Philip Glass’ opera “Akhnaten”, premiered in Stuttgart in 1984, forms the third part of the portrait opera trilogy about personalities who have influenced the course of human history. The conclusion of the trilogy deals with the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten, who attempted to establish a kind of monotheistic cult around the god Aton during his reign in the 14th century BC, but failed due to the resistance of the priesthood. The production presented here was undoubtedly one of the very great successes of the 2019/20 season at New York’s Metropolitan Opera, due not only to the outstanding cast of singers (led by countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo) but also to Phelim McDermott’s imaginative staging, which captivates with sometimes breathtaking imagery.

Drowning in debt, child support and bills all while white knuckling it through sobriety, Francis is coming undone. When his roommate, Shelly, goes missing, Francis is thrown headlong into her private world; a slip stream of money, violence and terrifying allegiances.

  20岁的三田静香(药师丸博子 饰)是一名热爱表演的纯真女孩,她经常到公园的无人露天剧场练习演技。为了参演剧团的新戏《W的悲剧》,静香参加了主角的选拔考试,最终同期学员菊地香(高木美保 饰)获得出演主角摩子的机会,而静香只获得了只有一句台词的女佣这个角色。   《W的悲剧》巡演大获好评,却在大阪遭遇危机。剧团当家花旦羽鸟翔(三田佳子 饰)的恩客堂原(仲谷升 饰)病发,死在羽鸟的房中。为遮掩丑闻,羽鸟以摩子这个角色作交换,要求静香在媒体面前承认自己和堂原的不伦关系。为了梦寐以求的角色,静香接受了羽鸟的请求……

Two unsuspecting thieves break into the wrong house and must face a sinister home owner.

Tintin and his friends investigate when something ominous haunts seven archaeologists, just after their return from an ethnographic expedition to the Andes, where they have dug up the tomb of Inca Rascar Capac.

Set entirely at night, Field Niggas takes us to the corner of 125th Street and Lexington Avenue in Harlem and introduces us to its faces. The non-synch audio track consists of conversations with and among those faces: dreams, regrets, arguments, affection, observations, opinions.

A young girl's overnight stay at a rural daycare takes a dark turn when she discovers she's not the only guest.

高级警司/黑帮卧底刘建明(刘德华 饰)在警察卧底/帮派干部陈永仁(梁朝伟 饰)被杀10个月后接受警队内部调查,被架空职权,加上家庭的变故,他的精神状态每况愈下,但他坚信局面很快就会扭转。年轻警司杨锦荣(黎明 饰)在同事看来是怪人一个,他正凭着过人的业绩迈向警队最高层。为了搞清楚杨锦荣的真实身份,刘建明开始对其调查。刘建明渐渐发现韩琛旧日的生意拍档沈澄(陈道明 饰)与杨锦荣有着千丝万缕的关系,为了置杨锦荣于死地,也为了不让自己的身份曝光,渴望做个好人已久的刘建明开始千辛万苦地找寻一个又一个证据,可是他总在最接近真相时功亏一篑…

While on vacation in Egypt, Tintin encounters an eccentric archaeologist who believes to have found the whereabouts of Pharaoh Kih-Oskh's tomb. Tintin finds there a cigar marked with a strange emblem.


The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

这部纪录片探讨了泰迪·彭德格拉斯(Teddy Pendergrass)的崛起,他是第一位在20世纪60年代美国的背景下连续五张白金专辑的非洲裔美国男性艺术家,也是他在一场改变人生的事故后卷土重来。

When Crystal Wyatt was 16 her father passed away. From that time her life would never be the same. Crystal is banished from the family ranch, and starts a new life as a singer in a San Francisco nightclub.

影片分为两个故事,全部根据爱伦•坡的小说改编。杰西卡(Adrienne Barbeau 饰)的丈夫厄尼斯特(Bingo O'Malley 饰)病入膏肓,精神病医生罗伯特(Ramy Zada 饰)与杰西卡有染。两人合伙撺掇厄尼斯特将数百万遗产留给妻子。这对男女最终如愿以偿,但愤怒的厄尼斯特再度复活,势要复仇……摄影师罗德(Harvey Keitel 饰)的女友安娜贝尔(Madeleine Potter 饰)带回一只流浪的黑猫。黑猫的叫声让本就烦躁不已的罗德难以忍受。他一气之下杀死黑猫,却不曾想从此走入黑暗恐怖的噩梦之中……

A perfect ski vacation heads downhill in Winter Hollow, where any mention of Christmas unleashes the feared Headless Snowman. It's "A Scooby Doo Christmas" when Scooby-Doo and crew set out to melt the ferocious Frosty and save the holiday. It's no fun in "Toy Scary Boo" when all the toys in Happy Toyland start coming alive and wreaking havoc. In "Homeward Hound," a fiercely fanged cat creature petrifies the competing pooches at a dog show, including the visiting Scooby-Doo! Finally, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo's wildest dreams come true when they win a tour of Munchville, home of Scooby Snax dough and it spells out a "Recipe for Disaster."