Kaitou Kid dares to challenge the police once more, setting his sights on the Russian Imperial Easter Egg. With the date, time, and place, the Osaka police force scrambles to stop him. But this time, Kid may have bitten off more than he can chew—Conan Edogawa, Heiji Hattori, and numerous others are also trying to get their hands on the jeweled egg.

Keka is a beautiful young woman working in a call center. Wanting to hunt down the killers and avenge her boyfriend's death, she undergoes rigid training. Everything has been going well until she meets the guy who makes her fall in love again.

Mouri Kogoro is called to a special case in the ancient capital of Kyoto. There, Conan meets Heiji and they team up once again to solve the case, recover the stolen Healing Buddha statue, and even discover the identity of Heiji's first love.

After the events of Justice League: War, Ocean Master and Black Manta have declared a war against the surface in retaliation of the aftermath of Apokoliptian-tyrant Darkseid's planetary invasion. Queen Atlanna seeks out her other son, Ocean Master’s half-brother Arthur Curry, a half-human with aquatic powers with no knowledge of his Atlantean heritage, to restore balance. Living with powers he doesn’t understand and seeing the danger around him, Curry takes steps to embrace his destiny, joining the Justice League, and with his new teammates he battles to save Earth from total destruction.

Mothra and her fairies return to Japan to warn mankind that they must return Kiryu to the sea, for the dead must not be disturbed. However Godzilla has survived to menace Japan leaving Kiryu as the nation's only defense.

After the Combiner Wars ended, Cybertron started to be rebuilt. However, an undead Starscream has been reincarnated as Trypticon, wreaking havoc around him. To combat this menace, Windblade gathers up a ragtag team of Transformers, including Optimus Prime and Megatron, to resurrect an ancient ally. And while some may be forever changed by the events, others may not emerge with their sparks intact.

Сад кад су Дом и Лети на меденом месецу, Брајан и Миа се повукли из игре, а остатак екипе ослобођен свих оптужби, овај тим који вечито путује по свету почео је да води нешто налик нормалном животу. Али кад мистериозна жена заведе Дома у свет криминала из ког изгледа да не може да побегне и кад изда оне најближе њему, екипа ће се сусрести с најтежим изазовом који ће их довести пред тест какав никад пре нису имали. Од обала Кубе и улица Њујорка, преко ледених равница код Баренцовог мора, наша елитна јединица ће прећи цео свет не би ли спречила анархисту да покрене хаос на светској сцени... и вратила кући човека који је од њих направио породицу.

Conan Edogawa sets out to apprehend Lupin the Third, the suspect of stealing a jewel called Cherry Sapphire. (A sequel to the TV special Lupin the Third vs. Detective Conan, 2009.)

Tad dreams of becoming an archaeologist traveling the world, uncovering hidden secrets and lost treasure, but his job working construction keeps him daydreaming instead of exploring. The chance of a lifetime comes when he is invited to attend archaeologist Sara Lavrof's presentation of her latest discovery - the papyrus that proves the existence of the Necklace of Midas, the legendary King who turned everything he touched into solid gold.

As the Overfiend slumbers, the mad emperor Caesar rises to power, enslaving a new race of demon beasts. Into this cruel existence is born the Lord of Chaos, the Overfiend's nemesis. As the blood-thirsty beasts capture the tyrant's daughter in a brutal coup, the Overfiend must awaken to an apocalyptic battle of the Gods.

In an alternate timeline the original Godzilla is never defeated and repeatedly reemerges to feed on Japan's energy sources. A new inter-dimensional weapon called the Dimension Tide is created with the intent of eliminating Godzilla. However, the new weapon might also serve as a gateway to something far more sinister.

Following the events of Volume 1, the mutated glee club continue their violent rampage in Tromaville. Chrissy and Lauren, two innocent lesbian lovers, must fight not only the Cretins, mutants, and monsters but also the evil Tromorganic Foodstuffs Conglomerate. Can they, and Kevin the Wonder Duck, save Tromaville High School and the world?

Џек Спероу je поново у препознатљивој улози капетана у овој авантури пуној акције, у којој се његов пут (и мач) укрштају с тајанственом Анђеликом. Када га примора да се укрца на Освету Краљице Ане, брод легендарног пирата Црнобрадог, Џек се затиче на непланираном путовању ка Фонтани младости. Током пута Џек мора да искористи сва своја умећа да се избори са суровим Црнобрадим и његовом посадом Зомбија, заносном гусарком Анђеликом с којом има сумњиву прошлост и лепим и заводљивим сиренама, чије лукавство И препредност чак и најискуснијег морнара могу да намаме у пропаст.

Batman and Nightwing are forced to team with the Joker's sometimes-girlfriend Harley Quinn to stop a global threat brought about by Poison Ivy and Jason Woodrue, the Floronic Man.

Када катастрофалне климатске промене почну угрожавати опстанак Земље, светске вође се уједињују и одлучују да створе велику мрежу сателита око планете, који ће контролисати климу и чувати становништво целог света. Након успешног чувања Земље две године, нешто крене по злу. Два брата ће морати да реше квар пре него што сателити за контролу временских услова створе олују епских размера која ће у пар сати избрисати све и сваког на Земљи...

Alex Belli is a 37 year old advertising executive whose fiancée Elena has just left him, and who is having difficulty at work trying to think of a good advertising campaign for a new Japanese product. Niki is a bubbly 17 year old student. She has three best friends with whom she shares all her problems, and an annoying ex-boyfriend Fabio who is set on getting her back, but Niki's not interested. One day on his way to work, Alex collides with Niki on a city street. They soon begin a romance, despite their 20-year age gap.

16-year-old Jamie Winkle and her extended family are left reeling after her calculating grandmother unveils an array of secrets on her deathbed. As her family deals with her grandmother's surprising dying messages, Jamie sets out to make the most of her summer and explores her sexuality.

Exploring the further adventures of Carmen and Juni Cortez, who have now joined the family spy business as Level 2 OSS agents. Their new mission is to save the world from a mad scientist living on a volcanic island populated by an imaginative menagerie of creatures. On this bizarre island, none of the Cortez's gadgets work and they must rely on their wits--and each other--to survive and save the day.

После „обележавања“, Џесија почињу да прогоне мистериозне силе док његова породица и пријатељи покушавају да га спасу.

An adaptation of Xuan Xiaofo’s novel of the same name