A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.

Surf's up for Barbie as she returns as Merliah, the fun and fashionable surfing champion who's also a magical mermaid princess! In this exciting sea-quel, Merliah makes a splash when she heads to Australia for the ultimate surfing competition. When the evil mermaid Eris escapes from her whirlpool with plans to take over the throne of Oceana, Merliah and her sea friends dive in to stop her. It's a fresh new adventure where Merliah learns that anything is possible and she really can have the best of both worlds!

Dance your way to a magical adventure with Barbie as Kristyn, a ballerina with big dreams! When she tries on a pair of sparkling pink shoes, she and her best friend, Hailey, are whisked away to a fantastical ballet world. There, Kristyn discovers she must dance in her favorite ballets in order to defeat an evil Snow Queen. With performances to the legendary Giselle and Swan Lake ballets, it's a wonderful journey where if you dance with your heart, dreams come true!

Aukščiausios klasės restorano savininkas Monsieur Septime įsivelia į nusikaltimą kai dingsta vienas iš jo garsių klientų.

Antras filmas iš ciklo ,,Fantomas". Bėga laikas, apie Fantomą jau visi užmiršo. Komisaras Žiufas gauna garbės ordiną. Po kiek laiko pasiuntinukas atnešą raštelį su Fantomo sveikinimais. Nors komisaro draugas žurnalistas perspėjo,kad Fantomas grįžo - Žiufas nenori tuo tikėti.... Tuo metu užpuolama mokslininko Maršalo laboratorija. Žiufas nutaria saugoti kitą mokslininką, kuris sukūrė naują ginklą - hipnozės mašiną... Prasideda beprotiški bėgiojimai, linksmi nuotykiai, komiškos situacijos.. Mokslininkas bus išsaugotas, o Žiufo kompanija vėl pabėgs iš Fantomo buveinės, vėl jį persekios lėktuvu ir vėl Fantomas dings...

Fantomas vėl reketuoja verslininkus. Dabar jis reikalauja gyvybės draudimo, kitaip gręsia nužudymas. Nusikaltėlių pasaulio autoritetai taipogi pyksta, kad Fantomas atiminėja jų duoną ir nutarė patys medžioti Fantomą... Fantomas pareikalavo ir iš jų mokesčio. Filme daug nuotykių, daug sveiko juoko, daug gaudynių...

Liūtas Aleksas, zebras Martis, žirafa Melmanas, begemotė Glorija ir pingvinai apsisprendė – metas grįžti namo. Juos parskraidins surastas lėktuvas. Tiesa, jis kažkada sudužo, todėl yra gerokai aplūžęs. Tik pradėję mėgautis svaiginančia kelione beveik aukščiausia klase, net nespėję susigaudyti draugai buvo priversti išbandyti ne mažiau įspūdingesnį… priverstinį nusileidimą, vos nesibaigusį katastrofa!

Extraterrestrials contact earth in this delightful fable. Their message is "HELLO" in many languages, and there is a celebration.

A bedtime story leads Littlefoot and his grandparents on a journey to a new land, where Littlefoot discovers someone who vanished before he was born: his father! Now Littlefoot must decide between two worlds. Will he leave to be with his friends in the Great Valley, or stay behind and start a new life with his father?

An emotionally unavailable flight attendant meets a potential love interest and later finds out that her "perfect guy" has ulterior motives. As the clock ticks down on New Year's Eve, she must fight to keep her murdered ex-boyfriend's secrets or find herself dead.

Littlefoot and his friends return in another adventure. But this time, they aren't the smallest dinosaurs in the valley anymore.

Legendinio šuns Balto nuotykių tęsinys. Taip atsitiko, kad Baltas tapo tėvu. Jis padarė viską, kas įmanoma, kad visus savo palikuonis prijungtų prie gerų šeimų. Tačiau viena mergaitė, vardu Alu, staiga pajuto, kad niekada negali būti panaši į savo brolius ir seseris. Po to, kai ji sutiko medžiotoją miške, Alu pajuto paslaptingos vilko prigimties pabudimą jos viduje. Ar ji vilkas ar šuo? Norėdamas rasti atsakymą į šį klausimą, Alu leidžiasi į kelionę po didžiulius Aliaskos plotus, kur ją lydės mylintis tėvas - Baltas.

When Littlefoot grandfather falls ill, The dinosaurs only way to cure him is a flower in the forbidding land of mist which hold unexpecting perils and danger.

Littlefoot befriends with a mysterious, fun-loving dolphin-like creature named Mo, who is trapped in "new water" caused by heavy rain. The gang then goes on an adventure to the "big water" to bring Mo home.

Eddie, Dov, and Yvan are back, still working in Paris' Sentier textile district, This time they're confronting the high-stakes world of large distribution after striking a deal with Eurodiscount, a European hypermarket chain.

The film tells the story of three best friends named Ako, Aki and Awang, who are well-known in their village for their mischievous and humourous pranks. The trio work for Pak Man. One day, they are assigned to pick up his daughter Misha, who has just returned from overseas and dreams of becoming a doctor. The trio have been in love with her for a long time but she does not pay them any heed. When Misha is robbed by a snatch thief one day, she is rescued by a doctor named Shafiq. Her face reminds the doctor of his late wife, and he begins to pursue her, which annoys the trio.

Prieš tapdamas džiunglių karaliumi, Tarzanas tebuvo nerangus vaikėzas, nuolat besistengiantis visur pritapti. Dėl jo klaidos jo šeimai patekus į pavojų, berniukas nusprendžia, kad artimiesiems bus geriau be jo. Keliaudamas džiunglėmis Tarzanas susipažįsta su galingiausiu žemės padaru – Zugoru. Kartu jie sužino, kad būti kitokiam nėra silpnybė ir, kad draugai ir šeima – pati didžiausia vertybė iš visų.

When the dinosaur families get trapped in a valley by an ice storm, one family of "spike tail" dinosaurs volunteers to leave since they consume more food than the others. Meanwhile, the young dinos and a new adult dinosaur named Mr. Thicknose, head out to bring back their friend Spike, who has left his friends to be with members of his own species.

Eddie, Dov, Yvan and the others ... Our warm friends have migrated from the moribund Sentier to the flourishing suburb of Aubervilliers ... Where the old Jewish entrepreneurs left the ground to young courageous and dynamic Chinese wholesalers ... The little band is as close to each other as in previous episodes, and life goes on at the mercy of small family events and business. Dov still seems frivolous, enterprising Eddie, chilled Yvan, casual Karine, resolute Sandra, naive Chochana, irresponsible Serge and mythomaniac. As for Patrick, he is in love and the happy elected is far from easy to access. Everything would be fine until a bad wind brings its share of adversity seriously compromising the cohesion of the group. Will they succumb under the storm to the turmoil, or, once again, by mutual aid, cunning and skill, will they triumph over the crisis with panache?

Now that Frollo is gone, Quasimodo rings the bell with the help of his new friend and Esmeralda's and Phoebus' little son, Zephyr. But when Quasi stops by a traveling circus owned by evil magician Sarousch, he falls for Madellaine, Sarouch's assistant.