾维斯(Tommy Jarvis)把杰森炼锁在水晶湖底多年之后,一位有特异功能的年青人又不小心把杰森放了出来,杰森于是又回到了水晶湖营地重操旧业。


Four comedic episodes framed within the story of a tyrannical Zen master and his two hapless disciples.

Recep Ivedik coaches the children football team in his neighborhood. For the training he uses the only free piece of land as football field on which he used to play football as a child. Recep notices sadly that this piece of land was sold to a businessman. So as not to loose this for the neighborhood and the children valuable piece of land he decides to re-buy it on his own. With his own methods he does not receive the money. The participation in a competition with a big price is the only solution of his problem ...

