Kanji Watanabe is a middle-aged man who has worked in the same monotonous bureaucratic position for decades. Learning he has cancer, he starts to look for the meaning of his life.

Four prison inmates have been hatching a plan to literally dig out of jail when another prisoner, Claude Gaspard, is moved into their cell. They take a risk and share their plan with the newcomer. Over the course of three days, the prisoners and friends break through the concrete floor using a bed post and begin to make their way through the sewer system -- yet their escape is anything but assured.

The film has three stories. First is about local village idiot Paletta, who can not afford the services of a whore and so steals a locket from a holy shrine belonging to local mafia don. Second shows the story of betrayal of Pitrinu (who's dead now) by his lover Fefe. Final episode is about lowlife Lazarus. He is killed by mob boss Toto, but raised from the dead by a local messiah, who is also known as Toto (and is played by same actor).

In Edo Period Japan, a noblewoman's banishment for her love affair with a lowly page signals the beginning of her inexorable fall.

A young husband and father, perfectly content with his life, falls in love with another woman.

Recently paroled from prison, legendary burglar "Doc" Riedenschneider, with funding from Alonzo Emmerich, a crooked lawyer, gathers a small group of veteran criminals together in the Midwest for a big jewel heist.

When a theater troupe's master visits his old flame, he unintentionally sets off a chain of unexpected events with devastating consequences. A remake of Ozu's own silent film The Story of Floating Weeds (1934).

Pusto in strupeno industrijsko okolje v okolici Ravene slabo vpliva na duševno počutje žene in matere Giuliane. Mlada ženska svojo tesnobo skriva pred okolico, predvsem pred uspešnim in brezbrižnim možem Ugom. Ugov stari prijatelj Corrado se pojavi v mestu na službenem potovanju. Z Giuliano se takoj ujameta, saj je Corrado podobno občutljiv in osamljen kot ona. Z ljubezensko afero ublažita njeno tesnobo, vendar le začasno; njena depresija se hitro slabša.

When 'Vogler's Magnetic Health Theater' comes to town, there's bound to be a spectacle. Reading reports of a variety of supernatural disturbances at Vogler's prior performances abroad, the leading townspeople (including the police chief and medical examiner) request that their troupe provide them a sample of their act, before allowing them public audiences. The scientific-minded disbelievers try to expose them as charlatans, but Vogler and his crew prove too clever for them.

A mute gunslinger fights in the defense of a group of outlaws and a vengeful young widow, against a group of ruthless bounty hunters.

Payton becomes the caretaker of Gregory Devereaux, a wealthy man facing his final months. As they become close, Gregory's past sins force Payton to decide between his dreams and a pregnancy that could squander them all.

After botching his latest assignment, a third-ranked Japanese hit man becomes the target of another assassin.

Nando Moriconi is a young Italian living in Rome obsessed with all-things American.

Django is on the trail of some renegade outlaws who raped and killed his wife. En route, he rescues a horse thief from an impromptu hanging. He discovers the man knows who committed the murder. The men team up and head west for revenge.

Follows a young cyclo driver on his poverty-driven descent into criminality in modern-day Ho Chi Minh City. The boy's struggles to scratch out a living for his two sisters and grandfather in the mean streets of the city lead to petty crime on behalf of a mysterious Madame from whom he rents his cyclo.

Medtem ko si prizadeva hitro kaj zaslužiti, dobi mladi Norbert od svojega prijatelja Matriala ponarejeni bankovec za 500 frankov. Denar porabi v trgovini s fotografskim materialom, lastnik pa se odloči bankovec spet posredovati nekomu drugemu. Nič hudega sluteči lastnik je pošteni dostavljavec Yvon Targe, ki ne sluti, da je bankovec ponarejen. Ko skuša kupiti hrano, ga aretirajo. Pozneje skuša ovaditi in tožiti fotografa, vendar so pomočnika v trgovini Luciena že podkupili, da molči glede tiste transakcije. Zaradi škandala je Yvon slednjič ob službo. Da bi lahko vzdrževal družino, se kot voznik avtomobila udeleži nekega ropa. Podvig pa se na žalost izjalovi in Yvon mora za tri leta v ječo. Med služenjem kazni njegov otrok umre za davico, žena pa ga zapusti. Poblazneli Yvon se preda tatvinam in nasilnemu kriminalu, nazadnje pa zagreši še hladnokrvni umor.

Oscar dreams of becoming an actor or a stuntman. To contact a manufacturer he stages an accident and consequently injures a young actress, then tries to limit the damage by taking the girl to his home.

Irene Wagner, the wife of the prominent German scientist Professor Albert Wagner, had been having an affair with Erich Baumann. She does not disclose this to her husband, hoping to preserve his innocence and their "perfect marriage". This fills her with anxiety and guilt. However, Johanna Schultze, Erich's jealous ex-girlfriend, learns about the affair and begins to blackmail Irene, turning Irene's psychological torture into a harsh reality.

Lynch's first film project consists of a loop of six people vomiting projected on to a special sculptured screen featuring twisted three-dimensional faces.

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.