在毫无征兆的夜晚,一颗被火焰包裹的流星坠落山坡观景点,神秘而可怕的男人从陨石坑中走了出来。次日一早,拥有正义心灵却弱小不堪的少年比利·巴特森(Zach Callison 配音)度过了一个让他颇有些烦恼的早晨,随即在快餐馆见到了肯特(George Newbern 配音)。当他们正在聊天时,强大的冲击力震碎玻璃窗,昨晚随流星出现的男人沙赞(James Garner 配音)来到少年面前。沙赞称其拥有巫师的印记,将来可以继承魔法衣钵,大有作为。这个可怕的男人以极其强大的实力将肯特打飞,并追踪比利。在此之后,超人和沙赞围绕比利展开缠斗,却没法阻止少年被对方变成神奇队长。    陡然拥有了魔法和实力的比利,在正义和邪恶面前会作何选择?


A new member has joined Eli and the Shane Gang! Junjie, once the protector of the Eastern Caverns, is a master of the slugslinging art of Slug Fu! But even with the power of five slingers, the Shane Gang find themselves in over their heads as they race across The 99 Caverns in search of the Legendary Elemental Slugs. The five Elementals are ancient slugs of great power, and the forbearers of all slugs found in SlugTerra today. In the wrong hands, they could bring Slugterra to the brink of destruction. So when an evil alliance starts hunting down the Elementals, Eli and his friends — old and new — take off in pursuit of the greatest threat their world has ever faced!

After the Combiner Wars ended, Cybertron started to be rebuilt. However, an undead Starscream has been reincarnated as Trypticon, wreaking havoc around him. To combat this menace, Windblade gathers up a ragtag team of Transformers, including Optimus Prime and Megatron, to resurrect an ancient ally. And while some may be forever changed by the events, others may not emerge with their sparks intact.

After the death of his father, a brilliant college student returns to his family home where he learns that the horrors from his childhood aren't as dead and gone as he once thought.

A former alcoholic returns home after ten years in prison for the murder of her husband. As her recollection of the murder returns, things take a different turn.

Recorded during the band's 2009 sell out UK tour on April 30 at the legendary Roundhouse in London. The Return to Eden tour was the first time that the classic Ultravox line-up of Midge Ure, Billy Currie, Criss Cross and Warren Cann had performed together in over two decades, and was followed by a highly successful European and festival tour that ran through the summer and into the Autumn.

The Return is a 2016 documentary directed by Emmy Award winning director Erich Joiner chronicling Ford GT's return to 24 Hours of Le Mans after their 1966 1-2-3 victory.

在第一部的事件之后,变异合唱团继续在 Tromaville 肆虐。 Chrissy 和 Lauren 是两个无辜的女同性恋恋人,他们不仅要与白痴、变种人和怪物作战,还要与邪恶的 Tromorganic Foodstuffs Conglomerate 作战。 他们和神鸭凯文能否拯救特罗马维尔高中和整个世界?



The Tooth Fairy is back. 15 years after the events of the first movie, Corey, now grown up but mentally scarred has gone to a class reunion. However, the Tooth Fairy is back, and this time - You better have flossed properly.

Two Hobbits struggle to destroy the Ring in Mount Doom while their friends desperately fight evil Lord Sauron's forces in a final battle.

While fighting for a woman who sits on death row, a lawyer happens upon new information which brings into question the motives of a man associated with her client

美国动画片《奥兹国的桃乐西》,讲述桃乐西回到堪萨斯州,帮助她朋友的故事。   桃乐西刚回到堪萨斯州就发现她的朋友们正处在困难之中,于是她决定重回奥兹国帮助她的朋友们,他们会发生怎样的故事呢?让我们共同期待!

Rowe McDonald is a headstrong missionary who has life after his mission all figured out. When a fatal car crash interrupts his plans, he is given sixty days to return to life and finish his work. Now he must choose whether to lead the life he planned, or reach beyond himself to change the lives of others. What will he do? Who will he touch? How will he prepare to leave it all behind?

在一张被盗的计算机磁盘中包含一个隐藏宝库的位置。 LETHAL(确保完全和谐与法律军团)的性感女士们要在坏人之前找到宝藏。美女们大展身手。

菲利普·德朗布尔(布雷特·海尔赛 Brett Halsey饰)决定完成父亲的遗志,实现他生前留下的实验。但是菲利普的叔叔弗朗索瓦·德朗布尔(文森特·普莱斯 Vincent Price饰)拒绝提供任何帮助。无奈的菲利普只能雇佣艾伦·海因斯(大卫·弗兰克汉姆 David F rankham饰)来帮助自己,并动用父亲留下的资金。可是实验装备还没齐全资金就耗尽了。当菲利普威胁叔叔弗朗索瓦要卖掉属于父亲的那一半财产时,弗朗索瓦突然一百八十度大转弯,不仅态度有所缓和,还答应借给他资金。几经周折,时空交错机器终于启动,它能够将物体分解传输到另一个地方再重组。然而艾伦却是名为罗纳德的一名工业间谍,他的邪恶阴谋正在一步步向菲利普逼近。 这部也是由二十世纪福克斯公司于1959年推出的《变蝇人回归》是1958年拍摄的恐怖电影《变蝇人》的续集,相较于彩色的《变蝇人》本片被拍摄成了黑白影片。1965年二十世纪福克斯公司再次推出它的姊妹篇《变蝇人的诅咒》。


In this third entry in the Superfly films, Priest returns to New York from Paris to find who is responsible for his friend's murder. With a couple of new friends, he attempts to bring the killers to justice while trying not to get into criminal activity like he did years ago.