In the final months of World War II, 14-year-old Seita and his sister Setsuko are orphaned when their mother is killed during an air raid in Kobe, Japan. After a falling out with their aunt, they move into an abandoned bomb shelter. With no surviving relatives and their emergency rations depleted, Seita and Setsuko struggle to survive.

Koreja v tridesetih letih minulega stoletja, obdobje japonske okupacije. Japonska dedinja Hideko živi odmaknjeno v velikem podeželskem poslopju s svojim dominantnim stricem. Za hišno pomočnico s stricem najameta novo dekle Sookee, ki pa ima skrivnost. V resnici gre za žeparko v službi sleparja, ki se pretvarja, da je japonski grof. Ta poskuša lady zapeljati v poroko, nato pa jo oropati in zapreti v norišnico.

Eddy je postopač in šarmer s kvartopirskim talentom. Tri svoje najboljše prijatelje prepriča, da se mu pridružijo na najhitrejši poti do hitrega zaslužka. Prijatelji Eddyja založijo z življenjskimi prihranki in mu tako omogočijo, da sede za kvartopirsko mizo skupaj z zloglasnim gangsterjem Harryjem. Toda Harry kuha staro zamero do Eddyjevega očeta JD-ja. JD je edini, ki je Harryja premagal v igri s kartami in pobral dovolj denarja, da je odprl uspešen lokal. Harry namerava lokal prevzeti, zato Eddyja zmami v kvartopirsko igro, ki je zanj že vnaprej izgubljena. Eddy tako izgubi ves vložek in si nakoplje še pol milijona funtov dolga. V tednu dni mora zbrati denar, sicer mu bo trda predla.

Kot priredba japonskega filma iz leta 1987 "Hachiko Monogatari" in po resnični zgodbi "Hachi: A Dog's Tale" zasnovana pripoved spremlja Richarda Gera v vlogi univerzitetnega profesorja, ki najde zapuščenega psa in ubogo izgubljeno žival posvoji. Mož in njegov pes se kmalu nerazumljivo navežeta drug na drugega. Gerova soigralka je Joan Allen. Ganljiva resnična zgodba je ameriška priredba japonske pripovedi o zvestem psu po imenu Hachiko. Ta posebni človekov prijatelj vsak dan spremlja gospodarja na železniško postajo in se vsak popoldan vrne tja, da bi ga pozdravil. Nekega dne pa mož odpotuje in umre ter se ne vrne več na postajo. A Hachiko se zvesto vrne na isti kraj na železniški postaji tudi naslednjega dne in vsak dan po tistem, naslednjih devet let. Med čakanjem na gospodarja se dotakne življenj in src mnogih, ki delajo v bližini in potujejo čez mestni trg. Krajane tako nauči ljubezni, sočutja in neomajne zvestobe.

Mlada Riley si po selitvi družine skuša na novo organizirati življenje, pri zahtevni nalogi pa ji v njenem možganskem nadzornem centru ves čas svetujejo Veselje, Strah, Jeza, Gnus in Žalost. Naporno usklajevanje njihovih različnih karakterjev se povsem poruši, ko se Žalost in Veselje izgubita v deželi domišljije in sanj, kar povzroči zabavne spremembe v Rileynem obnašanju.

Overwhelmed by her suffocating schedule, touring European princess Ann takes off for a night while in Rome. When a sedative she took from her doctor kicks in, however, she falls asleep on a park bench and is found by an American reporter, Joe Bradley, who takes her back to his apartment for safety. At work the next morning, Joe finds out Ann's regal identity and bets his editor he can get exclusive interview with her, but romance soon gets in the way.

The Alchemist assembles together a group of people from all walks of life to represent the planets in the solar system. The occult adept's intention is to put his recruits through strange mystical rites and divest them of their worldly baggage before embarking on a trip to Lotus Island. There they ascend the Holy Mountain to displace the immortal gods who secretly rule the universe.

A faithful retelling of the 1942 "Vel' d'Hiv Roundup" and the events surrounding it.

A dramatized account of a great Russian naval mutiny and a resultant public demonstration, showing support, which brought on a police massacre. The film had an incredible impact on the development of cinema and is a masterful example of montage editing.

Young Dorothy finds herself in a magical world where she makes friends with a lion, a scarecrow and a tin man as they make their way along the yellow brick road to talk with the Wizard and ask for the things they miss most in their lives. The Wicked Witch of the West is the only thing that could stop them.

Skrivnostni, molčeči mladenič se čez dan udinja kot mehanik v neki zamazani losangeleški garaži in kot hollywoodski kaskader, čez noč pa kot voznik z domala nečloveškimi spretnostmi svoje usluge ponuja kriminalcem. Idilično, mirno trojno življenje se zaplete, ko se mladenič zaljubi v lepo sosedo (Mulligan) z majhnim otrokom in možem v zaporu.

An ex-fighter pilot forced to take over the controls of an airliner when the flight crew succumbs to food poisoning.

Justine and Michael are celebrating their marriage at a sumptuous party in the home of her sister Claire, and brother-in-law John. Despite Claire’s best efforts, the wedding is a fiasco, with family tensions mounting and relationships fraying. Meanwhile, a planet called Melancholia is heading directly towards Earth…

Za gimnazijko Adèle je samoumevno, da punce hodijo s fanti. Njen zasanjani sošolec Thomas je zatreskan vanjo, toda Adèle ne more pozabiti bežnega srečanja s študentko umetnosti modrih las Emmo. Dekleti se znova srečata, ko se Adèle prvič opogumi za obisk lezbičnega bara. Ljubezen med njima hitro vzplamti in ju popelje do vrhunca sreče in čutnih užitkov. Vendar se v nasprotju s starejšo, bolj svetovljansko Emmo Adèle ne vživi povsem v svojo spolno identiteto in jo še vedno previdno prikriva. Nekaj let pozneje par zaživi skupaj v krhki sreči. Adèle raste, se išče, se izgublja in se najde…

In this classic story of love and devotion set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, a wounded Confederate soldier named W.P. Inman deserts his unit and travels across the South, aiming to return to his young wife, Ada, who he left behind to tend their farm. As Inman makes his perilous journey home, Ada struggles to keep their home intact with the assistance of Ruby, a mysterious drifter sent to help her by a kindly neighbor.

After a violent storm, a dense cloud of mist envelops a small Maine town, trapping artist David Drayton and his five-year-old son in a local grocery store with other people. They soon discover that the mist conceals deadly horrors that threaten their lives, and worse, their sanity.

Dogajanje je postavljeno v leto 2274. Modernizirana, navidezno idilična družba je ujetnik postapokaliptičnega podzemnega sintetičnega prostora. Prostorska stiska in neoporečen življenjski slog zahtevata svoje - vsakega prebivalca v tridesetem letu starosti usmrtijo. Kot se za vsako družbo spodobi, tudi Loganova obudi v življenje sistemu primerno religijo. Hiba (črna luknja) vsake družbe pa je seveda svobodomiselni upornik. V tem primeru je to seveda Logan, ki se iz povprečnega anti-junaka kaj kmalu spremeni v heroja.

A teen gang in a South London housing estate must team up with the other residents to protect their neighbourhood from a terrifying alien invasion.

Tommy Jarvis, tormented by the fear that maybe Jason isn't really dead, unwittingly resurrects the mass murderer for another bloody rampage.

A lazy, incompetent middle school teacher who hates her job and her students is forced to return to her job to make enough money for a boob job after her rich fiancé dumps her.