Obklopuje nás rozporuplný svet násilia a intolerancie. V ňom žije aj Danny Balint (Ryan Gosling), ktorého odpor k zdanlivej pasivite vlastnej židovskej komunity zaviedol až do radov skinheadského nacistického gangu. Tam si ho všimol prominentný fašista Curtis Zampf (Billy Zane). Danny sa pod jeho vplyvom stáva súčasťou nebezpečného sveta amerických nacistických bojov a v tajných tréningových táboroch sa učia nenávidieť a zabíjať. U Curtisa sa však tiež stretáva s Carlou, dievčaťom so sklonom k sadomasochistickému sexu. Danny s Carlou posúva hranice svojich milostných zážitkov, ale vďaka jej záujmu o židovskú vieru tiež znovu spoznáva svoju vlastnú príslušnosť. Jeho život je rozpoltený medzi dve protichodné vyznania a voľba kým sa stať je ťažká...

A much-needed boost, in the form of a new factory, is promised to the residents of the tiny fishing village St. Marie-La-Mauderne, provided they can lure a doctor to take up full-time residency on the island. Inspired, the villagers devise a scheme to make Dr. Christopher Lewis a local.

A mother battles with her son's fear of a monster lurking in the closet, but soon discovers a sinister presence all around her.

Psychiatrist Sam Foster has a new patient, Henry Letham, who claims to be suicidal. In trying to diagnose him, Sam visits Henry's prior therapist and also finds Henry's mother -- even though Henry has said that he murdered both of his parents. As reality starts to contradict fact, Sam spirals into an unstable mental state. Then he finds a clue as to how and when Henry may try to kill himself, and races to try to stop him.

Like many young men in the Dominican Republic, 19-year-old Miguel "Sugar" Santos dreams of winning a slot on an American baseball team. Indeed, his talents as a pitcher eventually land him a slot on a single-A team in Iowa, but culture shock, racism and other curveballs threaten to turn Sugar's dream sour.

An authoritarian rancher rules an Arizona county with her private posse of hired guns. When a new Marshall arrives to set things straight, the cattle queen finds herself falling for the avowedly non-violent lawman. Both have itchy-fingered brothers, a female gunman enters the picture, and things go desperately wrong.

Keď lenivec a darebák Samson John Tollet nechtiac zabije svoju priateľku Jamie a ukáže jej mŕtvolu spolužiakom, skupina stredoškolákov sa musí vyrovnať s faktom, že ich kamarát je vrahom. Ich vzťahy sa prudko menia, rovnako ako názory každého z nich na ohavný čin a na to, čo by mali urobiť. Väčšina z nich si myslí, že najlepším riešením by bolo ísť na políciu a povedať pravdu. Layne však nechce vraždu ohlásiť. Rozhodne sa Samsona brániť a chce mu pomôcť. Potajomky ho odvezie kamsi za hranice štátu a ukryje na neznámom mieste. Tim, malý brat Matta však mŕtvolu objaví. Čo sa stane? Nikto netuší, či sa polícia o zločine dozvie a koho obvinia z vraždy. Priťaží všetkým ich mlčanie? Neobvinia ich s napomáhania zločincovi?

Kalifornie. Normální všední den. Obyčejný student jménem Leland Fitzgerlad (Ryan Gosling) spáchá zdánlivě nesmyslnou a nevysvětlitelnou vraždu a všechno se najednou změní. Pro Lelanda, jeho rodinu, přátele i učitele. Ve vězení pro mladistvé se Leland setkává s vězeňským učitelem Pearlem Madisonem (Don Cheadle), který se snaží najít odpověď na spoustu sžíravých otázek. Proč se syn slavného spisovatele Alberta Fitzgeralda (Kevin Spacey), mladík se slibnými vyhlídkami, dopustil něčeho takového?

Dito Montiel, a successful author, receives a call from his long-suffering mother, asking him to return home and visit his ailing father. Dito recalls his childhood growing up in a violent neighborhood in Queens, N.Y., with friends Antonio, Giuseppe, Nerf and Mike.

Anna Tsuchiya blasts back in time playing an oiran, a top-notched geisha of the Edo period’s Yoshiwara District, navigating brothel politics while trying to cling to the man she loves.

Ex-con turned private investigator Bradford Galt suspects someone is following him and maybe even trying to kill him. With the assistance of his spunky secretary, Kathleen Stewart, he dives deep into a mystery in search of answers.

After losing her daughter in an accident, Carmen loses all incentive to keep going, until she receives an unexpected letter from the adoption agency: her daughter was finally granted the Vietnamese girl she had asked for adoption and whose name is Thi Mai.

Unable to cope with a recent personal tragedy, LA's top celebrity shrink turns into a pothead with no concern for his appearance and a creeping sense of his inability to help his patients.

Camilla is a successful attorney in her forties who accidentally causes the death of an undocumented migrant. At first, she is only interested in exonerating herself, but soon a feeling of responsibility starts nagging her: the dead body of a young man is lying in the morgue because their destinies fatally crossed. Camilla is used to shielding herself from pain, and she is incapable of really caring, even for her own daughter. In the midst of discovering the victim’s identity, she meets Bruno, the head of the morgue, who seems to be the only one who can truly understand her. The investigation she pursues will take her far from her surroundings until she will be forced to question herself, her unresolved past, and the life she really wants to live.

Marie and Boris decide to get a divorce after 15 years of marriage. Tensions rise when cash-strapped Boris must continue to live with Marie and the two children while trying to figure out how to divide the assets.

DNA revolves around a woman with close ties to a beloved Algerian grandfather who protected her from a toxic home life as a child. When he dies, it triggers a deep identity crisis as tensions between her extended family members escalate revealing new depths of resentment and bitterness.

Captives of the very relationships that define and sustain them, nine women resiliently meet the travails and disappointments of life.

A deranged man hides in the attic of a new house and becomes obsessed with the unsuspecting family that moves in.

A young man finds solace with a young woman, his mother, and a high-school football coach who recruits him to quarterback a six-man team.

Move On is a road movie like no other, because it is inspired by film fans from all over Europe! This breath-taking movie directed by Asger Leth features Mads Mikkelsen on a secret mission in 8 episodes, each taking place in a different European country.