奥山(仲代达矢 饰)在一次事故中,灼伤了脸,致使其面目全非,在丧失容颜的同时也把过去的自己给丧失了。整日缠着绷带不愿揭下,开始怀疑自己的存在。某一天,突袭妻子(京町子 饰),发现妻子尽然不愿同其温存,让奥山的愤怒达到顶峰。   奥山去寻求精神科医生的帮助,想要向其妻子发起一场复仇之旅。医生对奥山的提议很感兴趣,想要借其做一场实验。于是为奥山量身打造了一张足以引起人嫉妒的面具。起先还不适应面具的奥山深入人群中还会感到恐慌,但渐渐适应后,愈发习惯这张新的脸孔,奥山买了之前决不会穿的花哨衣服,酒量也和脸孔匹配似的减少。面具在无形中操控了奥山本人。随着对面具的驾轻就熟,复仇之旅也开始了。不出意料,妻子陷入了奥山布置的陷阱,在要收获复仇快感的同时,妻子却道出了让人惊讶的事实。面具后的奥山掩藏了自我,看似自由,但其实却和孤独越来越近…… ©豆瓣

Two childhood friends leave everything behind to go question the workings of the world. This incredible, life-changing journey across America, Europe, and Asia encourages us to reconsider our relationship with nature, happiness, and the meaning of life.


In 1975, the long slog of civil war has recently begun in Beirut. Two friends, Tarek and Omar, suffer during the Lebanese civil war. Conflicts arise when they decide to cross from West to East, crossing the Muslim-Christian line that divides Beirut.


桑迪(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)是一个颇有名气的导演,他所拍摄的喜剧作品深得观众的喜爱。无论走到哪里,桑迪都被他的诸多粉丝拥簇着,甚至有女粉丝买通门卫,躲在他的被窝里想要和他共度春宵,这让桑迪深感困扰。逐渐的,桑迪发现自己不再有创作喜剧的欲望,可他最近正 在拍摄的正剧却没有得到制片人的肯定。令桑迪郁闷的还远不止这些,女友多丽娅(夏洛特·兰普林 Charlotte Rampling 饰)的躁郁症眼见着有加重的趋势;情人伊莎贝尔(玛丽-克里斯汀·巴洛特 Marie-Christine Barrault 饰)和丈夫决裂,带着孩子投奔桑迪,却不愿和他共居一室,除此之外,作风极具个性的小提琴家戴茜(杰西卡·哈勃 Jessica Harper 饰)迷得桑迪神魂颠倒。站在人生交叉点的桑迪该何去何从?


故事发生在黎巴嫩的一家美容院,围绕着五名女性的日常生活展开。拉亚里(纳迪·拉巴基 Nadine Labaki 饰)、尼斯瑞和瑞玛在同一家美容院工作,詹美尔则是她们的常客,而美容院附近的一名女裁缝师罗丝和她年老的痴呆的姐姐莉莉一起住。她们年龄不同,性格不同,人生际遇不同,她们有各自独特的故事。 拉亚里因爱上了一个有妇之夫而陷入困苦,而且不得不面对他不知情的妻子;尼斯瑞婚礼在即,却决定到医院做个处女膜修复手术;瑞玛是个女同性恋,对一个美貌的顾客颇有好感;曾经是演员的詹美尔难以接受自己一日一日的衰老;而年老的罗丝因为要照顾姐姐而放弃爱情。一段段故事交织在一起,像焦糖一样,既甜蜜缠绵,又丝丝苦涩…

玛莎(马蒂娜•戈黛特 Martina Gedeck 饰)是一家餐厅的厨师长,不仅人长得漂亮,而且厨艺精湛。唯一的不足,就是由于长期担任领导职务,使得玛莎的性格古板、严肃认真。一天,玛莎的妹妹不幸车祸身亡了,留下了年幼的女儿莲娜。莲娜因为痛失母亲,患上了厌食症。无论玛莎煮出怎么美味的食物,都无法激起莲娜的食欲。 这时,新来的厨师马里奥(塞尔吉奥•卡斯特里托 Sergio Castellitto 饰)的出现彻底打破了餐厅一贯宁静的气氛,玛莎认为他是老板请来替代她的位置的,于是处处与马里奥作对。 然而,马里奥却处处帮助玛莎,帮助玛莎治疗莲娜内心的创伤,甚至当莲娜被她的生父接往意大利后,义无反顾地陪玛莎飞往了意大利。于是玛莎决定用她的双手去经营这一份美味关系。


A social romance that portrays the lives of 4 married couples who are friends. As they gather to celebrate the birthday of the daughter of one of them, their fundamental differences and their unstable marriages come to the surface as the men decide to leave for Alexandria.

A child who loves the cinema struggles with a fanatic dad who finds everything (including cinema) a sin, and a mother who is sexually repressed.

Three women, three generations, two secrets. In the early 1970s, a bomb exploded on board the Swissair flight 330 to Tel Aviv. Isabelle's husband also died. The young, very pregnant widow feared that her lover, the Palestinian activist Djibril, might be entangled in it ... Now, 47 years later, Isabelle finds out that her granddaughter Anaïs has converted to Islam. But why does the young student keep her new faith secret from the family? Anaïs's mother, Léa, immediately rings the alarm.

J.D. Cahill is the toughest U.S. Marshal they've got, just the sound of his name makes bad guys stop in their tracks, so when his two young boy's want to get his attention they decide to rob a bank. They end up getting more than they bargained for.

An ex-con's attempts to live a quiet life are derailed when the daughter of the woman sheltering him is the victim of a vicious attack.

Easygoing Gianni looks forward to retirement - until he is informed that a change in the law obliges him to work three more years. Faced with the outrageous possibility of having to do a full day's work, he sets about finding a way to achieve a quiet life

On an ordinary Moscow street, a family lives together in an unremarkable house: a mother and four children. But one "fine" day in this family there is a violent conflict over the furniture with which the apartment is packed. However, furniture is just an excuse. In fact, two worldviews collide, different ideas about life values...


Mido studies at the Technical College, and in his spare time, he works in installing satellite dishes. His constant fall into troubles earned him the title 'Mido the troublemaker' but the gravest of his troubles is when a mysterious man approaches him for a secret mission.

About college students that experience horrifying visions from the past while undergoing a fraternity initiation.