At night, the streets of Harlem are haunted by lost souls. Bodies that drift around in the darkness and bear the weight of the past on their shoulders. The Haitian man Frenchie is one of them, and his accentuated stutter bears witness to exile and years of abuse. But he is more than just that in Khalik Allah's new, hypnotic film opus, which turns the American tradition of social realist street photography into its own art form.

Charly, René, Katiga, Zinedine and Madeleine tell in a few minutes the story of their hands, filmed in a static shot, placed on a table that is familiar to them. Five acquaintances of the director are invited to present their hands, and nothing else, to the camera. The stories that this unconventional situation elicits reveal sensual memories and buried pain. The hands, restored to a certain independence, join, move and dance.

How to paint your life and choose colors to match your mood? What to make a palette and what brushes to use? How to deal with problems thanks to art therapy? When to reach for solvent? All this will show you Polish Bob Ross in his program.

Vasek, ein 8-jähriger Junge, sucht verzweifelt nach einem neuen "Vater" für seine Mutter.

The comedian and best selling author of "Cancer on $5 a Day...How Humor Got Me Through the Toughest Journey of My Life," has plenty to say on everything from raising a 17 year old daughter, bargaining with the Almighty, and how not to make friends with a dolphin.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

After the death of their abusive father, two estranged twin brothers must reunite and sell off his property.

Harry Anderson, Richard Belzer, Howie Mandel, Robin Williams and Steven Wright host this hilarious 1986 special in which they introduce stand-up sets from up-and-coming comedians at five of North America's top comedy clubs.

During the American Revolution, a young soldier carrying a crucial message to General Washington is spotted and pursued by a group of enemy soldiers. He takes refuge with a civilian family, but is soon detected. The family and their neighbors must then make plans to see that the important message gets through after all.

Acclaimed actor and FDNY veteran Steve Buscemi looks at what it's like to work as a New York City firefighter. Utilizing exclusive behind-the-scenes footage and firsthand accounts from past and present firefighters, explore life in one of the world's most demanding fire departments while illuminating the lives of the often 'strong and silent' heroes.

A documentary overview of the career of silent cinema pioneer Edwin S. Porter.

Comedic portrait of middle-aged women in Rio de Janeiro, including overworked housewife Magali and her over-the-top twin sister Magda, psychoanalyst Paula and her troublesome daughter Melanie, and stage star in crisis Lise.

Als Johanna der Wochenendeinladung ihrer verwitweten Mutter folgt, rechnet sie nicht damit, dass Henriette ihr stolz ihren neuen, 25 Jahre jüngeren Freund präsentiert. Henriette ist demonstrativ glücklich mit Philipp, die überrumpelte Johanna dagegen schätzt ihn auf Anhieb als Typ Heiratsschwindler ein. Johannas Misstrauen, Henriettes Selbstgewissheit und dazwischen Philipp, der versucht, die Wogen zu glätten – das Zusammentreffen der drei gestaltet sich zunehmend schwierig. Mutter und Tochter wissen, wie sie Untertöne möglichst verletzend platzieren. Spätestens als Johanna beginnt, die Beziehung ernsthaft zu untergraben, stellt sich die Frage, ob es ihr wirklich nur um das Beste für Henriette geht.

The American composer and author Paul Bowles was a man with a great deal of charisma and influence. When he moved to Tangier, Morocco, in 1949, half the world followed him to the enigmatic city. His marriage with author Jane Bowles was a loving relationship of opposites, even though both were homosexual. Based on exclusive interviews with Bowles shortly before his death interwoven with anecdotes recounted by his friends and co-workers, the film portrays a daring and visionary life as well as a relationship shaped by an interdependency that encompassed much more than sexuality.

A gay teenager is haunted by a shadowy presence while his parents are getting a divorce, he can't seem to convey his emotions to his best friend or make his family listen. His world is turned upside down when the shadow reveals to him a darker secret his family keeps to him.

A group of wannabe ghost hunters set out to shoot a pilot in the old Hewitt house which is rumored to be haunted, faking everything, and get more than they bargain for. Eventually, things begin to happen at the house that cannot be easily explained. Is the house really haunted? Can anyone be trusted? We are at our most vulnerable when presented with our greatest desires or confronted with our greatest fears.

Chaos folgt einem tödlichen Duo wahnsinniger Attentäter, nachdem sie ein brutales, kompromissloses Turnier in einem unheimlichen Stahlkäfig veranstalten, der von rasiermesserscharfem Stacheldraht umgeben ist, nachdem sie hungrige, aufstrebende Models mit einem Preis in die Hinterwälder von Columbus, Ohio, gelockt haben gut um wahr zu sein. Gerade als sie das Blatt gegeneinander wenden, bedroht eine mysteriöse und eindringliche gewalttätige Füchsin, buchstäblich mit einer Axt zu schleifen, ihren Status als tödliche Attentäter in diesem blutgetränkten, schweißgetränkten Alptraum, den Sie nie vergessen werden. Inspiriert von erschreckend wahren Ereignissen.