As the entertainment industry's biggest tabloid draw, Jennifer Lopez has had successful careers in multiple fields. Here, Lopez showcases her career as a pop singer with every one of her music videos to date -- from her debut, "If You Had My Love," to her latest release, "Baby I Love You." J. Lo also enhances the collection by providing personal commentary to each video, including how the ideas came to light and which videos she likes best.

Чувари галаксије морају да се боре да би своју новоосновану породицу одржали на окупу, док решавају мистерију правог порекла Питера Квила. Стари непријатељи постају нови савезници, а омиљени ликови из стрипова прискочиће у помоћ нашим херојима, док Марвелов филмски универзум наставља да се шири.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

Сриниваса Рамануџан је живео од 1887. до 1920. године и дао је велики допринос математичком свету, а да није имао никакво математичко образовање. Рамануџан (Дев Пател), самоуки индијски математичар 1913. године путује на факултет Тринити на Кембриџу, где упознаје ексцентричног професора Г. Х. Хардија (Џереми Ајронс), и бори се с предрасудама да би открио своју математичку генијалност. Рамануџана неки стављају у исту категорију са Ојлером и Гаусом, а Индија је њему у част 22.12. (његов рођендан) прогласила Националним даном математике.

Antoine is about to start his first year of medical school… for the third time. Benjamin, just out of high school, will make his first try. He soon realizes it's not exactly a walk in the park. In a fiercely competitive environment, with nights dedicated to hard studying rather than hard partying, the two freshmen will have to adapt and find a middle ground between despair for the present and hope for the future.

Seven years after their first infatuated encounter, Abril and Manuel meet again. Despite the fact that they are both married, it is soon apparent that their attraction has only grown.

Pardon-me Pete, the official groundhog of Groundhog Day, tells the story of Jack Frost, who falls in love with a beautiful young woman and begs Father Winter to make him human so that she can see him. His request is granted, but only on the condition that by the Spring he has a house, a bag of gold, a horse and a wife. But Jack finds that life as a human is more complicated than he thought.

In a life full of triumph and failure, "National Lampoon" co-founder Doug Kenney built a comedy empire, molding pop culture in the 1970s.

Emilie is a bright young workaholic manager in Human Resources, working for a huge French agro-food company. But, one day, one of the employees commits suicide at the company in front of her. While an investigation is underway, stuck between her traumatized colleagues and under pressure of a powerful hierarchy, she will have to get by on her own.

A 15-year-old discovers the joys and heartaches of first love with an older teen, but in the ensuing years, cannot seem to move past their breakup.

A Baltimore teenager who picks up a second-hand camera starts snapping his way to stardom, soon turning into a nationwide sensation, with a fateful choice between his life and his art.

Muriel is overjoyed, as her beloved grandson Alex is staying at her place for a few days before moving to Canada to work. But when the changes in his behavior arouse her curiosity, she is led to the discovery of a dark secret.

Two sisters are trapped under the fiberglass cover of an Olympic sized public pool and must brave the cold and each other to survive the harrowing night.

When a stuntman is mistaken for a police officer, he begins fighting crime.

A grieving young inventor finds solace in repairing an antique typewriter.

As a rowdy team of detectives clashes with their disciplined new boss, they must catch a vicious band of robbers who are wreaking havoc on their city.

When Gummer is hired to capture a deadly creature terrorizing South Africa, he and his new sidekick, Travis Welker, engage in another battle of survival against the fiercely aggressive Graboids.

Delphine and Yvan divorce. While his financial situation does not allow him to find a home, Yvan remembers that he owns 20% of his ex-wife's house. He then returned to live with Delphine, in his 20%. The two ex will discover the joys of forced housemates.

In 71 BC in Rome, utter disorder reigns in the form of political corruption and bribery involving the senator Cynic (Leslie Nielsen). The situation is claimed to be similar to the “Tangentopoli” situation in Italy in the 1990s: one of the politicians involved was Bettino Craxi.

Радња филма се наставља тамо где се завршио други део филма, Посетиоци 2. На крају филма Годфроа од Монмираја и Смрда Мудић срећу се са Смрдиним потомком, Наполеоновим јавним тужиоцем Мудичићем. Филм Посетиоци 3 пролази кроз неколико епоха, укључујући и Француску револуцију. Годфроа од Монмираја и Смрда Мудић ће грешком отићи у време Француске револуције. Године 1793. током револуције потомци Смрде Мудића преузеће замак фамилије Монмирај.