An old bus drives through the streets of Rome. It's a long day. The bus fills up with people and stories. Then empties out. People get on. And get off. Faces, eyes. Expectations. A few encounters. Incidents. Slips. Ambiguities. Thefts. Rows. Confiding exchanges. Confessions. Projects. Plans. Lies. Slaps. Even one hijacking. A well-defined route can become a journey. Each encounter can become a future opportunity or can lay a former wound to rest. Every stop may produce the person who will change your life trajectory. Or not, and the bus carries on. At the next turn, someone else will get on and a fragment of his life will for a moment touch yours.

Die 21-jährige Claudia leidet unter der Fehlbildung Spina bifida, im Volksmund als "offener Rücken" bezeichnet. Nach Jahren voller Diskriminierung und Einsamkeit macht sie sich auf den Weg, ihre Sexualität zu entdecken. Eines Tages tritt der sympathische Marco in Claudias Leben. Er hat gerade seinen ersten Kurs als "LoveGiver" absolviert. Das LoveGiver-Projekt ist eine Initiative eines gleichnamigen Vereins aus Bologna, in dem sich Psychotherapeuten, Sozialarbeiter und Sexualwissenschaftler zusammengeschlossen haben, um körperbehinderten Menschen die Möglichkeit zu geben ihre eigene Sexualität zu erforschen und zu entdecken.

Hurmuz is a beautiful woman, her husband Ömer is in prison and she's in love with him. She thinks that her husband is very loyal to her, but one day, when she goes to visit him, she learns that she has six other wives besides herself, and she can't get over this and wants to take revenge. Hızır Reis, Guard Hasan, Tulumbacı Hayri, Hallaç Rüstem and Berber Hasan. Hurmuz marries all of them in turn and kidnaps them all on their wedding night. But still, Hurmuz's heart is with the doctor.

Ceferino Carrión left Spain as a stowaway on a freighter. When he arrived in Los Angeles was called Jean Leon, a man who constantly transformed himself. Who was it? Was a taxi driver or waiter was trusted by Frank Sinatra? Owner of the Legendary restaurant La Scala in Beverly Hills or who gave dinner Marilyn Monroe on her last day? His life was itself the world of fiction, and here we have Paul Newman's, Dennis Hopper, Angie Dickinson, Robert Wagner, among others ..

India's capital Delhi is the center-point of this story, depicted as a degenerate and corrupt city with Members of Parliament with big criminal rap sheets, ruling the roost, transferring or killing honest police officers, promotion their own corrupt cops, openly collecting weekly bribes (haftas) from local businesses, pimps, prostitutes ET AL, even openly holding an auction for bidders to bid for areas for black-marketing purposes. Lala Khurana is the uncrowned king of Delhi and he runs it with the help of a Member of Parliament, & the Director General of Police. His advocate Chintamani Chaubey wants him to contest the next elections, ensuring his win, and making his own laws, appointing his own police officers, who will do his bidding, carrying on without any checks and balance. Khurana likes this idea, but feels he is getting too old, but would like his son, Devendra Kumar, to run and be the next State Chief Minister.

An attractive Countess arrives in a village in the Veneto, which revolutionized the entire population. In fact, she has a very precise plan: to conquer an old rancher who has inherited a village after the death of his mother and keep all their assets using its many charms.

Based on the novel by L. P. Hartley, The Hireling is a dissection of antiquated but hardly dormant British class distinctions as a lonely socialite and her chauffeur become more than friends.

Hillary and Bonnie meet one morning by the side of the road. They become fast friends, share their secrets, and, on a rising wave of frenzy, later that afternoon, murder an old woman. They did it, they say later, for fun.

LOOKING LIKE MY MOTHER is a film about family relationships and personal destiny, about realizing one's own potential and one's limitations. It traces the individual experience, showing the emptiness one can feel as well as the discovery of a sense of meaning in life. It is a very personal and courageous film that doesn’t search for scientific explanations but instead uses documentary and fictional material to weave an intimate biography. This combination of perception and memory suggests a deep reconciliation and allows tender feelings of a mother’s love to emerge.

Dinner Time is noted as the first sound cartoon short made after Warner Bros.' success with The Jazz Singer and produced even before Walt Disney's first sound cartoon, Steamboat Willie (though released after).

The story of Cleopatra, the fabulous queen of Egypt, and the epic romances between her and the greatest men of Rome, Julius Caesar and Antony. Only a small fragment of this film survives.

Die 17-jährige Petra aus Norddeutschland soll in München die Wohnung ihrer Freundin hüten. Aber schon am ersten Abend wird die schüchterne junge Frau von der ausgelassenen Partystimmung der bayerischen Metropole mitgerissen. Sie landet auf einer frivolen Feier der Schwabinger Schickeria, wo schon bald alle Hemmungen (und Hüllen) fallen.

Larva for a long time, sublimago for a few hours and imagoto breed, not equipped to eat, this short-lived being is reminiscent of the legacy of the fireflies expressed by Pier Paolo Pasolini. Referring to Philippe Jaccottet, Yuki Kawamura juxtaposes time and movement without dreading the motionless moment.