Los protagonistas de The Walking Dead Andrew Lincoln y Danai Gurira recuerdan y visitan lugares icónicos donde se rodaron momentos cruciales de sus personajes, Rick y Michonne.

Sounds as witnesses. They blurr into memories, half-dreams, it is undecided if they are real or not. A fluctuation between imagination and reality.

A new member has joined Eli and the Shane Gang! Junjie, once the protector of the Eastern Caverns, is a master of the slugslinging art of Slug Fu! But even with the power of five slingers, the Shane Gang find themselves in over their heads as they race across The 99 Caverns in search of the Legendary Elemental Slugs. The five Elementals are ancient slugs of great power, and the forbearers of all slugs found in SlugTerra today. In the wrong hands, they could bring Slugterra to the brink of destruction. So when an evil alliance starts hunting down the Elementals, Eli and his friends — old and new — take off in pursuit of the greatest threat their world has ever faced!

Después de la muerte de su padre, un brillante estudiante universitario regresa a la casa de su familia, donde descubre que los horrores de su infancia no están tan muertos y desaparecidos como alguna vez pensó.

A former alcoholic returns home after ten years in prison for the murder of her husband. As her recollection of the murder returns, things take a different turn.

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

Mientras se acostumbra a la vida matrimonial con Akiko, Ryu Terui se ve envuelta en un caso con el Capitán Hiroshi Sagami y el Inspector Yukihiro Ohno involucrando a una mujer llamada Aoi Katsuragi, miembro de un círculo de delincuentes cuya mayoría sonm compañeros asesinados por gente con la que Ryu luchó como Accel.

Elon Musk y el equipo de SpaceX tienen una misión: llevar a varios astronautas de la NASA hasta la Estación Espacial Internacional y revolucionar los viajes espaciales.

Recrea la historia del acuerdo entre israelíes, palestinos y una pareja noruega que dio lugar a los Acuerdos de Paz de Oslo de 1993 entre Israel y la OLP.

A tale of terror. Cathy Reed has been institutionalized most of her life because of Schizophrenia, as a child her parents thought she was possessed by demons and had her exercised by priests. Medical science saw different. Now decades later Cathy is freed, relocated to her own flat and given a chance to be independent. Once alone things are not what they all seem and when her nightmares turn real she questions her state of mind before she is left to face her demons.

Antigua leyenda de la brigada Antigang conocida por sus métodos musculosos y poco convencionales, Niels Cartier abandonó la policía tras un robo que salió mal y que condujo a la muerte de su esposa. Cuando la banda de ladrones responsable de su muerte reaparece ocho años después, Niels no deja que nadie se interponga en su camino para vengarse. Incluso si tiene que formar un dúo explosivo con su hija de 14 años que tiene un temperamento fuerte.

Seven years ago, Zaid went to war against the Copenhagen underworld to avenge his dead brother. His identity as a respected doctor of cardiology and life as a family man is but a fading dream, and in prison Zaid suffers the loss of his son Noah, whom he barely knows. When a police agent approaches Zaid and offers him a deal to be released in exchange for infiltrating the Copenhagen underworld, he sees his chance to reclaim the remnants of the family life he left behind. But everything has a price, and Zaid realizes that he has now seriously endangered his son's life. After all, once you become part of the underworld, is there any way out?

En su primera misión a bordo del Air Force One, una agente secreta novata deberá enfrentarse a unos terroristas que han secuestrado el avión con la intención de sabotear un importante acuerdo energético. Con la vida del presidente y una crisis global en juego, deberá poner a prueba su valentía y sus habilidades en una batalla implacable que podría cambiar el curso de la historia.

Siguiendo los acontecimientos de la primera película, Sayen llega al desierto de Atacama en busca de una ventaja en su misión contra Acteón, la organización multinacional responsable de la trágica pérdida de su familia y la destrucción de los ecosistemas en todo Chile.

Después del asalto a un pueblo, dónde los hombres son apresados y tratados como esclavos, Chris Adams (Yul Brynner) agrupa a seis pistoleros para defender la zona atacada, que se ha convertido en la sede de los bandidos que operan al margen de la ley.

After reading an article about hypnotic regression, a woman whose maternal grandfather died when she was only three years old contacts the hypnotic subject named in the article believing that he is the reincarnation of her grandfather, and hoping that she can learn the truth about how he died.

Quince años después de los eventos de "La mosca", el hijo de Andre intentará realizar un experimento utilizando para ello su propio cuerpo.

El viajero mundial y aventurero Gulliver está invitado a regresar a Lilliput, la ciudad que previamente salvó de la flota enemiga del vecino Blefuscu.

A year to the day after Dorothy and the people of the Emerald City defeated Urfin Jus, the villain is trying to exact his revenge. To command the army of Carraci, however, Urfin needs not only the magic book, but also Dorothy’s silver slippers. The slippers are safely hidden away in Dorothy’s house. Unfortunately, Dorothy’s guest, Tim, is overcome by curiosity and picks up the shoes, accidentally transporting himself, Dorothy and the slippers to the Land of Oz. The Emerald City and its citizens are in danger once again.