The plot revolves around a young Buddhist monk named Tum who falls in love with a lovely girl named Teav. After returning to his native province, King Reamea invites Tum to sing at the royal palace. Teav's mother decides to marry her daughter to the son of Archun, the province's governor. However, Reamea urges that she marry the Cambodian monarch instead. Teav is brought to the palace, and Tom performs a song about his love for her. Reamea agrees to let the pair marry, but Archun murders Tum and Teav. Reamea instructs Archun's entire family to be buried.

Oh, Dior is an exclusive and sophisticated documentary on the French designer Christian Dior, celebrating the 70th anniversary of the brand.

A film that depicts the everyday life and the beauty of Portela’s Old Folk – a group of veteran samba musicians who belong to one of Rio’s most revered samba schools, the one with the most first places and accolades in Rio’s Carnaval pageant. These old gentelmen’s and ladies’ musicality and poetry are unveiled through their simple, but rich and meaningful, every day life in Oswaldo Cruz, a quaint neighborhood in Rio’s North Zone, that serves both as set and as a main character in this story.

The Bokelberg photographic collection brings to life the Paris of the Belle Époque (1871-1914), an exhibition of workshops and stores with extremely beautiful shop windows before which the owners and their employees proudly pose, hiding behind their eyes the secret history of a great era.

Joe Matarese is live in Philadelphia in his second 1 Hour Comedy Special called The Poster's Wrong. He's a very neurotic guy and if you saw Rocky 500 times like Joe did you will truly appreciate why this special is called the Poster's Wrong. Sit back and enjoy him in his element at Helium Comedy Club in Philadelphia.

A young man goes to a relative's house to celebrate Christmas, and finds that three female family members of different ages seek to advance their romantic attention.

Soon after their engagement, Bill goes to sea, and Emily vows to stay true until his return. Unknown to her, Bill marries another woman from a different port. Emily waits faithfully for six years, finally becoming dangerously ill. When Bill suddenly appears in town with his family, Joe, who has loved Emily all along, forces Bill to make Emily's final moments happy by pretending he has returned to marry her.

After finding an old nautical phone washed up on the shore, Natalie begins having dreams of the device ringing, followed by the presence of a shrouded woman in black. Natalie's already fragile grip on reality begins to slip.

In this vintage "adults-only" exploitationer, whiskey and fast cars lead an innocent young girl into a life of prostitution and murder.

2022 bilingual satire that follows an afternoon of TV.

Julie and Rebecca decide to have a girl's night.... but it might be their last.

On July 15th, 2022 Doug Duke turned 40 years old and he vowed to bowl a perfect game.

Highland Sunset and a final look at Class 37s on the West Highland Line to Fort William before the introduction of Class 66s. Crewe Open Weekend with a tour of Crewe Works during the open weekend of the 20th and 21st of May with a variety of traction plus coverage of specials to the event with 33 and 37 hauage. Class 58 Profile with only half of the original class still in action we take a look at the class from the 1980s to the present day. Devon Contrasts and Class 67 and 47 motive power along the famous stretch of sea wall from Starcross to Dawlish.