Mia is happy to be able to spend a vacation with her dad, but Lupe, Mercedes, Juanma and Alvaro arrive by surprise at the same resort... and bring the school drama with them!
Taking place during the events of Incredibles 2, Edna Mode babysits Jack-Jack.
A newsman discovers he's been rigged with a bomb after he has an exclusive interview with a terrorist who blew up a bridge.
17-metė Misūrio paauglė, Veronica, sužino, kad pastojo, o tai gali nutraukti jos svajones studijuoti Ivy lygos koledže ir tolesnę karjerą.
Marta may be an orphan, and she may be affected by a lethal illness, yet she is the most positive person one can meet. She wants a boy to fall for her. Not any boy - the most handsome of them all. One day, she may have found her match.
Barbie swaps the sunny shores of Malibu for the bright lights of Broadway to attend an excusive summer performing arts program and meets…Barbie! Fast friends, the two discover they share more than a name as they explore New York City and all the amazing things they have in common. As they compete for the coveted once-in-a-lifetime Spotlight Solo from Times Square, the friends discover competition isn’t all about winning, it’s about striving to be your best, overcoming doubts, and sharing the spotlight.
In 1978, a Kiss concert was an epoch-making event. For the three teen fans in Detroit Rock City getting tickets to the sold-out show becomes the focal point of their existence. They'll do anything for tickets -- compete in a strip club's amateur-night contest, take on religious protesters, even rob a convenience store!
A new student at a soccer academy is determined to beat her rival's team in the national tournament.
Intriguoti ir provokuoti žiūrovus mėgstančio režisieriaus François Ozono rankose net ir savotiška tabu tema – šįkart eutanazija – tampa grakščia istorija. „Noriu, kad padėtum man tai užbaigti”. Tokio šokiruojančio prašymo sulaukia dukra iš aštuoniasdešimtmečio insultą patyrusio tėvo. Įpratęs visada pasiekti savo, Andrė įtikina priblokštą dukrą išpildyti ir šį jo norą. Prancūzų kino meistras išvengia perdėto sentimentalumo ir kviečia leistis į intymią, jautrią ir neretai juokingą šeimos kelionę su paradoksaliai laiminga pabaiga.
A spark on a Friday can lead to a sizzling weekend fling, but what happens when you get to the inevitable Monday?
A special crimes investigator forms an unlikely bond with a serial killer to bring down a global child sex trafficking syndicate.
Two best friends embark on a life-changing adventure abroad as exchange students.
Jodi, aukščiausia mergina vidurinėje mokykloje, visada jautėsi nepatogiai savo pačios kailyje. Tačiau po daugelio metų patyčių , šaipimosi Jodi pagaliau nusprendžia rasti pasitikėjimą savimi.
When aspiring musician and student Deniz falls for a rough-hewn motorbike racer, tragedy and family opposition obstruct their path to love.
When immense pressure threatens a ballerina in a new lead role, she and another dancer escape into a friendship that isolates them from the real world.
When Deirdre accidentally spills coffee on regular customer and event planner, Deirdre offers to help him get back on track by lending her rooftop garden design services for his boss's next big event.
Lauren wants to rebuild her community, including her family home, in the aftermath of a devastatingly disastrous storm.
A year after their romance began in Riccione, Vincenzo and Camilla reunite for a vacation on the picturesque Amalfi Coast and put their love to the test.
Paris, the late 1960s. Madame Claude is at the head of a flourishing business dedicated to prostitution that gives her power over both the French political and criminal worlds. But the end of her empire is closer than she thinks.
Ne itin sėkminga karjera galintis pasigirti anglų rašytojas Henris (akt. Sam Claflin) sužino, jog jo romanas apie gilią ir dvasingą meilę tapo nuo lentynų Meksikoje šluojamu bestseleriu. Už netikėtą išgarsėjimą ir gerbėjų minias rašytojas galėtų dėkoti meksikietei vertėjai Marijai (akt. Verónica Echegui), tačiau dienos švieson išlenda ne visai malonus faktas. Kaip paaiškėja, nuobodžią ir jokioje šalyje neperkamą Henrio knygą Marija nusprendė perrašyti – taip gimė Meksikoje hitu tapęs erotinis romanas, neturintis nieko bendra su Henrio parašyta knyga. Deja, pristatymo turas jau suplanuotas, tad nieko apie savo kūrinio perrašymą nenutuokiantis Henris leidžiasi kelionėn, kurioje patenka į viena už kitą keblesnes situacijas, o šalia esanti meksikietė Marija vis labiau kaitina brito kraują.