Two childhood friends leave everything behind to go question the workings of the world. This incredible, life-changing journey across America, Europe, and Asia encourages us to reconsider our relationship with nature, happiness, and the meaning of life.

"Zeitgeist: Addendum" próbuje odnaleźć i ujawnić korzenie korupcji wszechobecnej w życiu społecznym. W prosty sposób wyjaśnia mechanizmy finansowe, które sprawiają, że wpadamy w błędne koło pieniądza i długów - czy to jako jednostki, czy całe narody. Jednocześnie film przedstawia możliwe rozwiązanie - nieoparte na polityce, legislacji, odgórnych zarządzeniach i ogólnych wierzeniach. Rozwiązanie ma bazować na pozbawionym przesądów zrozumieniu czym jesteśmy, jak współdziałamy z naturą - i na dostępie do nowoczesnych, efektywnych i w pełni z naturą współgrających technologii. Prezentowany jest nowy system socjalny, zwany "Projekt Venus", który autor - Jacque Fresco udoskonala przez całe życie.

While attending a retrospect of his work, a filmmaker recalls his life and his loves: the inspirations for his films.

Two childhood friends are recruited for a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv.

In a beauty salon in Beirut the lives of five women cross paths. The beauty salon is a colorful and sensual microcosm where they share and entrust their hopes, fears and expectations.

Martha is a single woman who lives for one passion: cooking. The head chef at a chic restaurant, Martha has no time for anything - or anyone - else. But Martha's solitary life is shaken when a fateful accident brings her sister's eight-year-old daughter, Lina, to her doorstep.

"A Part of You" to historia o życiu i śmierci, która opowiada o tym, jak to jest mieć 17 lat i czuć, jakby serce miało wyrwać się z piersi. Julia, starsza siostra Agnes, ma wszystko, o czym Agnes marzy: jest najfajniejszą osobą w szkole, gwiazdą każdej imprezy, i umawia się z Noelem. Szkoda, że Agnes nie może być choć trochę taka jak ona. Kiedy wydarza się to, co najgorsze, świat Agnes staje na głowie, a ona sama musi odnaleźć siebie na nowo. Nagle ma szansę mieć wszystko, o czym marzyła, ale za jaką cenę?

A social romance that portrays the lives of 4 married couples who are friends. As they gather to celebrate the birthday of the daughter of one of them, their fundamental differences and their unstable marriages come to the surface as the men decide to leave for Alexandria.

From his village in northern Senegal, Yao is a 13-year-old boy ready to do anything to meet his hero: Seydou Tall, a famous French actor. Invited to Dakar to promote his new book, the latter goes to his country of origin for the first time. To fulfill his dream, the young Yao organizes his fugue and brave 387 kilometers alone to the capital. Touched by this child, the actor decides to flee his obligations and to accompany him home. But on the dusty and uncertain roads of Senegal, Seydou understands that while rolling towards the village of the child, it also rolls towards its roots.

Poznaj nieszablonową karierę Sunny Leone, która z aktorki filmów pornograficznych przeistoczyła się w gwiazdę Bollywood i programów rozrywkowych.

Three women, three generations, two secrets. In the early 1970s, a bomb exploded on board the Swissair flight 330 to Tel Aviv. Isabelle's husband also died. The young, very pregnant widow feared that her lover, the Palestinian activist Djibril, might be entangled in it ... Now, 47 years later, Isabelle finds out that her granddaughter Anaïs has converted to Islam. But why does the young student keep her new faith secret from the family? Anaïs's mother, Léa, immediately rings the alarm.

Cierpiący na niemoc twórczą pisarz prowadzi zajęcia z literatury dla dorosłych. Jego uczeń, nękany przez swoją matkę, proponuje mu nietypowy układ.

Robert and Beth Bordon are married but share little. He runs into Sally at a cabaret and the Gordons are soon divorced. Just as he gets bored with Sally's superficiality, Beth strives to improve her looks. The original couple falls in love again at a summer resort.

Danny zostaje zwolniony z zakładu karnego z postanowieniem, aby zerwać z przestępczą przeszłością i na nowo ułożyć sobie życie. Udaje się do hotelu, który prowadzony jest przez Laurence i jej córkę Clarę. Były bandyta dogaduje się z nimi, że w zamian za odrestaurowanie jednego z pomieszczeń, będzie mieszkał w ich przybytku za darmo przez kilka tygodni. Po pewnym czasie mężczyzna zaprzyjaźnia się z Clarą. Kiedy dziewczyna zostaje zaatakowana, Danny bez namysłu postanawia wziąć odwet na jej napastnikach.

Easygoing Gianni looks forward to retirement - until he is informed that a change in the law obliges him to work three more years. Faced with the outrageous possibility of having to do a full day's work, he sets about finding a way to achieve a quiet life

On an ordinary Moscow street, a family lives together in an unremarkable house: a mother and four children. But one "fine" day in this family there is a violent conflict over the furniture with which the apartment is packed. However, furniture is just an excuse. In fact, two worldviews collide, different ideas about life values...

Comedy in five acts by Beaumarchais, filmed by Marcel Bluwal in studio and on location. The cast, in accordance with Marcel Bluwal's wishes, is in keeping with the age and character of the characters, to give it rhythm. At once "a comic baroque play, a bourgeois drama, a chansonnier's number, a social satire, a farce and a very pretty love story" according to Marcel Bluwal, it can also be summed up, according to Beaumarchais, as "the most bantering of intrigues".

Pressured by his late mother's ghost to return home to the family he abandoned, a former addict grabs a bag of pills and a sack of marijuana and hits the road to Shreveport.

Mido studies at the Technical College, and in his spare time, he works in installing satellite dishes. His constant fall into troubles earned him the title 'Mido the troublemaker' but the gravest of his troubles is when a mysterious man approaches him for a secret mission.

About college students that experience horrifying visions from the past while undergoing a fraternity initiation.