A biopic of Temple Grandin, an autistic American who has become one of the leading scientists in humane livestock handling.

The epic story of the first contact, encounter, approach, betrayal and, eventually, life-transcending friendship, between Karamakate, an Amazonian shaman, last survivor of his people, and two scientists that, over the course of 40 years, travel through the Amazon in search of a sacred plant that can heal them. Inspired by the journals of the first explorers of the Colombian Amazon, Theodor Koch-Grunberg and Richard Evans Schultes.

Meistriškai į ekraną perkelta istorija apie garbę, drąsą ir meilę neramiais laikais Amerikoje, kur vyksta aršus karas dėl žemių ir išlikimo. Nykstančios mohikanų genties užaugintas baltasis, pramintas Erelio Akimi, išgelbsti dvi britų pulkininko dukteris nuo žiauraus huronų kario keršto ir pažada saugiai nuvesti jas pas tėvą. Prerijų ir pavojų apsuptyje netikėtai gimsta švelniausi jausmai.

In 19th century France, Jean Valjean, a man imprisoned for stealing bread, must flee a relentless policeman named Javert. The pursuit consumes both men's lives, and soon Valjean finds himself in the midst of the student revolutions in France.

An original mix of fiction and reality illuminates the life of comic book hero everyman Harvey Pekar.

A strong-willed peasant girl is sent by her father to the estate of some local aristocrats to capitalize on a rumor that their families are from the same line, but is left traumatised from her experiences.

Australijoje siautėja Bernsų gauja, tačiau du gaujos vaikinus sugauna pareigūnai. Vienas iš brolių yra uždaromas į kalėjimą, o kitas turi 9 dienas surasti gaujos vadeivą (taip pat ir savo brolį) Artūrą Bernsą, kuris kaltinamas moters nužudymu ir išžaginimu...

Two drifters bum around, visit earthy women and discuss opening a car wash in Pittsburgh.

Three old high school friends meet in a Michigan motel room to dissect painful memories from their past.

When average, law-abiding citizens suddenly turn to a life of hedonistic behavior and violent crime, Detective Tom Beck is tasked with helping young FBI agent Lloyd Gallagher determine the cause.

In 1930s fascist Italy, adolescent Luca just lost his mother. His father, a callous businessman, sends him to be taken care of by British expatriate Mary Wallace. Mary and her cultured friends - including artist Arabella, young widow Elsa, and archaeologist Georgie - keep a watchful eye over the boy. But the women's cultivated lives take a dramatic turn when Allied forces declare war on Mussolini.

Father Greg Pilkington is torn between his call as a conservative Catholic priest and his secret life as a homosexual with a gay lover, frowned upon by the Church. Upon hearing the confession of a young girl of her incestuous father, Greg enters an intensely emotional spiritual struggle deciding between choosing morals over religion and one life over another.

In Japan's Aokigahara Forest, a troubled teacher meets a mysterious lost stranger who takes him on a life-changing journey of love and redemption.

Tsui escapes from a super soldier project and plans to lead a peaceful life. However, when his former comrades go on a violent crime spree, he takes it upon himself to end their reign of terror.

Kevinas - sėkmingas gydytojas, tuo pačiu laimingas vyras ir tėvas, nusprendžia kartu su visa šeima - žmona ir mažu sūneliu vykti pailsėti. Poilsiui išsirenka egzotiškuosius Karibus. Visa šeima yra tikra, kad šiose salose patirs neišdildomus įspūdžius ir nuotykius. Išvyka išties prasideda linksmai ir nerūpestingai, tačiau staiga įvykiai pasisuka nenumatyta linkme ir jau netrukus gydytojas yra priverstas vytis laiką tam, kad galėtų išgelbėti savo žmonos ir sūnaus gyvybes...

Alexandre Taillard de Vorms is a force to be reckoned with. With his silver mane and tanned, athletic body, he stalks the world stage as Minister of Foreign Affairs for France, waging his own war backed up by the holy trinity of diplomatic concepts: legitimacy, lucidity, and efficacy. Enter Arthur Vlaminck. Hired to write the minister's speeches, Arthur must contend with the sensibilities of his boss and the dirty dealings within the Quai d'Orsay, the ministry's home.

Marta Bek ir Raimonas Martinezas – serijiniai žudikai. Jų aukos – vienišos moterys, kurias suvilioja pažintiniai skelbimai laikraščiuose. Įsimylėjėlių porelei sekasi – jie nepagaunami, tačiau, kai mirčių skaičius pasiekia dvi dešimtis, nusikaltėliai pagaliau susekami. Šią keistą meilės istoriją vainikuoja dar keistesnis likimas – mirties nuosprendis herojams įvykdomas tą pačią dieną...

High school professor Guido is a hopeless romantic whose life falls apart after his girlfriend leaves him for another man. Paolo, a former student of his, helps him to exit his depression, only in order to become a PE teacher himself.

In the late '60s, the self-proclaimed belles of the rock 'n' roll ball, rocked the worlds of every music legend whose pants they could take off -- and they have the pictures to prove it. But it's been more than two decades since the Banger Sisters earned their nickname -- or even laid eyes on each other. Their reunion is the collision of two women's worlds; one who's living in the past, and one who's hiding from it. Together they learn to live in the moment.

We follow the two Texas doctors who invented the modern breast implant and its surgical procedure. However, when success and money come their way, they split up and follow different paths. One becomes the surgeon of the everyday woman while the other's career freefalls and has to settle with strippers and actresses. The film covers their history and their inventions, from the sixties until today.