Join Barbie in a colourful, modern-day fairytale filled with fashion, friends and fun! Barbie and her dog Sequin jet off to visit her Aunt's amazing fashion house in Paris, and much to her surprise it's about to be shut down forever. After she discovers three enchanting Flairies with sparkle-magic powers, Barbie comes up with a brilliant idea to save the business. She even inspires Alice, a shy fashion designer, and together they create a dazzling runway fashion show. Barbie shows that magic happens when you believe in yourself.

Mozambique requests from Russia is being helped in the fight against militants of the "Islamic State" and a special group led by a commander with the call sign Granit is coming to the country.

Ko Willy Wonka, poln upanja in široko odprtih oči, prispe v središče proizvodnje čokolade, ima pri sebi le nekaj kovancev in klobuk, poln sanj – ena od njih je, da odpre svojo tovarno čokolade, ki bi se lahko primerjala z največjimi na svetu. Toda v velikem in neprizanesljivem mestu Willyju hitro zmanjka denarja, kar ga pripelje do dela v bližnji pralnici. Čeprav se zdi, da so Willyjeve sanje skrhane, njegovi upi niso.

Mia and Kyle, two misfit American teens, travel to Spain in search of Mia's birth mother. As the pair road trip through the picturesque cities of Andalusia and fall in love, they discover that the most important question isn't who gave you life, but what you decide to do with it.

Dracula, Mavis, Johnny and the rest of the Drac Pack take a vacation on a luxury Monster Cruise Ship, where Dracula falls in love with the ship’s captain, Ericka, who’s secretly a descendant of Abraham Van Helsing, the notorious monster slayer.

Kaj, ce bi vas nakljucno sporocilo privedlo do ljubezni vašega življenja? V tej romanticni komediji Mira Ray, ki preboleva smrt svojega zarocenca, pošlje vrsto prisrcnih sporocil na njegovo staro telefonsko številko – vendar ne ve, da je bila ta številka dodeljena novemu službenemu telefonu novinarja Roba Burnsa. Roba takoj prevzameta iskrenost in ganljive izpovedi sporocil. Ko mu narocijo, naj napiše prispevek o zvezdnici Celine Dion (ki igra samo sebe v svoji prvi filmski vlogi), jo prosi za pomoc, da ugotovita, kako bi lahko osebno spoznal Miro ... in osvojil njeno srce.

Júlio wanted to be the most popular person in school but ends up getting more than what he wished for.

After a year of long-distance, Raquel and Ares reunite on a steamy beach trip. Faced with fresh flirtations and insecurities, will their love prevail?

Donya, a lonely Afghan refugee and former translator, spends her twenties drifting through a meager existence in Fremont, California. Shuttling between her job writing fortunes for a fortune cookie factory and sessions with her eccentric therapist, Donya suffers from insomnia and survivor's guilt over those still left behind in Kabul as she desperately searches for love.

Glavni kuža bloka je Russell terier Max, ki neskončno uživa v družbi svoje lastnice. A Maxovo lagodno življenje postane ogroženo, ko njegova ljubljena Katie iz zavetišča pripelje ogromnega in neurejenega mešanca Duka.

Fanny in Jean sta popoln zakonski par: oba sta uspešna v svojem poklicu, živita v čudovitem stanovanju v elitni pariški četrti in zdi se, da sta zaljubljena kot takrat, ko sta se prvič srečala. Nekega jesenskega dne pa Fanny na ulici naleti na Alaina, prijatelja iz srednje šole …

Ten minutes a day can change the course of your day. Ten minutes doing something completely new can change the course of a life. This is what Bianca will discover in the midst of an existential crisis. New meetings, the discovery of special bonds and listening to those who have always loved us. Sometimes it doesn't take much to start over and this film teaches us this, through a warm and passionate story of rebirth.

Dr. Steven Greer presents brand new top-secret evidence supporting extraterrestrial contact, including witness testimony, classified documents, and UFO footage, while also exploring the consequences of ruthlessly enforcing such secrecy.

When Vicki Maloney is randomly abducted from a suburban street by a disturbed couple, she soon observes the dynamic between her captors and quickly realises she must drive a wedge between them if she is to survive.

A retired assassin is pulled back into action when his friend uncovers a dangerous conspiracy at the heart of the South African government.

Elitna skupina priljubljenih deklet, imenovana "The Plastics", ki ji vlada spletkarska alfa kraljica Regina George in njeni služabnici Gretchen in Karen, sprejme medse novo študentko Cady Heron. Toda Cady naredi veliko napako in se zaljubi v Regininega bivšega fanta Aarona Samuelsa, zato postane Reginin plen in žrtev. Medtem ko jo Cady s pomočjo svojih izobčenih prijateljev Janis in Damiana skuša premagati, se mora naučiti, kako ostati zvesta sama sebi, ko krmari po najbolj grozoviti džungli od vseh: srednji šoli.

Emma ima čudovitega moža in dva otroka v predmestju New Jerseyja. Ima tudi skrivno življenje kot najeta morilka, skrivnost, ki jo odkrije njen mož Dave, ko se par odloči začiniti svoj zakon z majhno igro vlog.

An ambitious young FBI agent is assigned to investigate iconic actress Jean Seberg when she becomes embroiled in the tumultuous civil rights movement in late 1960s Los Angeles.

The journey of a professional wrestler who becomes a small town pastor and moonlights as a masked vigilante fighting injustice. While facing crises at home and at the church, the Pastor must evade the police and somehow reconcile his violent secret identity with his calling as a pastor.

Fernandinho is a family man, former football player and a current podcast commentator that is surprised by the visit of his inconvenient brother-in-law, Gregorio, who discovers to be lazy and literally a bloodsucker - a vampire.