When an overconfident teen alien gets behind the controls of a spaceship, he must attempt to abduct a slumbering farmer under the watchful eye of a critical instructor. But abducting humans requires precision and a gentle touch, and within a few missteps it's painfully clear why more humans don't go missing every year.

Don Sallust is the minister of the King of Spain. Being disingenuous, hypocritical, greedy and collecting the taxes for himself, he is hated by the people he oppresses. Accused by The Queen, a beautiful princess Bavarian, of having an illegitimate child to one of her maids of honor, he was stripped of his duties and ordered to retire to a monastery.

Paris, summer 1960. Anthropologist and filmmaker Jean Rouch and sociologist and film critic Edgar Morin wander through the crowded streets asking passersby how they cope with life's misfortunes.

Three years after the death of her beloved child, Elouise, Mara still feels her presence when she sits on the butterfly bedding in front of the jar with her ashes in it. Mara arranges a twelfth birthday party for Elouise, further alienating her from her husband, Richter, and remaining daughter, Hannah. Although Mara eventually vacates Elouise's room at the insistence of her husband, she does find a way to stay close to Elouise. Before long, however, Hannah discovers her mother's secret.

Explorează farmecul Vestului Sălbatic și modul în care acesta a fost câștigat – și pierdut – prin sângele, sudoarea și lacrimile multora. De-a lungul celor patru ani ai Războiului Civil, din 1861 până în 1865, pornește într-o călătorie emoționantă printr-o țară aflată în război cu ea însăși, văzută prin prisma familiilor, prietenilor și dușmanilor, toți încercând să descopere ce înseamnă cu adevărat să fii Statele Unite ale Americii.

At the turn of the century, all of the Earth's monsters have been rounded up and kept safely on Monsterland. Chaos erupts when a race of she-aliens known as the Kilaaks unleash the monsters across the world.

The famous Pink Panther jewel has once again been stolen and Inspector Clouseau is called in to catch the thief. The Inspector is convinced that 'The Phantom' has returned and utilises all of his resources – himself and his Asian manservant – to reveal the identity of 'The Phantom'.

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

In a daycare far, far away… but still in Springfield, Maggie is on an epic quest for her stolen pacifier. Her adventure brings her face-to-face with young Padawans, Sith Lords, familiar droids, Rebel scum, and an ultimate battle against the dark side, in this original short celebrating the Star Wars galaxy.

When a gym trainer is murdered at an elite Delhi club, a wily investigator unravels the sordid secrets of its ultrarich members to find the killer.

Nominalizat în 2023 la secţiunea cel mai bun film în cadrul festivalului de la Cannes, pelicula redă cu o fidelitate remarcabilă viaţa ultimei soţii a celebrului rege al Angliei Henric al VIII-lea, cunoscut pentru modul tragic în care au sfârşit aproape toate consoartele sale şi pentru reforma religioasă care a dus la desprinderea Biserici Catolice din această ţară de sub autoritatea Papei. Excelent documentat din punct de vedere istoric, filmul prezintă viaţa Katherinei Parr, ultima din cele şase soţii ale lui Henric al VIII-lea şi abilitatea sa de a manevra politica regatului englez într-o perioadă de tulburări majore pentru această putere medievală europeană. Urmăriţi o producţie excepţională a talentatului regizor Karim Ainouz, cu Alicia Vikander şi Jude Law în rolurile principale. Recenzie: profesor Luca Octavian.

The Imjin War reaches its seventh year in December of 1598. Admiral Yi Sun-shin learns that the Wa invaders in Joseon are preparing for a swift withdrawal following the deathbed orders of their leader Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Determined to destroy the enemy once and for all, Admiral Yi leads an allied fleet of Joseon and Ming ships to mount a blockade and annihilate the Wa army. However, once Ming commander Chen Lin is bribed into lifting the blockade, Wa lord Shimazu Yoshihiro and his Satsuma army sail to the Wa army’s rescue at Noryang Strait.

A group of teachers must defend themselves from a gang of murderous kids when their school comes under siege after hours.

A fearless, faithful albeit slightly forgetful Mumbai cop, Veer Sooryavanshi, the chief of the Anti-Terrorism Squad in India pulls out all the stops and stunts to thwart a major conspiracy to attack his city.

In 1969, young Jud Crandall has dreams of leaving his hometown behind, but soon discovers sinister secrets buried within and is forced to confront a dark family history that forever binds him to Ludlow.

The mayor of Sunny Dale see a chance to get rid of the Flodder family: They send the asocial bunch for an international exchange to New York. There they get confused with a Russian delegation of medical doctors while the street worker Werner who accompanies them becomes imprisoned.

Acest film e al doilea prequel al filmului Wrong turn și este continuarea directă a filmului Wrong Turn 4 - Bloody Beginnings. Un mic orașel din West Virginia găzduiește legendarul festival "Mountain man" de Halloween. Astfel se strâng o mulțime de petrecăreți costumați pentru o noapte sălbatică de muzică și băutură. Dar o familia de canibali care a scăpat în partea precedentă distrug distracția când joacă celebrul joc Trick and treat cu un grup de studenți veniți la petrecere.

In 1945, at the end of World War II, Neus Català returns to France, where she recalls her life under the Nazi yoke.

With the victory against "The Beastly Beasts", "The Wild Soccer Bunch" showed it to everyone and then won every single game. Only one victory now separates them from the "Pott", the Freestyle Soccer Cup. For this they have to compete against the "Wolves of Ragnarök". But the wolves are not normal opponents! They have a dark secret - and behind them lurks a power stronger than all of them: the girl Horizon and the "Silver Lights" from the fog...

Malefic. Ucigaş. Nemuritor. Al şaselea capitol al celei mai terifiante serii horror! Pinhead revine în Hellraiser – partea a 6-a, un nou capitol înfricoşător din electrizanta serie Hellraiser creată de maestrul horror Clive Barker! Atunci când misterioasa cutie-puzzle este completată, devastatorul demon Pinhead (Doug Bradley) împreună cu legiunea sa revin pentru a dezlănţui iadul pe Pământ, distrugând pe oricine li s-ar împotrivi! Împotriva lor se va ridica Kristy Cotton (Ashley Lawrence – Hellraiser I, II, III), singura persoană care l-a mai învins în trecut pe Pinhead, iar acum salvarea lumii depinde numai de ea! Nu rata teroarea pe care Pinhead nu se va opri să o împrăştie, impunându-şi voinţa malefică pentru eternitate!